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  • 李露 , 1, 2, 3 ,
  • 葛玉卿 , 1, 2 ,
  • 赵建龙 , 1, 2
  • 1. 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 传感技术联合国家重点实验室,上海 200050,中国
  • 2. 中国科学院大学材料与光电研究中心,北京 100049,中国
  • 3. 中国科学院大学,北京 100039,中国

李 露,研究方向为环境传感器。E-mail:

LI Lu, E-mail:

收稿日期: 2023-09-15

  网络出版日期: 2024-02-01

Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor Based on MoS2

  • LI Lu , 1, 2, 3 ,
  • GE Yuqing , 1, 2 ,
  • ZHAO Jianlong , 1, 2
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem andInformation Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
  • 2. Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100039, China
GE Yuqing, E-mail:
ZHAO Jianlong, E-mail:

Received date: 2023-09-15

  Online published: 2024-02-01

Supported by

National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFD2000204)


copyright©2024 by the authors


目的/意义 土壤中含水率直接影响农作物生长状态和产量。开发出一种可靠、高效的土壤湿度传感器对实施农田科学灌溉具有重要指导意义。 方法 本研究提出一种基于微加工工艺制备的二硫化钼电容式土壤湿度传感器,通过叉指电极上同一平面上的金电极阵列实现数个电容并联,表面修饰二硫化钼作为敏感层实现对土壤湿度的测量。通过计算及使用COMSOL Multiphysics多物理场仿真软件研究电极参数对电容敏感度的影响,最终确定电极参数使用10 μm间距、75对叉指。 结果和讨论 在保证测量精度的前提下,大大缩小了传感器的体积,可以实现土壤湿度的原位动态监测。在室温下相对湿度值从11%变化到96%时,电容式土壤湿度传感器在200 Hz频率下的电容输出为12.13 pf~187.42 nF;当土壤含水量由8.66%增加到42.75%时,传感器的电容输出在200 Hz频率下由119.51 nF增长到377.98 nF,显示出较高的湿度灵敏度及较宽的敏感范围。 结论 本研究提出的土壤水分传感器有望实现原位长期监测电容式土壤传感器的电容变化,从而监测土壤湿度的变化。


李露 , 葛玉卿 , 赵建龙 . 基于二硫化钼的电容式土壤湿度传感器[J]. 智慧农业, 2024 , 6(1) : 28 -35 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202309020


