Agricultural Sensor: Research Progress, Challenges and Perspectives
Received date: 2024-01-05
Online published: 2024-04-07
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFD1701800)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(12304236)
Anhui Province Science and Technology Major Project(2020b06050001)
Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation(2308085QA19)
Science and Technology Mission Program of Anhui Province(S2022t06010123)
The Dean Foundation of Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences(YZJJ2024QN38)
Significance Agricultural sensor is the key technology for developing modern agriculture. Agricultural sensor is a kind of detection device that can sense and convert physical signal, which is related to the agricultural environment, plants and animals, into an electrical signal. Agricultural sensors could be applied to monitor crops and livestock in different agricultural environments, including weather, water, atmosphere and soil. It is also an important driving force to promote the iterative upgrading of agricultural technology and change agricultural production methods. Progress The different agricultural sensors are categorized, the cutting-edge research trends of agricultural sensors are analyzed, and summarizes the current research status of agricultural sensors are summarized in different application scenarios. Moreover, a deep analysis and discussion of four major categories is conducted, which include agricultural environment sensors, animal and plant life information sensors, agricultural product quality and safety sensors, and agricultural machinery sensors. The process of research, development, the universality and limitations of the application of the four types of agricultural sensors are summarized. Agricultural environment sensors are mainly used for real-time monitoring of key parameters in agricultural production environments, such as the quality of water, gas, and soil. The soil sensors provide data support for precision irrigation, rational fertilization, and soil management by monitoring indicators such as soil humidity, pH, temperature, nutrients, microorganisms, pests and diseases, heavy metals and agricultural pollution, etc. Monitoring of dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate content, and organophosphorus pesticides in irrigation and aquaculture water through water sensors ensures the rational use of water resources and water quality safety. The gas sensor monitors the atmospheric CO2, NH3, C2H2, CH4 concentration, and other information, which provides the appropriate environmental conditions for the growth of crops in greenhouses. The animal life information sensor can obtain the animal's growth, movement, physiological and biochemical status, which include movement trajectory, food intake, heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, blood glucose, etc. The plant life information sensors monitor the plant's health and growth, such as volatile organic compounds of the leaves, surface temperature and humidity, phytohormones, and other parameters. Especially, the flexible wearable plant sensors provide a new way to measure plant physiological characteristics accurately and monitor the water status and physiological activities of plants non-destructively and continuously. These sensors are mainly used to detect various indicators in agricultural products, such as temperature and humidity, freshness, nutrients, and potentially hazardous substances (e.g., bacteria, pesticide residues, heavy metals, etc. Agricultural machinery sensors can achieve real-time monitoring and controlling of agricultural machinery to achieve real-time cultivation, planting, management, and harvesting, automated operation of agricultural machinery, and accurate application of pesticide, fertilizer. [Conclusions and Prospects In the challenges and prospects of agricultural sensors, the core bottlenecks of large-scale application of agricultural sensors at the present stage are analyzed in detail. These include low-cost, specialization, high stability, and adaptive intelligence of agricultural sensors. Furthermore, the concept of "ubiquitous sensing in agriculture" is proposed, which provides ideas and references for the research and development of agricultural sensor technology.
WANG Rujing . Agricultural Sensor: Research Progress, Challenges and Perspectives[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2024 , 6(1) : 1 -17 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202401017
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