Design and Key Technologies of Big Data Platform for Commercial Beef Cattle Breeding
Received date: 2022-03-07
Online published: 2022-05-17
Focusing on the low level of management and informatization and intelligence of the beef cattle industry in China, a big data platform for commercial beef cattle breeding, referring to the experience of international advanced beef cattle breeding countries, was proposed in this research. The functions of the platform includes integrating germplasm resources of beef cattle, automatic collecting of key beef cattle breeding traits, full-service support for the beef cattle breeding process, formation of big data analysis and decision-making system for beef cattle germplasm resources, and joint breeding innovation model. Aiming at the backward storage and sharing methods of beef cattle breeding data and incomplete information records in China, an information resource integration platform and an information database for beef cattle germplasm were established. Due to the vagueness and subjectivity of the breeding performance evaluation standard, a scientific online evaluation technology of beef cattle breeding traits and a non-contact automatic acquisition and intelligent calculation method were proposed. Considering the lack of scientific and systematic breeding planning and guidance for farmers in China, a full-service support system for beef cattle breeding and nanny-style breeding guidance during beef cattle breeding was developed. And an interactive progressive decision-making method for beef cattle breeding to solve the lack of data accumulation of beef cattle germplasm was proposed. The main body of breeding and farming enterprises was not closely integrated, according to that, the innovative breeding model of regional integration was explored. The idea of commercial beef cattle breeding big data software platform and the technological and model innovation content were also introduced. The technology innovations included the deep mining of germplasm resources data and improved breed management pedigree, the automatic acquisition and evaluation technology of non-contact breeding traits, the fusion of multi-source heterogeneous information to provide intelligent decision support. The future goal is to form a sustainable information solution for China's beef cattle breeding industry and improve the overall level of China's beef cattle breeding industry.
MA Weihong , LI Jiawei , WANG Zhiquan , GAO Ronghua , DING Luyu , YU Qinyang , YU Ligen , LAI Chengrong , LI Qifeng . Design and Key Technologies of Big Data Platform for Commercial Beef Cattle Breeding[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2022 , 4(2) : 99 -109 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202203005
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