Objective The soil moisture content is a crucial factor that directly affected the growth and yield of crops. By using a soil measurement instrument to measure the soil's moisture content, lots of powerful data support for the development of agriculture can be provided. Furthermore, these data have guiding significance for the implementation of scientific irrigation and water-saving irrigation in farmland. In order to develop a reliable and efficient soil moisture sensor, a new capacitive soil moisture sensor based on microfabrication technology was proposed in this study. Capacitive moisture sensors have the advantages of low power consumption, good performance, long-term stability, and easy industrialization. Method The forked electrode array consists of multiple capacitors connected in parallel on the same plane. The ideal design parameters of 10 μm spacing and 75 pairs of forked electrodes were obtained by calculating the design of forked finger logarithms, forked finger spacing, forked finger width, forked finger length, and electrode thickness, and studying the influence of electrode parameters on capacitance sensitivity using COMSOL Multiphysics software. The size obtained an initial capacitance on the order of picofarads, and was not easily breakdown or failed. The sensor was constructed using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, where a 30 nm titanium adhesion layer was sputtered onto a glass substrate, followed by sputtering a 100 nm gold electrode to form a symmetrical structure of forked electrodes. Due to the strong adsorption capacity of water molecules of the MoS2 (molybdenum disulfide) layer, it exhibited high sensitivity to soil moisture and demonstrated excellent soil moisture sensing performance. The molybdenum disulfide was coated onto the completed electrodes as the humidity-sensitive material to create a humidity sensing layer. When the humidity changed, the dielectric constant of the electrode varied due to the moisture-absorbing characteristics of molybdenum disulfide, and the capacitance value of the device changed accordingly, thus enabling the measurement of soil moisture. Subsequently, the electrode was encapsulated with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) polymer film. The electrode encapsulated with the microporous film could be directly placed in the soil, which avoided direct contact between the soil/sand particles and the molybdenum disulfide on the device and allowed the humidity sensing unit to only capture the moisture in the soil for measuring humidity. This ensured the device's sensitivity to water moisture and improved its long-term stability. The method greatly reduced the size of the sensor, making it an ideal choice for on-site dynamic monitoring of soil moisture. Results and Discussions The surface morphology of molybdenum disulfide was characterized and analyzed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). It was observed that molybdenum disulfide nanomaterial exhibited a sheet-like two-dimensional structure, with smooth surfaces on the nanosheets. Some nanosheets displayed sharp edges or irregular shapes along the edges, and they were irregularly arranged with numerous gaps in between. The capacitive soil moisture sensor, which utilized molybdenum disulfide as the humidity-sensitive layer, exhibited excellent performance under varying levels of environmental humidity and soil moisture. At room temperature, a humidity generator was constructed using saturated salt solutions. Saturated solutions of lithium chloride, potassium acetate, magnesium chloride, copper chloride, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate were used to generate relative humidity levels of 11%, 23%, 33%, 66%, 75%, 84%, and 96%, respectively. The capacitance values of the sensor were measured at different humidity levels using an LCR meter (Agilent E4980A). The capacitance output of the sensor at a frequency of 200 Hz ranged from 12.13 pF to 187.42 nF as the relative humidity varied between 11% to 96%. The sensor exhibited high sensitivity and a wide humidity sensing range. Additionally, the frequency of the input voltage signal had a significant impact on the capacitance output of the sensor. As the testing frequency increased, the response of the sensor's system decreased. The humidity sensing performance of the sensor was tested in soil samples with moisture content of 8.66%, 13.91%, 22.02%, 31.11%, and 42.75%, respectively. As the moisture content in the soil increased from 8.66% to 42.75%, the capacitance output of the sensor at a frequency of 200 Hz increased from 119.51 nF to 377.98 nF, demonstrating a relatively high sensitivity. Similarly, as the frequency of the input voltage increased, the capacitance output of the sensor decreased. Additionally, the electrode exhibited good repeatability and the sensitivity of the sensor increased significantly as the testing frequency decreased. Conclusions The capacitive soil moisture sensor holds promise for effective and accurate monitoring of soil moisture levels, with its excellent performance, sensitivity, repeatability, and responsiveness to changes in humidity and soil moisture. The ultimate goal of this study is to achieve long-term monitoring of capacitance changes in capacitive soil moisture sensors, enabling monitoring of long-term changes in soil moisture. This will enable farmers to optimize irrigation systems, improve crop yields, and reduce water usage. In conclusion, the development of this innovative soil moisture sensor has the potential to promote agricultural modernization by providing accurate and reliable monitoring of soil moisture levels.

0 引言

随着土壤传感器领域技术的发展,国内外研究人员提出了一系列测量土壤湿度的方法。目前使用比较广泛的是时域反射法(Time Domain Reflection, TDR)和频域反射法(Frequency Domain Reflection, FDR)。TDR法是根据电磁波在介质中的传播速度来检测土壤中的水分。土壤湿度的高低会改变土壤的介电常数,从而使电磁波的传播速度发生改变。测量探头端发出的电磁波信号通过传输线返回测量仪器的接收端,后续的信号分析系统分析接收信号的速度和幅度的变化,得到引起速度变化的土壤介电常数值。然后,通过建立土壤含水量与介电常数的对应关系,得到土壤含水量3。FDR法测量土壤湿度与TDR法类似,使用FDR法的土壤湿度测量仪器主要包含振荡电路和检测探头,当探头插入土壤中时,电极相当于电容器的两个极板,土壤就是电介质,它们共同组成了平行板电容器。加上振荡电路,就形成了调谐电路。平行板电容器的电容值随土壤湿度的改变而变化,从而引起振荡器的频率改变。此时,根据频率的变化量可以得到土壤在某一湿度下的电容值,根据电容值与介电常数二者之间的相互关系,对土壤在此湿度下的介电常数进行计算,对应转换为土壤的体积含水率4。与TDR法相比,FDR方法成本更低,使用更加方便,但也存在探测范围有限、无法长时间原位测量等问题5
此外,针对土壤水分,还有热电线电阻法测量、中子仪法测量、张力计法测量、驻波率比法等6。这些方法均以单点式测量为主,多为探针式传感器,将传感器插入土壤中进行测量。这类传感器一般只能测量近地表30 cm以内的土壤7,且体积大8,难以原位测量9。随着微电子技术的发展,研究人员使用微电子和微纳米加工工艺,成功缩小传感器体积,实现小体积化。微机电系统(Micro Electromechanical System, MEMS)传感器便是采用微电子制造技术制造的传感器,将传感器与半导体工艺结合起来,使传统的传感器功能可以复制在微型芯片上。MEMS传感器具有体积小、功耗低的特点,可广泛应用于各个领域10。叉指电极便是一种使用微机电系统工艺加工的梳状电极,具有周期性对称结构。当敏感材料涂覆在叉指电极表面时,互相错开的一对电极便可以看作是一个电容器,整个叉指电极可以看作是多个电容并联。

