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Special Issue--Artificial Intelligence and Robot Technology for Smart Agriculture

Traceability Model of Plantation Agricultural Products Based on Blockchain and InterPlanetary File System

  • CHEN Dandan , 1 ,
  • ZHANG Lijie 2 ,
  • JIANG Shuangfeng 3 ,
  • ZHANG En 2 ,
  • ZHANG Jie 1, 4 ,
  • ZHAO Qing 1, 4 ,
  • ZHENG Guoqing 1, 4, 5 ,
  • LI Guoqiang , 1, 4, 5
  • 1. Institute of Agricultural Economy and Information, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China
  • 2. College of Computer and Information Engneering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China
  • 3. Xinyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinyang 464099, China
  • 4. Key Laboratory of Huang-Huai-Hai Smart Agricultural Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Zhengzhou 450002, China
  • 5. Henan Engineering and Technology Research Center for Smart Agriculture, Zhengzhou 450002, China
LI Guoqiang, E-mail:

Received date: 2023-07-12

  Online published: 2023-12-25

Supported by

Excellent Youth Science and Technology Fund Project of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(2022YQ28)


copyright©2023 by the authors


[Objective] The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer distributed file system, aiming to establish a global, open, and decentralized network for storage and sharing. Combining the IPFS and blockchain technology could alleviate the pressure on blockchain storage. The distinct features of the supply chain for agricultural products in the plantation industry, including extended production cycles, multiple, heterogeneous data sources, and relatively fragmented production, which can readily result in information gaps and opacity throughout the supply chain; in the traceability process of agricultural products, there are issues with sensitive data being prone to leakage and a lack of security, and the supply chain of plantation agricultural products is long, and the traceability data is often stored in multiple blocks, which requires frequent block tracing operations during tracing, resulting in low efficiency. Consequently, the aim of this study is to fully encapsulate the decentralized nature of blockchain, safeguard the privacy of sensitive data, and alleviate the storage strain of blockchain. [Method] A traceability model for plantation-based agricultural products was developed, leveraging the hyperledger fabric consortium chain and the IPFS. Based on data type, traceability data was categorized into structured and unstructured data. Given that blockchain ledgers were not optimized for direct storage of unstructured data, such as images and videos, to alleviate the storage strain on the blockchain, unstructured data was persisted in the IPFS, while structured data remains within the blockchain ledger. Based on data privacy categories, traceability data was categorized into public data and sensitive data. Public data was stored in the public ledger of hyperledger fabric, while sensitive data was stored in the private data collection of hyperledger fabric. This method allowed for efficient data access while maintaining data security, enhancing the efficiency of traceability. Hyperledger Fabric was the foundational platform for the development of the prototype system. The front-end website was based on the TCP/IP protocol stack. The website visualization was implemented through the React framework. Smart contracts were crafted using the Java programming language. The performance of the application layer interface was tested using the testing tool Postman. [Conclusions and Discussions] The blockchain-based plantation agricultural product traceability system was structured into a five-tiered architecture, starting from the top: the application layer, gateway layer, contract layer, consensus layer, and data storage layer. The primary service providers at the application layer were the enterprises and consumers involved in each stage of the traceability process. The gateway layer served as the middleware between users and the blockchain, primarily providing interface support for the front-end interface of the application layer. The contract layer mainly included smart contracts for planting, processing, warehousing, transportation, and sales. The consensus layer used the EtcdRaft consensus algorithm. The data storage layer was divided into the on-chain storage layer of the blockchain ledger and the off-chain storage layer of the IPFS cluster. In terms of data types, each piece of traceability data was categorized into structured data items and unstructured data items. Unstructured data was stored in the Interstellar File System cluster, and the returned content identifiers were integrated with the structured data items into the blockchain nodes within the traceability system. In the realm of data privacy, smart contracts were employed to segregate public and sensitive data, with public data directly integrating onto the blockchain, and sensitive data, adhering to predefined sharing policies, being stored in a private dataset designated by hyperledger fabric. In terms of user queries, consumers could retrieve product traceability information via a traceability system overseen by a reputable authority. The developed model website consisted of three parts: a login section, an agricultural product circulation information management and user data management section for enterprises in various links, and a traceability data query section for consumers. When using synchronous and asynchronous Application Program Interfaces, the average data on-chain latency was 2 138.9 and 37.6 ms, respectively, and the average data query latency was 12.3 ms. Blockchain, as the foundational data storage technology, enhances the credibility and transaction efficiency in agricultural product traceability. [Conclusions] This study designed and implemented a plantation agricultural product traceability model leveraging blockchain technology's private dataset and the IPFS cluster. This model ensured secure sharing and storage of traceability data, particularly sensitive data, across all stages. Compared to traditional centralized traceability models, it enhanced the reliability of the traceability data. Based on the evaluation through experimental systems, the traceability model proposed in this study effectively safeguarded the privacy of sensitive data in enterprises. Additionally, it offered high efficiency in data linking and querying. Applicable to the real-world traceability environment of plantation agricultural products, it showed potential for widespread application and promotion, offering fresh insights for designing blockchain traceability models in this sector. The model is still in its experimental phase and lacks applications across various types of crops in the farming industry. The subsequent step is to apply the model in real-world scenarios, continually enhance its efficiency, refine the model, advance the practical application of blockchain technology, and lay the foundation for agricultural modernization.

