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Special Issue--Artificial Intelligence and Robot Technology for Smart Agriculture

Path Tracking Control Algorithm of Tractor-Implement

  • LIU Zhiyong , 1, 2 ,
  • WEN Changkai 2, 3 ,
  • XIAO Yuejin 2, 3 ,
  • FU Weiqiang 2, 3 ,
  • WANG Hao 2, 3 ,
  • MENG Zhijun , 1, 2, 3
  • 1. School of Agricultural Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  • 2. National Research Center of Intelligent Equipment for Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China
  • 3. State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Agricultural Power Equipment, Beijing 100097, China
MENG Zhijun, E-mail:

Received date: 2023-08-10

  Online published: 2023-12-20

Supported by

National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD200150302)

National Major Agricultural Science and Technology Project(NK202216010303)

Beijing postdoctoral work funding project(2023-ZZ-112)


copyright©2023 by the authors


[Objective] The usual agricultural machinery navigation focuses on the tracking accuracy of the tractor, while the tracking effect of the trailed implement in the trailed agricultural vehicle is the core of the work quality. The connection mode of the tractor and the implement is non-rigid, and the implement can rotate around the hinge joint. In path tracking, this non-rigid structure, leads to the phenomenon of non-overlapping trajectories of the tractor and the implement, reduce the path tracking accuracy. In addition, problems such as large hysteresis and poor anti-interference ability are also very obvious. In order to solve the above problems, a tractor-implement path tracking control method based on variable structure sliding mode control was proposed, taking the tractor front wheel angle as the control variable and the trailed implement as the control target. [Methods] Firstly, the linear deviation model was established. Based on the structural relationship between the tractor and the trailed agricultural implements, the overall kinematics model of the vehicle was established by considering the four degrees of freedom of the vehicle: transverse, longitudinal, heading and articulation angle, ignoring the lateral force of the vehicle and the slip in the forward process. The geometric relationship between the vehicle and the reference path was integrated to establish the linear deviation model of vehicle-road based on the vehicle kinematic model and an approximate linearization method. Then, the control algorithm was designed. The switching function was designed considering three evaluation indexes: lateral deviation, course deviation and hinged angle deviation. The exponential reaching law was used as the reaching mode, the saturation function was used instead of the sign function to reduce the control variable jitter, and the convergence of the control law was verified by combining the Lyapunov function. The system was three-dimensional, in order to improve the dynamic response and steady-state characteristics of the system, the two conjugate dominant poles of the system were assigned within the required range, and the third point was kept away from the two dominant poles to reduce the interference on the system performance. The coefficient matrix of the switching function was solved based on the Ackermann formula, then the calculation formula of the tractor front wheel angle was obtained, and the whole control algorithm was designed. Finally, the path tracking control simulation experiment was carried out. The sliding mode controller was built in the MATLAB/Simulink environment, the controller was composed of the deviation calculation module and the control output calculation module. The tractor-implement model in Carsim software was selected with the front car as a tractor and the rear car as the single-axle implement, and tracking control simulation tests of different reference paths were conducted in the MATLAB/Carsim co-simulation environment. [Results and Discussions] Based on the co-simulation environment, the tracking simulation experiments of three reference paths were carried out. When tracking the double lane change path, the lateral deviation and heading deviation of the agricultural implement converged to 0 m and 0° after 8 s. When the reference heading changed, the lateral deviation and heading deviation were less than 0.1 m and less than 7°. When tracking the circular reference path, the lateral deviation of agricultural machinery tended to be stable after 7 s and was always less than 0.03 m, and the heading deviation of agricultural machinery tended to be stable after 7 s and remained at 0°. The simulation results of the double lane change path and the circular path showed that the controller could maintain good performance when tracking the constant curvature reference path. When tracking the reference path of the S-shaped curve, the tracking performance of the agricultural machinery on the section with constant curvature was the same as the previous two road conditions, and the maximum lateral deviation of the agricultural machinery at the curvature change was less than 0.05 m, the controller still maintained good tracking performance when tracking the variable curvature path. [Conclusions] The sliding mode variable structure controller designed in this study can effectively track the linear and circular reference paths, and still maintain a good tracking effect when tracking the variable curvature paths. Agricultural machinery can be on-line in a short time, which meets the requirements of speediness. In the tracking simulation test, the angle of the tractor front wheel and the articulated angle between the tractor and agricultural implement are kept in a small range, which meets the needs of actual production and reduces the possibility of safety accidents. In summary, the agricultural implement can effectively track the reference path and meet the requirements of precision, rapidity and safety. The model and method proposed in this study provide a reference for the automatic navigation of tractive agricultural implement. In future research, special attention will be paid to the tracking control effect of the control algorithm in the actual field operation and under the condition of large speed changes.

