2019 , Vol. 1 >Issue 4: 83 - 90
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.4.201911-SA001
Development of precision service system for intelligent agriculture field crop production based on BeiDou system
Received date: 2019-11-13
Revised date: 2019-12-03
Online published: 2019-12-24
Precision navigation technology of agricultural machinery is being applied on a large scale for field crop production in China. The technology can reduce labor cost, improve working quality, and extend working time. However, the precision application technology of agricultural machinery and precision management technology of agricultural production are still slow in development. The technology, equipment, and service system of precision agriculture have not been completely developed yet in China. There is still a lack of scientific and technical means to achieve the main objectives of cost saving, efficiency improvement, energy saving, and environmental protection in crop production. With the integration of material, energy, and information, intelligent agricultural machinery system is being developed to provide a safer, more efficient, and more scientific solution for agricultural production. In view of the characteristics of intelligent agricultural machinery system, the characteristics of socialized service of agricultural machinery in China, and the status quo of agricultural financial subsidies, this paper puts forward an idea that to develop a socialized precision service system of agricultural machinery, in order to achieve cost saving, efficiency improvement, energy saving, and environmental protection for crop production. The system includes the core participants in agricultural machinery production operations, such as agricultural production organizations, agricultural machinery service organizations, related agriculture management authorities, and the third-party data management service organization. The key technologies for the system include the intelligent gateway technology of agricultural machinery, the variable controlling and measurement technology of fertilizer and chemical, the big data management service technology, and the technology of professional application service platform. During the field operation, the agricultural machinery can control the application of fertilizer or chemical according the prescription map and send the data of position and flow to the database belongs to the third-party organization designated by the government. Therefore, the construction of this system can be used as a basis for the social services and the granting of subsidies. The government can set related standards of application of fertilizer or chemical, and pay the subsidies for the machinery operation according to the operating area when the farmers achieve the standards, which may encourage the farmers to adopt the advanced technology to save fertilizer and chemical. The study provides solutions and technical means to achieve the goal of reducing both fertilizer and chemicals, to adjust of the state’s relevant agricultural subsidy policies, and to promote the comprehensive application of China’s precision agricultural technology.
Wu Caicong , Fang Xiangming . Development of precision service system for intelligent agriculture field crop production based on BeiDou system[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2019 , 1(4) : 83 -90 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.4.201911-SA001
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