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Development and test of a flexible manipulator based on 3D printing

  • GAO Guohua ,
  • DONG Zengya , * ,
  • SUN Xiaona ,
  • WANG Hao
  • College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China

Received date: 2018-12-03

  Request revised date: 2019-01-18

  Online published: 2019-02-22


Copyright reserved © 2019


With the development of computer and automation control technology, robots have gradually entered the field of agricultural production. The application of agricultural robots can improve labor productivity, product quality and working conditions, solve the problem of labor shortage, and promote the intellectualization of agricultural production process. Fruit harvesting is the most time-consuming and laborious part of agricultural production. Since the skin of fruit is relatively fragile, it is easy to cause damage in the process of grasping. Therefore, some flexibility is necessary for the grasping device. As the end of the picking, robot directly acts on the part of the grasping object, the manipulator has attracted more and more attention of scientific researchers because of its light weight, small size, low energy consumption, high flexibility and low cost. Manipulator is the core component of robot, which is installed on the end of picking robot and acting on the object directly. In order to improve universality and flexibility, reduce the damage to the fruits, and shorten the design cycle, the flexible manipulator with simple structure and self-adaptive function was designed to achieve favorable grasp of fruits. The manipulator developed based on 3D printing has the advantages of rapid prototyping, low experimental cost and easy to assemble, etc. Flexible manipulator consists of flexible finger, wrist, base and pneumatic components. Its general action process is opening, grasping, moveing and putting down. However, flexible manipulator combines the two processes of moving and putting down into swallowing, which reduces the execution of the motion and improves the grasping performance and efficiency of the manipulator. Pneumatic components and wrist were printed from flexible materials and the material is thermoplastic urethane and polylactic acid respectively. The wrist is an integral part with flexibility. The use of pneumatic components can achieve the wrist bending, driving flexible fingers self-adaptive deformation to grasp the fruit. The manipulator is placed on the vertical sliding platform of the four-wheel platform, which can move up and down, and the four-wheel platform can move freely in all directions. The single wrist has two rotational degrees of freedom. The kinematics model of single wrist was established by combining constant curvature deformation and D-H coordinate method. On this basis, the functional validation test and safety test of flexible manipulator were carried out. In the safety test, the thin pressure sensor was used as the detection element of the contact force signal between the finger and the grasping object. The experiment results show that the pneumatic components of the flexible manipulator meet the design requirements and the driving wrist is flexible. The manipulator has certain flexibility, and can adapt to the shape of the fruit for self-adaptive grasping. The self-adaptive grasping effect of the manipulator is remarkable, and the fruit skin is intact. Moreover, the flexible manipulator has a favorable self-adaptive function based on the structural design and the complexity of the control system is deduced. In addition, it will provide reference for the design of the flexible grasping mechanism.

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GAO Guohua , DONG Zengya , SUN Xiaona , WANG Hao . Development and test of a flexible manipulator based on 3D printing[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2019 , 1(1) : 85 -95 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.1.201812-SA012

1 引言

采摘过程中,由于果实的外表较为脆弱,抓取过程中容易造成损伤,所以抓取结构需要具有一定的柔性[19]。国内外对柔性机械手的结构也已有了许多针对性研究。21世纪初,日本学者Noritsugu等[20]利用旋转型气动柔性驱动器制作了一种三指柔性手,可以实现柔性球的抓取。美国 Peter研制了番茄采摘机械手,利用吸盘和塑料软管通过绳驱动实现抓取[21]。国内鲍官军等[22]以气动柔性关节和扭转关节为基础设计了柔性三指柔性手,抓取过程具有良好的适应性和柔顺性。徐淼鑫等[23,24]提出了一种刚柔相结合的手爪方案,设计并制作了一种软体驱动三触手柔性手爪,可以实现对物体的抓持。金波和林龙贤[25]借助欠驱动原理研制了一款结构简单的末端执行装置,通过单驱动实现柔性手指抓取物体的功能。

2 柔性机械手结构设计及工作原理

图1 柔性机械手

1. 柔性手指 2. 抓取气囊 3. 吞咽气囊4. 气管接头一 5.气管接头二 6. 手腕 7. 底座

Fig.1 Flexible manipulator


3 机械手运动学分析

图2 平面四连杆柔性机械手示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of four connecting rod manipulator in the plane