1 感湿原理

1.1 电容式湿度传感器


1.2 二硫化钼

图1 二硫化钼的结构

Fig. 1 The structure of MoS2


2 土壤湿度传感器的结构设计

2.1 叉指电极的设计

叉指电极可以看作是多个电容并联而来的电极,对叉指数为N的电极,其电容值Ctot 计算方法为21公式(1)。
C t o t = N - 3 C 1 2 + C E C 1 C E + C 1
式中:C1 为内部电容,nF;CE 为外部电容,nF。C1CE 均和叉指间距成负相关。当电极尺寸确定后,C1CE 与介电常数呈正相关。叉指电极的电容值与其尺寸关系如公式(2)所示。
C = ε n w ( L - x ) d
式中:C为湿度传感器电容值,nF;n 为叉指电极对数,对;w 为叉指电极厚度,μm;L 为叉指电极长度,μm;x 为叉指到另一电极的距离,μm;d 为叉指之间间距,μm。本研究中单电极尺寸在长宽小于1 cm,放置于土壤中不影响土壤结构状态,不影响农作物的正常生长发育。同时,为了得到pf量级的初始电容,设计使用75对间距为10 μm,宽度为3 300 μm的叉指电极,在尺寸及输出电容上均满足条件,同时10 μm的间距不易击穿失效。
COMSOL Multiphysics是一款多物理场仿真软件,可以提炼物理问题、分离出来一个基本模型。对这个模型的区域进行物理场的添加,再进行材料的添加指定及网格划分,就可以研究物理量对物体的作用22。为了仿真得出设计尺寸电极的初始电容值,在COMSOL Multiphysics中建立了经计算所得尺寸的叉指电极模型,使用尺寸为4 mm×8 mm×0.4 mm的玻璃作为基板,在基板上构建由30 nm的金属钛、100 nm的金属金组成叉指结构,模型如图2(a)所示。物理研究方面,引入了“静电(es)”物理场,给电极的一端施加3.3 V电压,另一端接地。最后采用“自由四面体网格”进行网格划分,在玻璃部分粗糙划分,电极部分精细划分,兼顾了计算的精度与计算量。
C = 2 Ω D × E d Ω V 2
式中:D 为电位移,C/m²;E为静电场,V/m。计算得到电容值为14.49 pf,符合预期设计。
图2 叉指电极的结构及电势

Fig. 2 The structure and potential of IDE

2.2 电极的制备

根据COMSOL Multiphysics的仿真结果,采用MEMS工艺构建叉指电极。首先对玻璃基底进行清洗,在基底正面用匀胶机涂布一层光刻胶,然后曝光再显影去除曝光部分的光刻胶。采用磁控溅射工艺在基底上溅射30 nm的金属钛、100 nm的金属金,形成对称结构的叉指电极。最后去胶划片得到符合设计尺寸的叉指电极。使用电感电容电阻(Inductance Capacitance Resistance, LCR)测试仪(Agilent E4980A)在1 kHz频率下测试电极的电容输出是否符合预期,并在显微镜下观察叉指形态,确保电极完好无故障。
然后制作湿度感知层。具体地,量取10 mg的MoS2粉末加入1 mL的无水乙醇中,放入水中超声处理30 min,使之充分均匀混合,得到MoS2分散液。将MoS2分散液均匀滴附在叉指电极上,置于80 ℃的热板上加热30 min烘干。在溶剂蒸发后,MoS2纳米颗粒均匀的附着在叉指电极上并填充进叉指电极的缝隙中。
图3 微孔膜封装的电极

Fig. 3 IDE encapsulated in microporous membranes

2.3 传感器的湿度性能测试

饱和盐溶液在一定的温度下会建立温度、气相、液相的三相平衡,产生一个稳定的湿度值。在22 ℃的室温下,使用饱和盐溶液构建湿度发生装置。通过氯化锂、醋酸钾、氯化镁、氯化铜、氯化钠、氯化钾和硫酸钾的饱和溶液,分别构建了11%、23%、33%、66%、75%、84%和96%的相对湿度23。将湿度传感器的敏感电极置于由饱和盐溶液形成的有稳定湿度的气相环境中,使用LCR测试仪(Agilent E4980A)测试在传感器不同湿度下的电容值。根据传感器的输出电容值,计算相应的响应结果,响应Response的计算由公式(4)给出:
R e s p o n s e = C x - C i C i
式中:Ci 为电极在11% RH(相对湿度,Relative Humidity)条件下的电容值,nF;Cx 为电极在x% RH条件下的电容值,nF。
θ = W 1 - W 0 W 0 × 100 %
式中:W 0为土壤干重,g;W 1为土壤湿重,g。将传感器置于经烘干法测定过湿度的土壤中,测试传感器在土壤中的湿度传感性能。