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LIU Zhiyong , WEN Changkai , XIAO Yuejin , FU Weiqiang , WANG Hao , MENG Zhijun . Path Tracking Control Algorithm of Tractor-Implement[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2023 , 5(4) : 58 -67 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202308012

0 引 言

针对上述问题,诸多学者基于现有的拖拉机-悬挂式农机具自动导航,以拖拉机为控制对象,以农机具为控制目标,开展了非悬挂式农机具导航的研究2。目前应用较多的控制策略有比例积分微分(Proportional Integral Derivative,PID)控制、滑模控制、模糊控制、最优控制和模型预测控制。Astolfi等3利用李雅普诺夫方法研究了拖拉机-挂车系统直线运动和圆形运动的渐进镇定问题,设计了有界非线性控制律。Naderolasli等4针对拖拉机-牵引式机器人,结合李雅普诺夫方法和动态曲面控制设计了自适应神经网络约束控制器。Thanpattranon等5提出了一种利用激光测距的控制方法,用于拖拉机-牵引式挂车在果园的曲线行驶和停车控制。冯雷6建立了拖拉机-牵引式农机具动力学模型,并给出侧偏刚度的测量方法。Backman等7、Kayacan等8建立了改进的拖拉机-牵引式农机具运动学模型,并设计了基于非线性模型预测控制的路径跟踪控制器,在中低速下农机具的跟踪偏差在0.1 m以内。Karkee和Steward9建立了拖拉机-牵引式农机具运动学模型、动力学模型和轮胎松弛张度模型,设计了线性二次型最优控制器,仿真结果验证了控制器的快速性和精度。
农机田间作业环境复杂,参数扰动、负载变化、地面平整度、车轮滑转以及测量误差等因素都会影响车辆的跟踪精度,牵引式农机具灵活性差、自身重量大且结构复杂,这些特点增加了跟踪控制的难度。滑模控制与扰动和被控对象的参数无关,具有响应快、抗干扰、设计简单等优点10,该控制方法的结构是可变的,会根据系统的状态而变化,使其达到期望的目标,适用于农机的路径跟踪控制。赵翾等11针对两轴农用铰接车设计了滑模变结构控制器,前后车体由液压驱动进行折腰转向,在跟踪圆形路径时,偏差约为0.1 m。张培培等12设计了滑模控制器用于牵引式农机具的直线和圆形路径跟踪,为简化运算,所建立的模型假设铰接点位于拖拉机后轴中心。Ji等13设计了自适应二阶滑模控制器,提出了拖拉机预瞄横向偏移模型,通过对比仿真验证了控制方法的优越性。张硕等14设计了横向偏差和航向偏差双目标联合滑模控制器,拖拉机在直线路径跟踪时平均绝对偏差保持在0.049 m以内。Alipour等15首次建立了考虑车轮横向滑移和纵向滑移的非完整动力学模型,基于此设计了滑模控制器实现轮式移动机器人的跟踪控制。上述研究多以悬挂式农机具为研究对象,其挂载方式与本研究的牵引式农机具有本质区别。牵引式农机具与拖拉机的非刚性连接方式,导致农机具可绕铰接点转动,在自动导航中存在农机具与拖拉机轨迹不重合的问题,直接影响路径跟踪的精度。

1 拖拉机-牵引式农机具系统偏差模型建立

1.1 拖拉机-牵引式农机具运动学模型建立

图1 拖拉机-牵引式农机具运动学模型

Fig. 1 Kinematic model for tractor-implement

φ ˙ 1 = v t a n   δ L 1
式中:φ 1表示拖拉机的航向,(°);v表示拖拉机后轴中心速度,m/s;δ表示拖拉机前轮转角,(°);L 1表示拖拉机轴距,m;L 2表示拖拉机后轴到铰接点的距离,m。
v i = v c o s γ + v L 2 t a n δ s i n γ L 1
φ ˙ 2 = v s i n γ L 3 - v L 2 t a n δ c o s γ L 1 L 3
式中:v i为农机具后轴中心速度,m/s;φ 2为农机具的航向,(°);γ为拖拉机和农机具间的铰接角,(°);L 3为农机具车轴到铰接点的距离,m。
γ ˙ = φ ˙ 1 - φ ˙ 2    = v t a n δ L 1 - v s i n γ L 3 + v L 2 c o s γ t a n δ L 1 L 3