表1 连杆参数表

Table 1 Connecting rod parameters

连杆i ${{\alpha }_{i-1}}$(°) ${{a}_{i-1}}$(mm) ${{d}_{n}}$(mm) ${{\theta }_{n}}$(°)
1 0 0 0 ${{\theta }_{1}}$
2 0 ${{b}_{1}}$ 0 ${{\theta }_{2}}$
3 0 $a$ 0 ${{\theta }_{3}}$
4 0 ${{b}_{2}}$ 0 ${{\theta }_{4}}$
${}_{1}^{0}T=\left[ \begin{matrix} \cos {{\theta }_{1}} & -\sin {{\theta }_{1}} & 0 & 0 \\ \sin {{\theta }_{1}} & \cos {{\theta }_{1}} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right]$
${}_{2}^{1}T=\left[ \begin{matrix} \cos {{\theta }_{2}} & -\sin {{\theta }_{2}} & 0 & {{\text{b}}_{1}} \\ \sin {{\theta }_{2}} & \cos {{\theta }_{2}} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right]$
${}_{3}^{2}T=\left[ \begin{matrix} \cos {{\theta }_{3}} & -\sin {{\theta }_{3}} & 0 & a \\ \sin {{\theta }_{3}} & \cos {{\theta }_{3}} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right]$
${}_{4}^{3}T=\left[ \begin{matrix} \cos {{\theta }_{4}} & -\sin {{\theta }_{4}} & 0 & {{\text{b}}_{2}} \\ \sin {{\theta }_{4}} & \cos {{\theta }_{4}} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right]$
$\begin{matrix} & {}_{4}^{0}T={}_{1}^{0}T\cdot {}_{2}^{1}T\cdot {}_{3}^{2}T\cdot {}_{4}^{3}T \\ & \text{=}\left[ \begin{matrix} \cos {{\theta }_{1234}} & -\sin {{\theta }_{1234}} & 0 & {{b}_{2}}\cos {{\theta }_{123}}+a\cos {{\theta }_{12}}+{{b}_{1}}\cos {{\theta }_{1}} \\ \sin {{\theta }_{1234}} & \cos {{\theta }_{1234}} & 0 & {{b}_{2}}sin{{\theta }_{123}}+asin{{\theta }_{12}}+{{b}_{1}}sin{{\theta }_{1}} \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right] \\ \end{matrix}$
$\begin{matrix} & {}^{T}T=_{4}^{0}T\cdot _{T}^{4}T= \\ & \left[ \begin{matrix} \cos {{\theta }_{1234}} & -\sin {{\theta }_{1234}} & 0 & {{L}_{3}}\cos {{\theta }_{1234}}+{{b}_{2}}\cos {{\theta }_{123}}+a\cos {{\theta }_{12}}+{{b}_{1}}\cos {{\theta }_{1}} \\ \sin {{\theta }_{1234}} & \cos {{\theta }_{1234}} & 0 & {{L}_{3}}sin\cos {{\theta }_{1234}}+{{b}_{2}}sin{{\theta }_{123}}+asin{{\theta }_{12}}+{{b}_{1}}sin{{\theta }_{1}} \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right] \\ \end{matrix}$
$\left\{ \begin{matrix} {{x}_{1}}={{b}_{2}}\cos ({{\theta }_{1}}+{{\theta }_{2}}+{{\theta }_{3}})+a\cos ({{\theta }_{1}}+{{\theta }_{2}})+{{b}_{1}}\cos {{\theta }_{1}} \\ {{y}_{1}}={{b}_{2}}sin({{\theta }_{1}}+{{\theta }_{2}}+{{\theta }_{3}})+asin({{\theta }_{1}}+{{\theta }_{2}})+{{b}_{1}}sin{{\theta }_{1}} \\ \end{matrix} \right.$
$\left\{ \begin{matrix} {{x}_{2}}={{L}_{3}}\cos {{\theta }_{1234}}+{{b}_{2}}\cos {{\theta }_{123}}+a\cos {{\theta }_{12}}+{{b}_{1}}\cos {{\theta }_{1}} \\ {{y}_{2}}={{L}_{3}}sin\cos {{\theta }_{1234}}+{{b}_{2}}sin{{\theta }_{123}}+asin{{\theta }_{12}}+{{b}_{1}}sin{{\theta }_{1}} \\ \end{matrix} \right.$
${{b}_{1}}=2\frac{{{L}_{1}}}{{{\alpha }_{1}}}\cdot \sin \frac{{{\alpha }_{1}}}{2}$
${{b}_{2}}=2\frac{{{L}_{2}}}{{{\alpha }_{2}}}\cdot \sin \frac{{{\alpha }_{2}}}{2}$
$\begin{matrix} & {{\theta }_{1}}=\frac{\pi }{2}-\frac{{{\alpha }_{1}}}{2},{{\theta }_{2}}=-(\frac{{{\alpha }_{1}}}{2}-\frac{11\pi }{60}) \\ & {{\theta }_{3}}=-(\frac{{{\alpha }_{2}}}{2}-\frac{2\pi }{15}),{{\theta }_{4}}=-(\frac{{{\alpha }_{2}}}{2}) \\ \end{matrix}$
$\left\{ \begin{matrix} \begin{matrix} & {{x}_{1}}=2\frac{{{L}_{1}}}{{{\alpha }_{1}}}\sin \frac{{{\alpha }_{1}}}{2}\cos (\frac{1}{2}\pi -\frac{{{\alpha }_{1}}}{2})+a\cos (\frac{41}{60}\pi -{{\alpha }_{1}}) \\ & +2\frac{{{L}_{2}}}{{{\alpha }_{2}}}\sin \frac{{{\alpha }_{2}}}{2}\cos (\frac{49}{60}\pi -{{\alpha }_{1}}-\frac{{{\alpha }_{2}}}{2}) \\ \end{matrix} \\ \begin{matrix} & {{y}_{1}}=2\frac{{{L}_{1}}}{{{\alpha }_{1}}}sin\frac{{{\alpha }_{1}}}{2}sin(\frac{1}{2}\pi -\frac{{{\alpha }_{1}}}{2})+asin(\frac{41}{60}\pi -{{\alpha }_{1}}) \\ & +2\frac{{{L}_{2}}}{{{\alpha }_{2}}}\sin \frac{{{\alpha }_{2}}}{2}\sin (\frac{49}{60}\pi -{{\alpha }_{1}}-\frac{{{\alpha }_{2}}}{2}) \\ \end{matrix} \\ \end{matrix} \right.$
$\left\{ \begin{matrix} {{x}_{2}}={{x}_{1}}+{{L}_{3}}\cos (\frac{49}{60}\pi -{{\alpha }_{1}}-{{\alpha }_{2}}) \\ {{y}_{2}}={{y}_{1}}+{{L}_{3}}\sin (\frac{49}{60}\pi -{{\alpha }_{1}}-{{\alpha }_{2}}) \\ \end{matrix} \right.$
L1=42mm L2=28mm L3=102mm a=60.67mm