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CHEN Dandan , ZHANG Lijie , JIANG Shuangfeng , ZHANG En , ZHANG Jie , ZHAO Qing , ZHENG Guoqing , LI Guoqiang . Traceability Model of Plantation Agricultural Products Based on Blockchain and InterPlanetary File System[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2023 , 5(4) : 68 -78 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202307004

0 引 言

种植业农产品在人们生活需求品中所占比例较大,其质量安全直接影响人们的生活水平 1。与此同时,现阶段农业生产水平、检测和监管能力与人民群众对食品安全的要求仍有一定差距,因此,建立农产品可追溯体系和农产品溯源系统是保障农产品质量安全的重要手段。
传统追溯系统主要利用编码技术、近距离无线通信技术(Near Field Communication,NFC)、窄带蜂窝物联网(Narrow Band-Internet of Things,NB-IOT)、Zigbee、无线射频、视频监控等物联网技术采集农产品数据信息,基本实现数据自动上传及定位溯源等。但该类型系统中的大多数将溯源数据存储在中心化数据库中,存在溯源信息完整性较低、真实性存疑、易篡改等问题。基于区块链技术的溯源系统,通过建立多方参与、共同维护的分布式数据库,并采用密码学和共识机制建立信任关系,具有数据无法篡改、共享可信度高等优势,成为近年来国内外学者研究的热点。Feng等 2总结了区块链技术的功能与特点,明确提出了区块链在解决食品信息溯源问题的可行性。Tian 3, 4、Lin等 5、Hao等 6分别结合射频识别技术(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)、危害分析的临界控制点(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point,HACCP)、产品电子代码信息服务(Economic Products Code Information Service,EPCIS)、可视化技术设计了相应的区块链溯源系统。葛艳等 7、许继平等 8、于合龙等 9分别提出了水产、粮油、水稻等产业的区块链溯源模型。Yang等 10开发了一套基于区块链的果蔬农产品跟踪系统,引入“链上+链下”双存储结构,缓解链上负载压力,提高了信息的透明度和可信度。梁昊等 11设计了区块链技术框架,采用联盟链结构,提供了更加灵活的数据存储方式并提出了多链式农产品交易信息区块链应用技术 12,但首先由于种植业农产品供应链具有生产周期长、数据多源异构、生产相对分散等特点,极易造成供应链前后信息断链和不透明 13;其次,追溯过程存在敏感数据易泄露及安全性不高的问题。另外,种植业农产品供应链生产周期长,溯源数据往往被存储于多个区块 14- 16,追溯时需要进行频繁的区块回溯操作,追溯效率低等。
综上所述,本研究为充分体现区块链去中心化的特点,鉴于企业对敏感数据隐私保护的需求和区块链的存储压力,设计了基于Hyperledger Fabric联盟链和星际文件系统的种植业农产品溯源模型,对于可以完全共享公开的结构化数据直接上传至区块链,而各节点敏感数据上传至区块链私有数据集中,实现非侵入式数据隐私保护;同时,对于图片、音频和视频等公开数据中的非结构化数据上传至分布式数据库星际文件系统。将区块链技术应用到种植业农产品溯源,让消费者追溯从“农田”到“餐桌”的农产品全流程信息。

