李 露,研究方向为环境传感器。E-mail:lu.li@mail.sim.ac.cn LI Lu, E-mail: lu.li@mail.sim.ac.cn |
收稿日期: 2023-09-15
网络出版日期: 2024-02-01
Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor Based on MoS2
Received date: 2023-09-15
Online published: 2024-02-01
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFD2000204)
目的/意义 土壤中含水率直接影响农作物生长状态和产量。开发出一种可靠、高效的土壤湿度传感器对实施农田科学灌溉具有重要指导意义。 方法 本研究提出一种基于微加工工艺制备的二硫化钼电容式土壤湿度传感器,通过叉指电极上同一平面上的金电极阵列实现数个电容并联,表面修饰二硫化钼作为敏感层实现对土壤湿度的测量。通过计算及使用COMSOL Multiphysics多物理场仿真软件研究电极参数对电容敏感度的影响,最终确定电极参数使用10 μm间距、75对叉指。 结果和讨论 在保证测量精度的前提下,大大缩小了传感器的体积,可以实现土壤湿度的原位动态监测。在室温下相对湿度值从11%变化到96%时,电容式土壤湿度传感器在200 Hz频率下的电容输出为12.13 pf~187.42 nF;当土壤含水量由8.66%增加到42.75%时,传感器的电容输出在200 Hz频率下由119.51 nF增长到377.98 nF,显示出较高的湿度灵敏度及较宽的敏感范围。 结论 本研究提出的土壤水分传感器有望实现原位长期监测电容式土壤传感器的电容变化,从而监测土壤湿度的变化。
李露 , 葛玉卿 , 赵建龙 . 基于二硫化钼的电容式土壤湿度传感器[J]. 智慧农业, 2024 , 6(1) : 28 -35 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202309020
Objective The soil moisture content is a crucial factor that directly affected the growth and yield of crops. By using a soil measurement instrument to measure the soil's moisture content, lots of powerful data support for the development of agriculture can be provided. Furthermore, these data have guiding significance for the implementation of scientific irrigation and water-saving irrigation in farmland. In order to develop a reliable and efficient soil moisture sensor, a new capacitive soil moisture sensor based on microfabrication technology was proposed in this study. Capacitive moisture sensors have the advantages of low power consumption, good performance, long-term stability, and easy industrialization. Method The forked electrode array consists of multiple capacitors connected in parallel on the same plane. The ideal design parameters of 10 μm spacing and 75 pairs of forked electrodes were obtained by calculating the design of forked finger logarithms, forked finger spacing, forked finger width, forked finger length, and electrode thickness, and studying the influence of electrode parameters on capacitance sensitivity using COMSOL Multiphysics software. The size obtained an initial capacitance on the order of picofarads, and was not easily breakdown or failed. The sensor was constructed using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, where a 30 nm titanium adhesion layer was sputtered onto a glass substrate, followed by sputtering a 100 nm gold electrode to form a symmetrical structure of forked electrodes. Due to the strong adsorption capacity of water molecules of the MoS2 (molybdenum disulfide) layer, it exhibited high sensitivity to soil moisture and demonstrated excellent soil moisture sensing performance. The molybdenum disulfide was coated onto the completed electrodes as the humidity-sensitive material to create a humidity sensing layer. When the humidity changed, the dielectric constant of the electrode varied due to the moisture-absorbing characteristics of molybdenum disulfide, and the capacitance value of the device changed accordingly, thus enabling the measurement of soil moisture. Subsequently, the electrode was encapsulated with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) polymer film. The electrode encapsulated with the microporous film could be directly placed in the soil, which avoided direct contact between the soil/sand particles and the molybdenum disulfide on the device and allowed the humidity sensing unit to only capture the moisture in the soil for measuring humidity. This ensured the device's sensitivity to water moisture and improved its long-term stability. The method greatly reduced the size of the sensor, making it an ideal choice for on-site dynamic monitoring of soil moisture. Results and Discussions The surface morphology of molybdenum disulfide was characterized and analyzed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). It was observed that molybdenum disulfide nanomaterial exhibited a sheet-like two-dimensional structure, with smooth surfaces on the nanosheets. Some nanosheets displayed sharp edges or irregular shapes along the edges, and they were irregularly arranged with numerous gaps in between. The capacitive soil moisture sensor, which utilized molybdenum disulfide as the humidity-sensitive layer, exhibited excellent performance under varying levels of environmental humidity and soil moisture. At room temperature, a humidity generator was constructed using saturated salt solutions. Saturated solutions of lithium chloride, potassium acetate, magnesium chloride, copper chloride, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate were used to generate relative humidity levels of 11%, 23%, 33%, 66%, 75%, 84%, and 96%, respectively. The capacitance values of the sensor were measured at different humidity levels using an LCR meter (Agilent E4980A). The capacitance output of the sensor at a frequency of 200 Hz ranged from 12.13 pF to 187.42 nF as the relative humidity varied between 11% to 96%. The sensor exhibited high sensitivity and a wide humidity sensing range. Additionally, the frequency of the input voltage signal had a significant impact on the capacitance output of the sensor. As the testing frequency increased, the response of the sensor's system decreased. The humidity sensing performance of the sensor was tested in soil samples with moisture content of 8.66%, 13.91%, 22.02%, 31.11%, and 42.75%, respectively. As the moisture content in the soil increased from 8.66% to 42.75%, the capacitance output of the sensor at a frequency of 200 Hz increased from 119.51 nF to 377.98 nF, demonstrating a relatively high sensitivity. Similarly, as the frequency of the input voltage increased, the capacitance output of the sensor decreased. Additionally, the electrode exhibited good repeatability and the sensitivity of the sensor increased significantly as the testing frequency decreased. Conclusions The capacitive soil moisture sensor holds promise for effective and accurate monitoring of soil moisture levels, with its excellent performance, sensitivity, repeatability, and responsiveness to changes in humidity and soil moisture. The ultimate goal of this study is to achieve long-term monitoring of capacitance changes in capacitive soil moisture sensors, enabling monitoring of long-term changes in soil moisture. This will enable farmers to optimize irrigation systems, improve crop yields, and reduce water usage. In conclusion, the development of this innovative soil moisture sensor has the potential to promote agricultural modernization by providing accurate and reliable monitoring of soil moisture levels.
Key words: soil sensor; MoS2; capacitive sensor; micro electromechanical system
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