1.2 车辆-道路偏差模型建立

建立车辆-道路运动学模型描述行进过程中农机具和参考路径间的偏差变化,如图2所示,xoy为与车辆固连的动态坐标系,x轴始终为农机具前进方向,y轴垂直于x轴,o为农机具车轴中心,点Ao点前方前视距离L q处参考路径上的对应点。
图2 车辆-道路偏差模型

Fig. 2 Vehicle-road deviation model

d ˙ e = v φ e + L q φ ˙ 2     = v φ e + L q ( v s i n γ e L 3 - v L 2 t a n δ L 1 L 3 )
φ ˙ e = φ ˙ 2 - ρ v     = ( v s i n γ e L 3 - v L 2 t a n δ L 1 L 3 ) - ρ v
式中:d e表示农机具横向偏差,m;φ e表示农机具航向偏差,(°);γ e表示铰接角偏差,(°); L q表示前视距离,m;ρ表示参考路径上点A处的曲率,m-1
由于参考路径的曲率往往不太大(通常小于0.05 m-1),并且考虑稳定性和安全性,因此,设置铰接角参考值为0,车辆的实际铰接角即为铰接角偏差。所以,铰接角偏差的变化率计算如公式(7)所示。
γ ˙ e = γ ˙     = v t a n δ L 1 - v s i n γ L 3 + v L 2 c o s γ t a n δ L 1 L 3
x ˙ L = A x L + B u + E ρ v
式中:u为系统输入,u=δ xL 为系统误差状态量, xL =[d e φ e γ e T公式(8)中各系数矩阵的物理意义如公式(9)~公式(11)所示。
A = 0 v v L q L 3 0 0 v L 3 0 0 - v L 3
B = - v L 2 L q L 1 L 3 - v L 2 L 1 L 3 v ( L 2 + L 3 ) L 1 L 3 T
E = 0 - 1 0 T

2 滑模变结构控制算法设计


2.1 切换函数设计和趋近律的选择

s = C x = c 1 x 1 + c 2 x 2 + + c n x n
式中:s表示切换状态函数;n表示状态变量的维数; C 表示滑模状态控制律n阶系数矩阵。
s ˙ = - ε s g n ( s ) - k s
图3 符号函数和饱和函数下的车辆前轮转角输出

Fig. 3 Vehicle’s front wheel angle output under symbol function and saturation function

s ˙ = - ε s a t ( s ) - k s
V = 1 2 s 2
V ˙ = s s ˙    = - ε s - k s 2 , s > 1           - ε s 2 - k s 2 , 1 s 0 0 , s = 0                            - ε s 2 - k s 2 , 0 s - 1 ε s - k s 2 , - 1 > s           

2.2 滑模控制律求解

设闭环主导极点为λ 1λ 2,如公式(17)所示。
λ 1,2 = - ξ w n ± j w n 1 - ξ 2
式中:λ 1,2表示两个闭环主导极点;wn 表示系统固有频率;ζ表示系统阻尼比。
σ = e x p ( - ξ π / 1 - ξ 2 ) 5 %
t p = π w n 1 - ξ 2 10
式中:σ表示系统超调量;tp 表示系统峰值时间。
求解公式(18)公式(19)wn ≥0.5,ξ≥0.7。取wn =0.5,ξ=0.8,则主导极点25公式(20)所示。
λ 1,2 = - 0.4 ± j 0.48
第三个极点应该远离两个主导极点,满足 3 |>5 1 |,取λ 3=-5。
已知指定极点,利用Ackermann公式可以求出系数向量 C,见公式(21)~公式(23)
C = e T P ( A )
e T = 0 , , 0,1 B , A B , , A n - 1 B - 1
P ( A ) = ( A - λ 1 E ) ( A - λ 2 E ) ( A - λ n - 1 E ) ( A - λ n E )
式中:n表示系统维数;λn 表示系统的闭环极点; E 表示n阶单位矩阵。
L 1=2 m,L 2=0.5 m,L 3=1.2 m,L q=2 m,配置的极点位于车速v=2 m/s附近,解得c 1=0.425,c 2=0.969,c 3=1.863。则切换函数如公式(24)所示。
s = 0.425 d e + 0.969 φ e + 1.863 γ e
u = 1 47.2 - 10.2 φ e + 0.9 γ e - 24 s - 6 s a t ( s ) - 0.23 ρ

