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Corn and Soybean Futures Price Intelligent Forecasting Based on Deep Learning

  • XU Yulin , 1, 2 ,
  • KANG Mengzhen , 1, 2 ,
  • WANG Xiujuan 1, 3 ,
  • HUA Jing 1, 4 ,
  • WANG Haoyu 1, 4 ,
  • SHEN Zhen 1, 2
  • 1. The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • 2. School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. Beijing Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Systems and Technology, Beijing 100190, China
  • 4. Qingdao Agri Tech Co. , Ltd. , Qingdao 266000, China

Received date: 2022-07-27

  Online published: 2023-01-27


Corn and soybean are upland grain in the same season, and the contradiction of scrambling for land between corn and soybean is prominent in China, so it is necessary to explore the price relations between corn and soybean. In addition, agricultural futures have the function of price discovery compared with the spot. Therefore, the analysis and prediction of corn and soybean futures prices are of great significance for the management department to adjust the planting structure and for farmers to select the crop varieties. In this study, the correlation between corn and soybean futures prices was analyzed, and it was found that the corn and soybean futures prices have a strong correlation by correlation test, and soybean futures price is the Granger reason of corn futures price by Granger causality test. Then, the corn and soybean futures prices were predicted using a long short-term memory (LSTM) model. To optimize the futures price prediction model performance, Attention mechanism was introduced as Attention-LSTM to assign weights to the outputs of the LSTM model at different times. Specifically, LSTM model was used to process the input sequence of futures prices, the Attention layer assign different weights to the outputs, and then the model output the prediction results after a layer of linearity. The experimental results showed that Attention-LSTM model could significantly improve the prediction performance of both corn and soybean futures prices compared to autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA), support vector regression model (SVR), and LSTM. For example, mean absolute error (MAE) was improved by 3.8% and 3.3%, root mean square error (RMSE) was improved by 0.6% and 1.8% and mean absolute error percentage (MAPE) was improved by 4.8% and 2.9% compared with a single LSTM, respectively. Finally, the corn futures prices were forecasted using historical corn and soybean futures prices together. Specifically, two LSTM models were used to process the input sequences of corn futures prices and soybean futures prices respectively, two parameters were trained to perform a weighted summation of the output of two LSTM models, and the prediction results were output by the model after a layer of linearity. The experimental results showed that MAE was improved by 6.9%, RMSE was improved by 1.1% and MAPE was improved by 5.3% compared with the LSTM model using only corn futures prices. The results verify the strong correlation between corn and soybean futures prices at the same time. In conclusion, the results verify the Attention-LSTM model can improve the performances of soybean and corn futures price forecasting compared with the general prediction model, and the combination of related agricultural futures price data can improve the prediction performances of agricultural product futures forecasting model.

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XU Yulin , KANG Mengzhen , WANG Xiujuan , HUA Jing , WANG Haoyu , SHEN Zhen . Corn and Soybean Futures Price Intelligent Forecasting Based on Deep Learning[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2022 , 4(4) : 156 -163 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA20220712

1 引 言

期货价格的预测方法可分为传统的统计学方法和人工智能方法。常见的统计学模型包括差分整合移动平均自回归模型(Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model,ARIMA)5、Engle6提出的自回归条件异方差模型(Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Model,ARCH),以及Bollerslev7提出的广义ARCH模型(Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity,GARCH)等。但统计学模型由于无法捕捉期货价格序列中的非线性特征,有一定局限性。随着大数据时代的到来和神经网络的快速发展,研究人员将神经网络应用到农产品期货价格预测中。刘锦源8将集合经验模态分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,EEMD)方法与长短时记忆(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM)结合,提升农产品期货价格模型性能;罗千惠9提出基于分解的LSTM模型,在农产品期货价格预测上性能优异;Jarrah和Salina10应用循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network,RNN)对沙特的期货市场价格进行预测,与ARIMA模型相比其预测结果更准确。

2 材料和方法

2.1 数据来源


2.2 期货价格预测方法

2.2.1 数据预处理

借鉴范俊明等20的做法,本研究使用大豆和玉米期货历史10天的收盘价预测未来1天的收盘价。为了模型能够更好地收敛,使用 M i n M a x S c a l e r ( )函数将收盘价放缩到0~1之间。标签label使用公式(1)进行处理,表示当前收盘价相较于前1天收盘价的变化。
l a b e l [ i ] = ( c l o s e [ i ] - c l o s e [ i - 1 ] ) / c l o s e [ i - 1 ]

