智慧农业 >
2020 , Vol. 2 >Issue 2: 115 - 125
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12133/j.smartag.2020.2.2.202004-SA001
杨选将(1987-),男,博士研究生,研究实习员,研究方向为畜禽养殖环境控制与废弃物处理技术。E-mail:664663901@qq.com。 |
收稿日期: 2020-03-29
修回日期: 2020-06-27
网络出版日期: 2020-08-10
Beehive Key Parameters Online Monitoring System and Performance Test
Received date: 2020-03-29
Revised date: 2020-06-27
Online published: 2020-08-10
随着信息技术的发展,利用大数据分析、物联网监控、传感器感知、无线通信等技术构建一种蜂箱蜂群实时在线监测系统,是减少因开箱检查造成蜂群应激反应的可行解决方案。本研究针对蜂箱封闭环境进行实时监测困难的现状,利用STM32F103VBT6 32位微控制器,同时融合了温湿度传感器、微麦克风以及激光对射传感器,开发了一套低功耗、可连续工作的蜂群箱体关键参数在线监测系统,实现了养蜂生产过程中多参数信息获取以及蜂箱内蜂群的环境参数和生活状态的实时在线监测。系统主要包括核心处理模块、数据采集模块、数据发送模块以及数据库服务器等。数据采集模块包括蜂箱内部温湿度采集单元、蜂群声音采集单元、蜜蜂进出巢数量计数单元等,通过接入移动通信网络进行数据传输。系统现场部署性能测试结果表明,研制的系统能够实时监测蜂箱内温湿度,有效区别进出蜂箱的蜜蜂并记录进出巢门的蜜蜂数量,且自动获取的蜂群声音与标准的蜂群声音分布相吻合。本系统符合设计要求,采集参数准确可靠,可以作为蜂群相关研究的数据采集方法。
杨选将 , 李华龙 , 李淼 , 胡泽林 , 廖建军 , 刘先旺 , 郭盼盼 , 岳旭东 . 蜂群箱体关键参数在线监测系统与性能测试[J]. 智慧农业, 2020 , 2(2) : 115 -125 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.2020.2.2.202004-SA001
With the development of information technology, using big data analysis, monitoring of Internet of Things, sensor perception, wireless communication and other technologies to build a real-time online monitoring system for beehive is a feasible solution for reducing the stress response of bee colony caused by check the beehive artificially. Focusing on situation that real-time monitoring in the closed environment of the beehive is difficult, the STM32F103VBT6 32-bit microcontroller, integrated with the temperature and humidity sensor, microphone, and laser beam sensor were used in this study to develop a low-power, continuous working online monitoring system for the multi-parameter information acquisition and monitoring of beehive key parameters. The system mainly includes core processing module, data acquisition module, data sending module and database server. The data collection module includes a temperature and humidity collection unit inside the beehive, a bee colony sound collection unit, a bee in and out nest number counting unit, etc., and transfers data by accessing the mobile communication network. The performance test results of system on-site deployment showed that the developed system could monitor the temperature and humidity in the beehive in real time, effectively distinguish the bees of entering and leaving the beehive, record the numbers of bees of entering and leaving the nest door, and the bee colony sounds that the automatically obtained were consistent with the standard sound distribution of bee colony. The results indicate that this system meets the design requirements, can accurately and reliably collect the beehive parameters data, and can be used as a data collection method for related research of bee colony.
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