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    Call for papers: Crop Information Monitoring Technology

  • Gest Editor: Prof. Haiyan Cen, Zhejiang University, the Vice Dean of College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science


    Special issue information:

    Real-time and accurate acquisition of farmland information and crop growth status, and refined production management (irrigation, fertilization, pest control, etc.) decisions plays an important role in improving crop yield and products quality, and can provide technical foundations for agricultural intelligent planting, business informatization and digital management. In order to futher report the latest research progress in this field, Smart Agriculture (ISSN: 2096-8094) plans to lunch the special issue of "Crop Information Monitoring Technology". This special issue argues for consolidation of cutting-edge research in crop information monitoring technology. In line with Smart Agriculture’s expectations of contributions to theory and practice, we call for robust theorizing and methodological innovation, as well as to application mode exploration and other aspects in this field.


    Potential themes could include, but are not limited to:

    Crop phenotype acquisition and analysis, crop growth stress factor monitoring, crop nutrition index monitoring, crop yield estimation, intelligent information analysis algorithm, multi-source data information mining, new equipment for information monitoring, etc.

    Manuscript submission information:

    2 For unpublished original research papers, in either Chinese or English, which in line with the scope of the special issue, with clear viewpoints, detailed materials, correct data, reasonable argumentation.

    2 The text should be concise and the content should be detailed, including title, author information, abstract, keywords, fund items, text, references, charts, figures. Submit in word format no less than 5000 words in English.

    2 Online submission:


    or E-mail: smartag@caas.cn (recommended for non-Chinese authors)

    Manuscript submission deadline:

    2 Submission deadline: August 15, 2023

    2 Expected publication: October, 2023

    We welcome informal inquiries relating to the Special Issue, proposed topics, and potential fit with the Special Issue objectives. Please direct any questions on the Special Issue to the Guest Editor: Haiyan Cen, hycen@zju.edu.cn.

    Should you have any queries, please contact the editorial office at +86-010-82109657 or smartag@caas.cn.


  • Pubdate: 2023-04-26    Viewed: 250