4 柔性机械手试验研究

4.1 柔性机械手平台搭建

采用九悦卓飞公司生产的 X600 型3D打印机进行加工制作。首先利用SolidWorks2014软件对需要打印的零件进行三维建模,另存为.stl文件导入开源软件Cura14.07进行打印模式设置的准备工作。本研究设置的3D打印机参数如下:层高为0.2mm,外壳厚度为0.8mm,填充密度为40%,打印速度为60mm/s。为保证充足的层间黏连,打印温度为210℃。但打印气动元件的气密性要求高,故设置层高为0.1mm,填充密度为60%。
图3 机械手试验平台示意图

Fig.3 Experimental platform of manipulator

对样机进行抓取试验之前,预先用细线绳将抓取对象连接在固定架上,通过双目视觉系统获得目标果实的世界坐标,机器人控制系统驱动机械手到达目标位置。然后,驱动元件运行,对位于正上方的目标果实进行抓取。利用Alied Vision公司生产的Manta G-283B/C型号的相机试验过程进行拍摄记录,以观察柔性机械手的变形情况。

4.2 机械手柔性验证试验

图4 机械手抓取橙子过程

Fig.4 Grasping orange process of manipulator


4.3 最大接触力安全测试试验

表2 抓取对象参数

Table 2 Parameters of gripping objects

名称 平均重量(N) 平均直径(mm)
橙子 3.37 90.13
苹果 2.77 89.49
西红柿 2.63 87.26
4.81 94.59
3D打印白球 0.58 80.00
网球 0.57 65.51
图5 抓取吞咽安全试验

Fig.5 Prototype test of wrapping

表3 最大接触力测量结果表

Table 3 Results of maximum contact force

序号 名称 第一次 第二次 第三次 第四次 电压最大值(v) 对应接触力(N)
1 橙子 2.29 2.19 2.08 1.96 2.29 1.98
2 苹果 1.96 1.89 2.27 2.1 2.27 1.96
3 番茄 2.2 1.57 2.12 2.09 2.2 1.88
4 1.94 1.88 1.62 1.8 1.94 1.63
5 网球 1.32 1.66 1.16 1.58 1.66 1.39

5 结论

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