1 引 言
2 材料与方法
2.1 图像采集
2.1.1 无人机可见光图像采集
2.1.2 表型平台可见光图像采集
2.2 数据集构建
2.2.1 图像预处理
2.2.2 最终数据集组成
2.3 玉米幼苗检测网络
2.3.1 Faster R-CNN模型框架
2.3.2 ResNet50特征提取网络
表2 ResNet 50参数配置Table 2 Parameters of ResNet 50 |
网络层 | 卷积核 | 通道数 | 残差结构数量 |
Layer-1 | 卷积操作(卷积核7×7,64),Stride=2 | ||
最大池化操作(池化矩形3×3),Stride=2 | |||
Layer-2 | 1×1 | 64 | 3 |
3×3 | 64 | ||
1×1 | 256 | ||
Layer-3 | 1×1 | 128 | 4 |
3×3 | 128 | ||
1×1 | 512 | ||
Layer-4 | 1×1 | 256 | 6 |
3×3 | 256 | ||
1×1 | 1024 | ||
Layer-5 | 1×1 | 512 | 3 |
3×3 | 512 | ||
1×1 | 2048 | ||
Layer-6 | 平均池化操作1×1,FC-1000,Softmax |
2.3.3 激活函数与损失函数
3 结果与分析
3.1 试验参数设置及训练过程分析
3.2 模型训练结果
3.3 评价指标
表3 基于VGG和ResNet的Faster R-CNN在测试集输出结果对比Table 3 Comparison of output results of Faster R-CNN based on VGG and ResNet in the test set |
特征提取网络 | P/% | R/% | IOU | MAE |
VGG | 89.42 | 86.81 | 75.04 | 6.2816 |
ResNet | 91.87 | 90.13 | 82.57 | 5.6361 |
表4 本研究模型在表型平台晴天和阴天图像输出结果比较Table 4 Comparison of the output results of the model in the images of HTPP on sunny and cloudy days |
光照情况 | P/% | R/% | IOU | MAE |
晴天 | 95.67 | 93.36 | 85.57 | 4.3682 |
阴天 | 91.36 | 89.23 | 83.04 | 5.2314 |
表5 本研究模型在无人机晴天和阴天图像输出结果比较Table 5 Comparison of the output results of the model in the UAV images on sunny and cloudy days |
光照情况 | P/% | R/% | IOU | MAE |
晴天 | 91.43 | 89.46 | 86.01 | 5.3521 |
阴天 | 89.77 | 87.81 | 83.04 | 5.9564 |
3.4 玉米出苗动态监测
表6 不同品种不同密度玉米植株出苗至结束所需天数统计表Table 6 Statistics of the number of days required from emergence to end of different varieties and different densities meter |
品种 | 种植密度/(株·ha-1) | 出苗天数/天 |
AD | 25,000 | 5 |
40,000 | 8 | |
55,000 | 7 | |
XD | 25,000 | 3 |
40,000 | 4 | |
55,000 | 5 |