2.2.2 玉米和大豆期货价格预测模型

图 1 Attention-LSTM模型结构图

Fig.1 Attention-LSTM model structure

(1)LSTM模型。使用LSTM模型作为预测模型的第一层,LSTM模型的当前时间步隐状态 h t是由当前输入 x t和前一时间步隐状态 h t - 1共同决定的,计算方法如公式(2)所示。
h t = L S T M ( x t , h t - 1 )                 
通过LSTM模型之后,可以得到每个时间步的隐状态 h 1 ,   h 2 , . . . ,   h 10
(2)Attention层。第二层为Attention层,其对LSTM模型的输出 [ h 1 ,   h 2 , . . . ,   h 10 ]进行学习,得到不同时间步输出对应的权重值 [ w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w 10 ],其物理含义可以理解为“不同时间步抽取特征的重要程度”。通过加权求和,即可以得到最终的输出向量 H,计算方法如公式(3)所示:
H = i = 1 10 w i h i               
(3)线性层。该层的输入为Attention层的输出 H,经过计算输出即为最终预测结果,结合第11天的真实期货价格 x 11计算损失函数,实现网络的更新。

2.2.3 结合大豆期货价格的玉米期货价格预测模型

图2 结合大豆期货价格预测玉米期货价格模型结构图

Fig.2 Model structure of corn futures price forecast combined with soybean futures price

(1)LSTM模型。本研究使用了两个模型LSTM1和LSTM2分别处理玉米期货价格的输入序列 [ x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x 10 ]和大豆期货价格的输入序列 [ x 1 ' , x 2 ' , . . . , x 10 ' ]。两个模型的输出分别是 h 10 h 10 '。简单起见,在该试验中没有使用Attention机制对所有时间步的输出加权,而是直接假设输入序列的所有信息被提取到最后一个时间步的输出 h 10 h 10 '中。
(2)加权求和。学习两个参数 w 1 w 2,为 h 10 h 10 '分配不同的权重,可以理解为“整个模型对玉米期货价格和大豆期货价格的关注程度”,实现两个期货历史价格数据的结合。通过加权求和,可以得到最终的输出向量 H,计算如公式(4)所示。
H = h 10 w 1 + h 10 ' w 2          
(3)线性层。将Attention层的输出 H输入线性层,通过计算,输出最终预测结果,结合玉米期货第11天的真实价格 x 11计算损失,实现网络的更新。

2.2.4 试验设计

ARIMA模型、支持向量回归(Support Vector Regression,SVR)模型、LSTM模型是农产品期货价格预测常用的模型,本研究选取ARIMA、SVR和LSTM模型作为基线模型,与本文使用模型进行对比。

2.2.5 评价指标

本研究选取平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error,MAE)、均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE)和平均绝对百分误差(Mean Absolute Percentage Error,MAPE)三个常用的回归预测模型评估指标来衡量模型性能,分别由公式(5)~公式(7)计算得出。
M A E = 1 n i = 1 n | y i ^ - y i |                            
R M S E = 1 n i = 1 n ( y i ^ - y i ) 2                   
M A P E = 1 n i = 1 n | y i - y i ^ | y i × 100 %      
其中, y i为真实数据, y i ^为预测数据。

3 玉米和大豆期货价格分析预测

3.1 玉米和大豆期货价格相关性分析

图3 2005年1月4日—2022年3月9日期间玉米和大豆期货价格变化

Fig. 3 Corn and soybean futures prices changes from January 4, 2005 to March 9, 2022

表 1 玉米和大豆期货价格相关系数矩阵

Table 1 Correlation coefficient matrix of corn and soybean futures prices

玉米期货价格 大豆期货价格
玉米期货价格 1 0.841042
大豆期货价格 0.841042 1
表 2 大豆和与玉米期货价格的格兰杰检验结果

Table 2 Granger test results of corn and soybean futures prices

原假设 p 结论
大豆 >玉米 0.0000 拒绝
玉米 >大豆 0.2247 接受

注:“≠>”表示前者不是后者的格兰杰原因; p < 0.05表示拒绝原假设


3.2 玉米和大豆期货价格预测性能

表 3 玉米期货的预测结果

Table 3 Forecast results of corn futures

ARIMA 401.3278 539.2874 15.6619
SVR 105.2223 124.7325 2.2771
LSTM 14.3700 22.0111 0.6251
Attention-LSTM 13.8260 21.8842 0.5949
表 4 大豆期货的预测结果

Table 4 Forecast results of soybean futures

ARIMA 1096.0313 1424.5800 20.6672
SVR 82.5733 112.1443 1.7724
LSTM 43.5901 65.2569 0.9093
Attention-LSTM 42.1634 64.0829 0.8831
图 4 Attention-LSTM对玉米期货预测结果

Fig. 4 Forecast results of corn futures using Attention-LSTM

图 5 Attention_LSTM与LSTM模型对玉米期货测区间前100天的预测结果对比图

Fig. 5 Comparison of attention-LSTM and LSTM model's forecast results for the first 100 days of corn futures interval

3.3 结合大豆期货价格的玉米期货价格预测结果

表5 玉米和大豆期货历史数据预测大豆期货性能结果

Table 5 Results of soybean futures forecasting with historical data of corn and soybean futures price

数据 评价指标
玉米期货历史数据 14.3700 22.0111 0.6251
玉米+大豆期货历史数据 13.3817 21.7791 0.5917

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