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Special Issue--Agricultural Information Perception and Models

Oilseed Rape Sclerotinia in Hyperspectral Images Segmentation Method Based on Bi-GRU and Spatial-Spectral Information Fusion

  • ZHANG Jing , 1 ,
  • ZHAO Zexuan 1 ,
  • ZHAO Yanru 2 ,
  • BU Hongchao 1 ,
  • WU Xingyu 1
  • 1. School of Management Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China
  • 2. College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
ZHANG Jing, E-mail:

Received date: 2023-10-12

  Online published: 2024-03-05

Supported by

Capital University of Economics and Business Teaching Reform Project 2024(01892454202148)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(31901403)


copyright©2024 by the authors


[Objective] The widespread prevalence of sclerotinia disease poses a significant challenge to the cultivation and supply of oilseed rape, not only results in substantial yield losses and decreased oil content in infected plant seeds but also severely impacts crop productivity and quality, leading to significant economic losses. To solve the problems of complex operation, environmental pollution, sample destruction and low detection efficiency of traditional chemical detection methods, a Bi-directional Gate Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU) model based on space-spectrum feature fusion was constructed to achieve hyperspectral images (HSIs) segmentation of oilseed rape sclerotinia infected area. [Methods] The spectral characteristics of sclerotinia disease from a spectral perspective was initially explored. Significantly varying spectral reflectance was notably observed around 550 nm and within the wavelength range of 750-1 000 nm at different locations on rapeseed leaves. As the severity of sclerotinia infection increased, the differences in reflectance at these wavelengths became more pronounced. Subsequently, a rapeseed leaf sclerotinia disease dataset comprising 400 HSIs was curated using an intelligent data annotation tool. This dataset was divided into three subsets: a training set with 280 HSIs, a validation set with 40 HSIs, and a test set with 80 HSIs. Expanding on this, a 7×7 pixel neighborhood was extracted as the spatial feature of the target pixel, incorporating both spatial and spectral features effectively. Leveraging the Bi-GRU model enabled simultaneous feature extraction at any point within the sequence data, eliminating the impact of the order of spatial-spectral data fusion on the model's performance. The model comprises four key components: an input layer, hidden layers, fully connected layers, and an output layer. The Bi-GRU model in this study consisted of two hidden layers, each housing 512 GRU neurons. The forward hidden layer computed sequence information at the current time step, while the backward hidden layer retrieves the sequence in reverse, incorporating reversed-order information. These two hidden layers were linked to a fully connected layer, providing both forward and reversed-order information to all neurons during training. The Bi-GRU model included two fully connected layers, each with 1 000 neurons, and an output layer with two neurons representing the healthy and diseased classes, respectively. [Results and Discussions] To thoroughly validate the comprehensive performance of the proposed Bi-GRU model and assess the effectiveness of the spatial-spectral information fusion mechanism, relevant comparative analysis experiments were conducted. These experiments primarily focused on five key parameters—ClassAP(1), ClassAP(2), mean average precision (mAP), mean intersection over union (mIoU), and Kappa coefficient—to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the Bi-GRU model's performance. The comprehensive performance analysis revealed that the Bi-GRU model, when compared to mainstream convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) models, demonstrated superior overall performance in detecting rapeseed sclerotinia disease. Notably, the proposed Bi-GRU model achieved an mAP of 93.7%, showcasing a 7.1% precision improvement over the CNN model. The bidirectional architecture, coupled with spatial-spectral fusion data, effectively enhanced detection accuracy. Furthermore, the study visually presented the segmentation results of sclerotinia disease-infected areas using CNN, Bi-LSTM, and Bi-GRU models. A comparison with the Ground-Truth data revealed that the Bi-GRU model outperformed the CNN and Bi-LSTM models in detecting sclerotinia disease at various infection stages. Additionally, the Dice coefficient was employed to comprehensively assess the actual detection performance of different models at early, middle, and late infection stages. The dice coefficients for the Bi-GRU model at these stages were 83.8%, 89.4% and 89.2%, respectively. While early infection detection accuracy was relatively lower, the spatial-spectral data fusion mechanism significantly enhanced the effectiveness of detecting early sclerotinia infections in oilseed rape. [Conclusions] This study introduces a Bi-GRU model that integrates spatial and spectral information to accurately and efficiently identify the infected areas of oilseed rape sclerotinia disease. This approach not only addresses the challenge of detecting early stages of sclerotinia infection but also establishes a basis for high-throughput non-destructive detection of the disease.