1 种植业农产品溯源存在的问题及应对方式

针对以上问题,本研究提出的应对方式如 表1所示。利用区块链天然的技术特性确保数据不可篡改,消除对中心化管理者的信任依赖,降低单点故障的风险,提高系统的安全性和可靠性。敏感数据上链问题通过Hyperledger Fabric具备的私有数据集来实现。
表1 种植业农产品溯源存在的问题和应对方式

Table 1 Problems and countermeasures in traceability of plantation agricultural products

类型 存在问题 应对方式
数据安全 中心化系统中的数据容易被篡改,导致溯源信息的不可靠 区块链采用分布式账本技术,数据存储在多个节点上,确保数据不可篡改
数据隐私 敏感数据上链问题 Hyperledger Fabric具备的私有数据集这一特性可以实现敏感数据上链功能。敏感数据只有被授权的企业节点才能访问
信任问题 消费者和各环节所涉及的企业需要信任中心化系统的管理者,存在信任风险 区块链技术可以实现去中心化,消除对中心化管理者的信任依赖,降低信任成本
系统安全 中心化系统容易受到攻击,一旦中心节点出现问题,整个系统可能瘫痪 区块链采用加密技术,分布式存储,降低了单点故障的风险,提高了系统的安全性

2 基于区块链的种植业农产品溯源模型研究

2.1 关键技术

私有数据集(Private Data Collection)是一种可配置加密的数据存储机制,其访问和控制是由授权机构进行管理,可以灵活地设置访问权限和控制策略。私有数据集的数据处理和存储都是在节点本地进行,不需要进行网络广播,只有被授权的节点才可以访问和查看,其他节点只能获取到这些数据的哈希值,既减轻了区块链的存储压力,又保护了敏感数据的隐私和安全。
星际文件系统(InterPlanetary File System,IPFS)是一种点对点的分布式文件系统,它旨在创建一个全球性的、开放的、去中心化的存储和共享网络。IPFS适合存储图片、音频或视频等非结构化数据。数据一旦上传到IPFS中,会得到唯一一个内容标识符(Content Identifier,CID)来标识IPFS网络上的文件或内容。CID是IPFS文件内容的哈希值表示,它可以标识和定位任何类型的数据,将IPFS和区块链技术相结合,缓解区块链存储压力。

2.2 种植业农产品溯源数据分类

种植业农产品溯源的主要参与方包括种植基地、加工企业、仓储企业、运输企业和销售企业。各参与方产生的溯源数据具有海量、异构等特点,针对这些数据的存储和上链问题,本研究将相关溯源数据差异化存储,分类后上链。按照数据类型分类,溯源数据可分为结构化数据和非结构化数据。由于区块链账本不适合直接存储图片、视频等非结构化数据,为了减轻区块链账本的存储压力,将非结构化数据存储至IPFS,结构化数据存储至区块链账本。按照数据隐私分类,溯源数据可分为公开数据和敏感数据,公开数据存储至Hyperledger Fabric的公开账本,敏感数据存储至Hyperledger Fabric的私有数据集,不同环节涉及的溯源数据项见 表2
表2 种植业农产品溯源数据分类

Table 2 Classification of traceability data in plantation agricultural products

参与方 公开数据 敏感数据






加工企业 加工标准、加工方法、包装规格、加工日期、加工负责人等 注册信息、成本、利润等
仓储企业 存储方式、入库量、仓储负责人等 注册信息、仓储成本、利润等
运输企业 运输方式、车辆信息、运输时间、运输量、运输负责人等 注册信息、运输成本、利润等
销售企业 销售时间、销售地点、销售价格、销售负责人等 注册信息、进价、利润等

2.3 种植业农产品Fabric溯源链网络结构及节点数据存储模型

Hyperledger Fabric是由多个模块组成的程序组,其中Peer模块是其核心模块。每个企业通过提供Peer节点服务器的方式参与到Fabric网络中。种植业农产品溯源系统中的Fabric网络分为种植环节、加工环节、仓储环节、运输环节和销售环节5个组成,每个组织内都包含承担不同功能的Peer节点。如 图1所示,每个环节包括各自对应的证书机构、背书节点、Leader节点、锚节点和提交节点。所有环节共用一个统一的Orderer集群。其中证书机构负责生成Fabric账号;背书节点负责对交易进行验证;Leader节点负责将交易从排序节点分发到组织中的其他节点;锚节点负责与Fabric网络中其他参与方进行信息交换;提交节点负责接收生成的交易区块。
图1 种植业农产品溯源系统Fabric网络结构图

