杨 亮(1980-),男,博士,研究员,研究方向为智慧畜牧业。E-mail: yangliang@caas.cn |
收稿日期: 2022-03-01
网络出版日期: 2022-06-17
Research Progress and Outlook of Livestock Feeding Robot
Received date: 2022-03-01
Online published: 2022-06-17
杨亮 , 熊本海 , 王辉 , 陈睿鹏 , 赵一广 . 家畜饲喂机器人研究进展与发展展望[J]. 智慧农业, 2022 , 4(2) : 86 -98 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202204001
The production mode of livestock breeding has changed from extensive to intensive, and the production level is improved. However, low labor productivity and labor shortage have seriously restricted the rapid development of China's livestock breeding industry. As a new intelligent agricultural machinery equipment, agricultural robot integrates advanced technologies, such as intelligent monitoring, automatic control, image recognition technology, environmental modeling algorithm, sensors, flexible execution, etc. Using modern information and artificial intelligence technology, developing livestock feeding and pushing robots, realizing digital and intelligent livestock breeding, improving livestock breeding productivity are the main ways to solve the above contradiction. In order to deeply analyze the research status of robot technology in livestock breeding, products and literature were collected worldwide. This paper mainly introduced the research progress of livestock feeding robot from three aspects: Rail feeding robot, self-propelled feeding robot and pushing robot, and analyzed the technical characteristics and practical application of feeding robot.The rail feeding robot runs automatically along the fixed track, identifies the target animal, positions itself, and accurately completes feed delivery through preset programs to achieve accurate feeding of livestock. The self-propelled feeding robot can walk freely in the farm and has automatic navigation and positioning functions. The system takes single chip microcomputer as the control core and realizes automatic walking by sensor and communication module. Compared with the rail feeding robot, the feeding process is more flexible, convenient and technical, which is more conducive to the promotion and application of livestock farms. The pushing robot will automatically push the feed to the feeding area, promote the increase of feed intake of livestock, and effectively reduce the labor demand of the farm. By comparing the feeding robots of developed countries and China from two aspects of technology and application, it is found that China has achieved some innovation in technology, while developted countries do better in product application. The development of livestock robot was prospected. In terms of strategic planning, it is necessary to keep up with the international situation and the trend of technological development, and formulate the agricultural robot development strategic planning in line with China's national conditions. In terms of the development of core technologies, more attention should be paid to the integration of information perception, intelligent sensors and deep learning algorithms to realize human-computer interaction. In terms of future development trends, it is urgent to strengthen innovation, improve the friendliness and intelligence of the robot, and improve the learning ability of the robot. To sum up, intelligent livestock feeding and pushing machine operation has become a cutting-edge technology in the field of intelligent agriculture, which will surely lead to a new round of agricultural production technology reform, promote the transformation and upgrading of China's livestock industry. .
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