陈学庚(1947-),男,研究员,中国工程院院士,研究方向为农业生产机械化和残膜污染治理。E-mail:chenxg130@sina.com。 |
收稿日期: 2020-02-11
修回日期: 2020-06-30
网络出版日期: 2021-02-05
Advances and Progress of Agricultural Machinery and Sensing Technology Fusion
Received date: 2020-02-11
Revised date: 2020-06-30
Online published: 2021-02-05
陈学庚 , 温浩军 , 张伟荣 , 潘佛雏 , 赵岩 . 农业机械与信息技术融合发展现状与方向[J]. 智慧农业, 2020 , 2(4) : 1 -16 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.2020.2.4.202002-SA003
Agricultural machinery and equipment are important foundations for transforming agricultural development methods and promoting sustainable agricultural development, as well as are the key areas and core supports for promoting agricultural modernization. In order to clarify the development ideas of agricultural machinery informatization and find the key development directions, and vigorously promote the development of agricultural machinery intelligentization, the development status of foreign agricultural machinery and sensing technology fusion were analyzed in this article, and five major development characteristics: 1) development towarding digitalization, automation and informationization, 2) applying sensing technology to the design and manufacturing of agricultural machinery equipment, 3) rapidly developing of animal husbandry machinery sensing technology, 4) focusing on resource conservation and environmental protection, and sensing technology promoting sustainable agricultural development, and 5) towarding intelligent control, automatic operation and driving comfort development were summarized. Among them, some advanced intelligent agricultural machinery were introduced, including the German Krone BiGX700 self-propelled silage harvester, an automatic weeding and fertilization robot developed by the Queensland University of Technology in Australia—Agbot II, and John Deere CP690 self-propelled baler Cotton machine, etc. After that, the new characteristics of the development of agricultural mechanization in China were summarize, and the viewpoint was pointed out that although the current development of agricultural mechanization in China had achieved remarkable results, there were still problems such as low intelligence and informatization of agricultural machinery, and insufficient fusion of agricultural machinery and informatization. Then the prospects for the development of China's agricultural machinery and sensing technology fusion were put forward, including 1) promoting the development of intelligent perception technology and navigation technology research, 2) promoting the intelligentization of agricultural machinery and equipment, and building an agricultural intelligent operation system, 3) promoting the research of agricultural machinery autonomous operation technology and the construction of unmanned farms, and 4) strengthening the technical standard formulation of agricultural machinery informatization and the training of compound talents. The fusion of agricultural machinery and sensing technology can realize the effective and diversified fusion of agricultural mechanization and sensing technology, maximize the guiding effect of informatization, improve the efficiency of agricultural production in China, and promote the development of digital agriculture and modern agriculture.
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