Fig.1 Fabric network structure diagram of the traceability system for agricultural products in the plantation industry

以种植环节为例说明各节点数据存储模型,如 图2所示。提交节点提供公开存储和私有数据集两种数据存储方式。私有数据集存储的是明文状态的敏感数据,只有被授权的参与方才能访问,而敏感数据的哈希值存储到公开账本中,对Fabric网络中的所有参与方公开。剩余4个环节数据存储模式与此类似,不同的是每个环节的智能合约不同。
图2 种植业农产品溯源系统的种植环节数据存储模型图

Fig. 2 The data storage model diagram of the planting process in the traceability system for agricultural products in the plantation industry

2.4 种植业农产品溯源模型设计

本研究鉴于种植业农产品溯源业务特点,结合实际生产需求,设计了基于区块链技术的种植业农产品溯源模型,如 图3所示。
图3 基于区块链的种植业农产品溯源模型图

Fig. 3 Traceability model of plantation agricultural products based on blockchain

就数据流动而言,种植环节信息,如溯源码、农产品名称、农产品批号等,由种植基地生成,待下游企业收到农产品ID(Identity Document)时,先向区块链账本中查询是否已经记录该农产品的种植信息,只有已经记录种植信息的农产品才能被追加记录其加工、仓储、运输和销售信息。
从数据隐私出发,利用智能合约实现公开数据和敏感数据分别上链,公开数据直接上链,敏感数据根据预先配置共享策略,存储到Hyperledger Fabric指定的私有数据集。根据Hyperledger Fabric的私有数据集特性,一方面可以保证这些数据的隐私性;另一方面避免了中心化数据库单点故障的风险。

2.5 智能合约设计

种植业农产品溯源共涉及5种类型企业。本模型需为每种类型企业设计一份智能合约,每份智能合约除了查询接口外,其他接口只能由各自环节的企业调用。如 表3所示,以种植环节智能合约为例,合约的抽象功能包括数据上链功能和数据查询功能。数据上链功能分为公开数据上链和敏感数据上链;数据查询功能又分为公开数据查询和敏感数据查询,其中敏感数据查询需要授权才能完成。其余类型企业智能合约设计与此类似。
表3 种植业农产品溯源系统中种植环节合约抽象业务逻辑

Table 3 Abstract business logic of planting contract in the traceability system of agricultural products in the plantation industry

合约抽象功能 合约具体功能 合约方法



insertPlantInfo (plantDTO)

insertPlantPrivateInfo (plantPrivateDTO)




queryPlantInfo (id)

queryPlantPrivateInfo (id)

ChaincodeStub stub = ctx.getStub();
String plantState = stub.getStringState(plant.getUUID());
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(plantState))
throw new ChaincodeException(errorMessage);//如果uuid已经存在,则抛出异常
String json = JSON.toJSONString(plant);//数据格式化
stub.putStringState(plant.getUUID(), json);//数据上链
return true;
输入:智能合约上下文ctx, 溯源码uuid
ChaincodeStub stub = ctx.getStub();
String plantState = stub.getStringState(uuid);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(plantState))
throw new ChaincodeException(errorMessage);//如果溯源码uuid不存在,则抛出异常
return JSON.parseObject(plantState, Plant.class);//查询成功,返回格式化的溯源数据

3 系统实现

3.1 系统架构

图4 种植业农产品溯源系统模型整体架构图

Fig. 4 Overall architecture diagram of the traceability system model for agricultural products in the plantation industry

网关层:作为用户和区块链交互的中间件,通过Hyperledger Fabric提供的Java软件开发工具包(Java Software Development Kit,Java SDK)进行开发,主要作用是为应用层的前端界面提供接口支持。前端采用统一资源定位符(Uniform Resource Locator,URL)的形式访问这些接口以此与区块链上部署的智能合约进行通信。