3 路径跟踪控制算法联合仿真分析

3.1 仿真环境搭建

3.1.1 Carsim车辆模型设置

图4 仿真试验的车型选择

Fig. 4 Vehicle model selection of simulation test

表1 车身参数

Table 1 Body parameter setting

车身参数 长度/m 宽度/m 质量/kg 转动惯量/(kg·m2
拖拉机 2.5 1.8 3 500 126 000
农机具 1.2 1.6 1 200 30 000
之后对仿真工况进行设定。本研究不使用Carsim软件中的转向和制动模式,是以控制器求解的前轮转角作为Carsim模型的输入,速度基本维持在2 m/s,所以将这两个模式置空。农机具初始位置和初始航向根据后续试验需要设定。路面系数和空气动力系数等相关系数按照模块的默认参数设置。

3.1.2 联合仿真环境

图5 车辆路径跟踪控制器模型

Fig. 5 Vehicle path tracking controller model

在搭建的联合仿真环境中进行路径跟踪控制仿真试验,联合仿真环境如图6所示。车速v保持在2 m/s左右,前视距离L q为2 m,仿真步长为0.01 s。进行双移线、圆形和S形曲线三种工况下的仿真试验。
图6 MATLAB/Carsim联合仿真环境

Fig. 6 MATLAB/Carsim co-simulation environment

3.2 双移线路径跟踪仿真

双移线试验是模仿实际车辆行驶中超车或避障后要回到原有的位置上的行动轨迹,路径跟踪控制初始条件如下:农机具的起点坐标(-2,1),农机具初始航向φ 0=0°,初始铰接角γ 0=0°,初始速度v 0=2 m/s,仿真时间为100 s,结果如图7所示。
图7 车辆的双移线路径仿真结果

Fig. 7 Simulation results of vehicle’s double lane change

分析图7可知,农机具在仿真时间内与参考双移线路径基本吻合,跟踪效果较好。横向偏差和航向偏差在8 s收敛到0 m和0°。在35、50、65和80 s时,参考航向发生改变,农机具横向偏差和航向偏差分别保持在0.1 m和7°以内。前轮转角最大为23.4°,铰接角最大为10.8°,符合安全性和稳定性的要求。

3.3 圆形路径跟踪仿真

参考路径为圆心坐标(0,0),半径为25 m的圆形。路径跟踪控制初始条件如下:农机具的起点坐标(-2,-25),农机具初始航向φ 0=0°,初始铰接角γ 0=0°,初始速度v 0=2 m/s,仿真时间为80 s,车辆圆形路径仿真结果如图8所示。
图8 车辆的圆形路径仿真结果

Fig. 8 Simulation results of vehicle's circular path

分析图8可知,农机具在仿真时间内与参考圆形路径基本吻合,轨迹较平滑。横向偏差经7 s趋于稳定,保持在0.03 m以内,航向偏差经7 s收敛到0°。前轮转角稳定在4.5°,铰接角稳定在2.8°,符合安全性和稳定性的要求。综上可知,控制器可以跟踪圆形路径。

3.4 S形曲线路径跟踪仿真

S形曲线由三条直线段和两个半径相同的半圆组成,起点为(0,0),半圆的半径为25 m,圆心分别为(50,25)和(25,75)。路径跟踪控制初始条件如下:农机具的起点坐标(-2,0.2),农机具初始航向φ 0=0°,初始铰接角γ 0=0°,初始速度v 0=2 m/s,仿真时间为130 s,S形曲线路径仿真结果如图9示。
图9 车辆的S形曲线路径仿真结果

Fig. 9 Simulation results of vehicle's s-curve path

分析图9可知,S形路径跟踪仿真试验在直线段和圆形处的仿真效果分别与4.2节、4.3节相近。在直线跟踪时,农机具横向偏差从初始的0.2 m经8 s收敛到0 m;在两个半圆处,农机具的横向偏差保持在0.03 m以内。在25、70、80和115 s处,参考曲率发生改变,农机具横向偏差产生保持在0.05 m以内,并在经过曲率变化处后迅速跟踪到参考路径。综上可知,在跟踪变曲率路径时,控制器依然保持良好的精度和快速性。

4 结 论

2)本研究在联合仿真环境中对控制算法进行验证。结果表明,在跟踪双移线路径时,设计的控制器使得农机具横向偏差和航向偏差经8 s收敛到0 m和0°,当参考航向发生改变时,农机具横向偏差小于0.1 m,航向偏差小于7°。在跟踪圆形路径时,农机具横向偏差和航向偏差经7 s趋于稳定,横向偏差保持在0.03 m以内,航向偏差保持在0°。在跟踪变曲率路径时,农机具横向偏差保持在理想范围内。三种仿真试验中,拖拉机前轮转角和拖拉机与农机具间的铰接角都保持在较小范围内,降低了事故发生的可能性。试验结果验证了控制算法具有良好的跟踪精度和响应速度,满足安全性的要求。



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