1 精准农业航空概述
2 无人机农业遥感系统
2.1 无人机低空遥感影像采集系统
2.2 无人机遥感图像解译方法
3 无人机遥感在农作物病虫草害监测研究进展
图7 2003-2018年期间无人机遥感农作物病虫草害科技论文数量Fig. 7 Comparison of the number of scientific papers on crop diseases, insects and weeds by UAV remote sensing during 2003-2018 |
兰玉彬(1961-),男,博士,教授,欧洲科学、艺术与人文学院院士,格鲁吉亚国家科学院外籍院士,研究方向:精准农业航空,Email:ylan@scau.edu.cn。 |
收稿日期: 2019-04-01
要求修回日期: 2019-04-18
网络出版日期: 2019-04-30
Advances in diagnosis of crop diseases, pests and weeds by UAV remote sensing
Received date: 2019-04-01
Request revised date: 2019-04-18
Online published: 2019-04-30
兰玉彬 , 邓小玲 , 曾国亮 . 无人机农业遥感在农作物病虫草害诊断应用研究进展[J]. 智慧农业, 2019 , 1(2) : 1 -19 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.2.201904-SA003
Rapid acquisition and analysis of crop information is the precondition and basis for carrying out precision agricultural practice. Variable spraying and agricultural operation management based on the actual degree of crop diseases, pests and weeds can reduce the cost of agricultural production, optimize crop cultivation, improve crop yield and quality, and thus achieve precise agricultural management. In recent years, with the rapid development of UAV industry, UAV agricultural remote sensing technologies have played an important role in monitoring crop diseases, insects and weeds because of high spatial resolution, strong timeliness and low cost. Firstly, this research introduces the basic idea and system composition of precision agricultural aviation, and the status of UAV remote sensing in precision agricultural aviation. Then, the common UAV remote sensing imaging and interpreting methods were discussed, and the progress of UAV agricultural remote sensing technologies in detecting crop diseases, pests and weeds were respectively expounded. Finally, the challenges in the development of UAV agricultural remote sensing technologies nowadays were summarized, and the future development directions of UAV agricultural remote sensing were prospected. This research can provide theoretical references and technical supports for the development of UAV remote sensing technology in the field of precision agricultural aviation.
图7 2003-2018年期间无人机遥感农作物病虫草害科技论文数量Fig. 7 Comparison of the number of scientific papers on crop diseases, insects and weeds by UAV remote sensing during 2003-2018 |
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