3.2 区块链环境搭建

原型系统基于Hyperledger Fabric作为底层区块链平台进行开发,为方便区块链的扩展,本研究基于Docker的方式部署区块链网络。 图5(a)展示区块链网络中所涉及到的Docker容器; 图5(b)展示区块链浏览器的详情页,主要用来查询、获取、调用交易区块以及其他相关交易数据,同时监控区块链网络的名称、状态、节点等网络信息; 图5(c)展示当前网络的基本信息、节点名称、节点种类以及节点的所属组织等; 图5(d)展示区块中记录的交易详细数据,包括该交易背书者、使用的链码名称、交易的种类及读写集等信息,其中交易产生的读写集信息中记录溯源相关信息。
图5 种植业农产品溯源系统的区块链信息详情图

Fig. 5 Blockchain information detail diagram of the traceability system for agricultural products in the plantation industry

3.3 原型系统开发

本系统通过Hyperledger Fabric提供的Java SDK进行网关层开发,前端网站基于TCP/IP协议栈,通过React框架实现网站可视化,利用编程语言Java进行智能合约编写。该系统已初步在蔬菜、水果、茶叶等种植业农产品上应用。网站分为3个部分,分别是登录部分、面向各环节企业的农产品流通信息管理和用户数据管理部分以及面向消费者的溯源数据查询部分。系统界面截图如 图6所示,其中 图6(a)为用户登录页面,种植业农产品溯源的五个环节分不同账户登录; 图6(b)为种植环节信息采集页面,主要用于常规信息、土壤信息、施肥信息、施药信息及灌溉信息等农事活动信息的采集; 图6(c)为加工环节信息采集页面,主要采集加工标准、加工方法及加工日期等信息; 图6(d)为溯源查询页面,可追溯各个环节信息。
图6 种植业农产品溯源系统界面截图

Fig. 6 Screenshot of the traceability system interface for agricultural products in the plantation industry


3.4 系统测试

3.4.1 测试环境

开发完成的基于区块链的种植业农产品溯源系统部署在农业农村部黄淮海智慧农业技术重点实验室的服务器上,该服务器配置为4核CPU、16 G内存、100 G存储空间、10 Mb/s带宽。Hyperledger Fabric联盟链包括8个节点,其中3个排序节点,5个Peer节点,其具体配置如 表4所示。
表4 种植业农产品溯源系统测试环境

Table 4 Testing environment for traceability system of agricultural products in the plantation industry

参数 配置
区块链运行环境 Debian 5.10.158-2
区块链版本 Hyperledger fabric 2.4.1
状态数据库 CouchDB
共识机制 EtcdRaft

Org1: 种植基地;Org2: 加工企业

Org3: 仓储企业;Org4: 运输企业

Org5: 销售企业

区块生成时间间隔/s 2
区块最大交易数量/个 500
区块最大容量/MB 10

3.4.2 测试结果

为了更好地模拟真实生产环境,使用接口测试工具Postman模拟用户操作,以信阳市潢川县金栗茗皇茶业有限公司信阳毛尖茶叶各生产环节溯源数据为依据,在日常使用场景下对所建模型架构的性能指标进行测试,共10轮试验,每轮请求数量以50次递增,计算出每轮请求所用的平均时延,测试结果如下:对于数据上链操作,本系统应用程序接口(Application Programming Interface,API)使用同步和异步两种方法,测试结果如 图7所示,在同步API情况下,由于同步特性会阻塞程序,其平均时延为2 138.9 ms,在异步API情况下,其平均时延为37.6 ms。对于数据查询操作,如 图8所示,其平均时延为12.3 ms。
图7 种植业农产品溯源系统的溯源数据写入时延

Fig. 7 Writing delay of traceability data in the traceability system for agricultural products in the plantation industry

图8 种植业农产品溯源系统的溯源数据查询时延

Fig. 8 Delay in querying traceability data for agricultural product traceability systems in the plantation industry

4 总结与展望

区块链作为底层数据存储技术为农产品溯源带来了更高的可信度和交易执行效率 17。本研究基于区块链技术的私有数据集和IPFS集群,设计并实现了一种种植业农产品溯源模型,能保证溯源数据尤其是敏感数据在各环节的安全共享与存储,相比于传统中心化溯源模型,提高了溯源数据的可信性。通过实验系统评估,该模型具有较高的性能,并具有广泛应用和推广的潜力,为区块链技术在农产品溯源上的应用提供新的可能。



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