3 传感器湿度响应结果与分析

3.1 二硫化钼材料表征

采用扫描电子显微镜(Seamning Eleetron Microseope, SEM)对MoS2的表面形态进行表征分析,SEM表征图像如图4所示,可以看出,MoS2纳米材料呈片状二维结构,纳米片的表面具有光滑的特征,边缘会有一些尖锐的棱角或不规则的形状,纳米片不规则排列,中间存在大量缝隙。
图4 MoS2的扫描电子显微镜表征

Fig. 4 Seamning eleetron microseope characterization of of MoS2

3.2 传感器的湿度响应

LCR测试仪可以给电极施加不同频率的输入电压。图5给出了200 Hz至100 kHz的不同工作频率下不同湿度环境下器件的输出电容值变化。
图5 MoS2湿度传感器电容—湿度曲线

Fig. 5 MoS2 moisture sensor capacitance-humidity curve

图5所示,传感器的电容输出随着湿度水平的增加而升高,当相对湿度值从11%变化到96%时,电容式土壤湿度传感器在200 Hz频率下的电容输出发生了12.13 pf~187.42 nF的变化。这是因为随着环境湿度的增加,MoS2的多孔结构使得传感器器件吸收了更多的水分子,导致感湿电容的介电常数增大,使得输出电容增加。可以看出,传感器表现出了较高的灵敏度和较宽的湿度敏感范围。
湿度传感器的湿度响应如图6所示。这是因为输入电压信号的频率对传感器的电容输出有显著影响。在输入电压的频率小于1 kHz时,传感器输出有较为明显的变化;在输入电压的频率大于10 kHz时,传感器的电容输出变化明显变缓。在相对湿度值由11%增长到96%时,200 Hz低频电压下传感器的输出响应为15 449;而在100 kHz高频电压下,传感器的输出响应仅有67。这是因为在低频率下吸附在MoS2上的水分子发生极化24;而在高频电压下,电场方向的快速变化使水分子的极化跟不上这些快速变化,从而导致电容值较小。甚至在输入电压为100 kHz时,电容传感器的电容输出与湿度水平几乎无关25
图6 MoS2湿度传感器的湿度响应

Fig. 6 MoS2 moisture response of the moisture sensor

3.3 土壤中的湿度响应

实验用土壤样品为采自河南省叶县农田表层的黄棕壤土类,经过滤杂质晒干后呈现细腻粉状加极细颗粒,加水会土壤会有团聚现象。取五份干燥的土壤样品,分别加入50、70、110、150和200 mL的水,充分搅拌得到五种不同含水量的土壤样品。分别取样五种土壤中的部分土壤称重后再加热烘干称重,计算可得土壤样品的含水量分别为8.66%、13.91%、22.02%、31.11%和42.75%。将制造的电极放置于配置好的土壤样品中,使用LCR测试仪(Agilent E4980A)测量电极在不同湿度土壤中的电容输出。得到不同频率下的土壤中电容-湿度曲线如图7所示。
图7 MoS2土壤湿度传感器在土壤中湿度-电容曲线

Fig. 7 MoS2 soil moisture sensor humidity-capacitance curve

可以观察到,当土壤湿度由8.66%增长到42.75%时,传感器的电容在200 Hz下发生了从119.51 nF到377.98 nF的变化,表现出了相对较高的敏感度。同样的,随着输入电压频率的增加,使得传感器的电容输出变缓。
将器件在含水量31.1%的土壤中放置3 min后取出脱水干燥1 min,在200 Hz频率下测量并记录过程中器件的电容变化。反复以上过程3次,如图8所示,可以观察到传感器电容相应变化趋势一致,重复性良好。
图8 MoS2土壤湿度传感器重复响应曲线

Fig. 8 Repetition curve of MoS2 soil moisture sensor

图9 MoS2土壤湿度传感器的灵敏度

Fig. 9 Sensitivity of MoS2 soil moisture sensor

4 结 论




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