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Agricultural Knowledge Intelligent Service Technology: A Review

  • ZHAO Chunjiang
  • 1.National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China
    2.Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China
    3.Key Laboratory of Agri-Informatics, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100097, China
    4.Key Laboratory of Digital Rural Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100097, China
ZHAO Chunjiang, E-mail:zhaocj@nercita.org.cn

Received date: 2023-06-02

  Online published: 2023-07-05

Supported by

Technological Innovation 2030 "New Generation Artificial Intelligence" Major Project (2021ZD0113604); Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: National Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System (CARS-23-D07)


Significance Agricultural environment is dynamic and variable, with numerous factors affecting the growth of animals and plants and complex interactions. There are numerous factors that affect the growth of all kinds of animals and plants. There is a close but complex correlation between these factors such as air temperature, air humidity, illumination, soil temperature, soil humidity, diseases, pests, weeds and etc. Thus, farmers need agricultural knowledge to solve production problems. With the rapid development of internet technology, a vast amount of agricultural information and knowledge is available on the internet. However, due to the lack of effective organization, the utilization rate of these agricultural information knowledge is relatively low.How to analyze and generate production knowledge or decision cases from scattered and disordered information is a big challenge all over the world. Agricultural knowledge intelligent service technology is a good way to resolve the agricultural data problems such as low rank, low correlation, and poor interpretability of reasoning. It is also the key technology to improving the comprehensive prediction and decision-making analysis capabilities of the entire agricultural production process. It can eliminate the information barriers between agricultural knowledge, farmers, and consumers, and is more conducive to improve the production and quality of agricultural products, provide effective information services. Progress The definition, scope, and technical application of agricultural knowledge intelligence services are introduced in this paper. The demand for agricultural knowledge services are analyzed combining with artificial intelligence technology. Agricultural knowledge intelligent service technologies such as perceptual recognition, knowledge coupling, and inference decision-making are conducted. The characteristics of agricultural knowledge services are analyzed and summarized from multiple perspectives such as industrial demand, industrial upgrading, and technological development. The development history of agricultural knowledge services is introduced. Current problems and future trends are also discussed in the agricultural knowledge services field. Key issues in agricultural knowledge intelligence services such as animal and plant state recognition in complex and uncertain environments, multimodal data association knowledge extraction, and collaborative reasoning in multiple agricultural application scenarios have been discussed. Combining practical experience and theoretical research, a set of intelligent agricultural situation analysis service framework that covers the entire life cycle of agricultural animals and plants and combines knowledge cases is proposed. An agricultural situation perception framework has been built based on satellite air ground multi-channel perception platform and Internet real-time data. Multimodal knowledge coupling, multimodal knowledge graph construction and natural language processing technology have been used to converge and manage agricultural big data. Through knowledge reasoning decision-making, agricultural information mining and early warning have been carried out to provide users with multi-scenario agricultural knowledge services. Intelligent agricultural knowledge services have been designed such as multimodal fusion feature extraction, cross domain knowledge unified representation and graph construction, and complex and uncertain agricultural reasoning and decision-making. An agricultural knowledge intelligent service platform composed of cloud computing support environment, big data processing framework, knowledge organization management tools, and knowledge service application scenarios has been built. Rapid assembly and configuration management of agricultural knowledge services could be provide by the platform. The application threshold of artificial intelligence technology in agricultural knowledge services could be reduced. In this case, problems of agricultural users can be solved. A novel method for agricultural situation analysis and production decision-making is proposed. A full chain of intelligent knowledge application scenario is constructed. The scenarios include planning, management, harvest and operations during the agricultural before, during and after the whole process. Conclusions and Prospects The technology trend of agricultural knowledge intelligent service is summarized in five aspects. (1) Multi-scale sparse feature discovery and spatiotemporal situation recognition of agricultural conditions. The application effects of small sample migration discovery and target tracking in uncertain agricultural information acquisition and situation recognition are discussed. (2) The construction and self-evolution of agricultural cross media knowledge graph, which uses robust knowledge base and knowledge graph to analyze and gather high-level semantic information of cross media content. (3) In response to the difficulties in tracing the origin of complex agricultural conditions and the low accuracy of comprehensive prediction, multi granularity correlation and multi-mode collaborative inversion prediction of complex agricultural conditions is discussed. (4) The large language model (LLM) in the agricultural field based on generative artificial intelligence. ChatGPT and other LLMs can accurately mine agricultural data and automatically generate questions through large-scale computing power, solving the problems of user intention understanding and precise service under conditions of dispersed agricultural data, multi-source heterogeneity, high noise, low information density, and strong uncertainty. In addition, the agricultural LLM can also significantly improve the accuracy of intelligent algorithms such as identification, prediction and decision-making by combining strong algorithms with Big data and super computing power. These could bring important opportunities for large-scale intelligent agricultural production. (5) The construction of knowledge intelligence service platforms and new paradigm of knowledge service, integrating and innovating a self-evolving agricultural knowledge intelligence service cloud platform. Agricultural knowledge intelligent service technology will enhance the control ability of the whole agricultural production chain. It plays a technical support role in achieving the transformation of agricultural production from "observing the sky and working" to "knowing the sky and working". The intelligent agricultural application model of "knowledge empowerment" provides strong support for improving the quality and efficiency of the agricultural industry, as well as for the modernization transformation and upgrading.

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ZHAO Chunjiang . Agricultural Knowledge Intelligent Service Technology: A Review[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2023 , 5(2) : 126 -148 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202306002


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