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ZHANG Jing , ZHAO Zexuan , ZHAO Yanru , BU Hongchao , WU Xingyu . Oilseed Rape Sclerotinia in Hyperspectral Images Segmentation Method Based on Bi-GRU and Spatial-Spectral Information Fusion[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2024 , 6(2) : 40 -48 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202310010

0 引 言

油菜1是世界四大油料作物之一,亦是植物油和植物蛋白的主要来源。然而,菌核病2的高发对油菜的种植和保供提出了严峻的挑战。菌核病,又称菌核杆腐病,是由核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)引起的一种病害,易侵染油菜的茎、叶、花、角果和种子等部位,不仅会导致油菜的大规模减产,还会使病株种子的含油量锐减,严重影响油菜的产量和品质,造成极大的经济损失。传统用于检测菌核病的化学方法,常伴随着药剂的频繁使用,这是一种有损的检测方式且对于环境也会造成污染。因此,研发一种新的高通量无损检测方法具有重要意义3。高光谱图像(Hyperspectral Image, HSI)4-6的引入可以精准地识别那些外表看似“健康”但实际上已感染菌核病的油菜植株。实现病害早期侵染的检测,同时及时采取相应的治疗措施,可大幅减少由于感染菌核病而引发的一系列损失7
传统的高光谱图像分割方法主要包含距离分类器(Distance Classifier, DC)、K近邻分类器(K-Nearest Neighbor, KNN)、最大似然分类器(Maximum Likelihood Classification, MLC)和逻辑回归(Logistic Regression, LR)等8, 9。但这些方法大多都会受到Hughes现象的影响(当训练数据有限时,随着模型特征维数的增加,分类的精度会出现先增后降)10。针对这一问题,研究者们提出了相关的特征提取方法和判别学习方法。其中,特征提取法主要是将高维数据映射到低维空间,同时保留类别信息。典型的特征提取方法有主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)、独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis, ICA)、线性判别分析(Linear Discriminant Analysis, LDA)等。判别学习法则包括:支持向量机(Support Vector Machines, SVM)、多类别逻辑回归(Multinomial Logistics Regression, MLR)、人工免疫网络(Artificial Immune Network, AIN)等11-13。该类方法主要是通过学习得到高维空间中数据与类别之间的映射关系。近年来,除了谱维度数据以外,高光谱图像分割方法也开始引入空间信息,从而利用融合的空-谱信息来表征对象14。空-谱信息的融合显著提高了高光谱图像的识别与分割精度,但也进一步增加了数据量。如何从海量的数据中高效且准确地提取特征,同时充分挖掘空间数据和光谱数据所包含的潜在信息,一直是该研究的难点与热点15
深度学习(Deep Learning, DL)为高光谱数据特征的提取提供了有效的解决方案16, 17。在高光谱图像分割领域应用的典型深度学习模型主要包括卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)、递归神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN)及Transformer等18, 19。其中,Hamida等20提出的3D CNN模型,在减少模型参数量的同时采用空-谱特征融合手段,实现了较高的分割精度。Mou等21提出一种RNN模型,并设计了新的激活函数进行参数校正。该模型有效地将谱维度信息作为序列数据进行分析。Hong等22设计了基于Transformer架构的Spectral-Former网络。该模型通过分组光谱嵌入和跨层自适应融合方法实现了高光谱图像中光谱序列特征和空间特征的同时提取。从信息的表征形式看,面向深度学习的高光谱图像分割方法可主要分为以下3类:基于谱信息的分割方法23、基于空间信息的分割方法24和基于空-谱数据的分割方法25。实际上,面向空间信息的分割方法大多采用CNN模型。这种方法通常将高光谱图像近似为一般的RGB图像进行处理,但由于降维计算必然导致谱维度信息的丢失。因此,对于病害早期感染现象的检测效果并不理想。RNN在光谱序列数据的处理上具有天然优势,如何实现全波段光谱信息的深入挖掘,探究面向RNN的空-谱信息融合机制,是目前极具潜力的研究方向之一。
本研究的主要贡献在于解决了油菜菌核病早期感染现象难以检测的问题,提出了一种基于双向门控循环神经网络(Bi-directional Gate Recurrent Unit, Bi-GRU)的高光谱图像分割方法,通过空-谱信息的联合表征实现了病害浸染区域的精准识别与提取。

1 材料与方法

1.1 数据的获取

本研究以浙江大学生物技术研究所提供的双低品系甘蓝型油菜浙双758(Brassica napus L. cv. ZS758)为油菜叶样品。为了确保数据获取的精确度,在样品感染病菌24 h后进行高光谱数据采集。光谱采集装置采用Handheld FieldSpec光谱仪,该光谱仪可实现325~1 075 nm的512个频带的数据获取,其探测器的视场角度(Field of View)为20°。数据采集系统使用150 W的卤素灯,其入射角为45°。探测器和油菜叶片的垂直距离约为150 mm。通过辐射修正得到的高光谱图像如图1所示。
图1 油菜菌核病不同感染时期的RGB图像和伪彩色图像

Fig. 1 RGB images and pseudo-color images of oilseed rape sclerotinia in different periods

根据油菜感染菌核病的程度,将HSI数据分为以下3个类别:感染初期(图1a图1b)、感染中期(图1c图1d)和感染后期(图1e图1f)。其中,不同感染程度的划分主要依据病斑所占的像素数量。感染初期代表病斑占据了5~30个像素区域;感染中期说明病斑占据了31~400个像素区域;而感染后期则代表病斑占据的像素区域超过了400个。为了更清楚地说明HSI在病菌感染初期的诊断效果,图1针对3个不同的感染阶段分别采用RGB图像和伪彩色图像进行比较。其中,伪彩色图像由390、740和950 nm这3种波长构成。而RGB图像则由波长为460、540和630 nm的光谱数据形成。在菌核病感染的初期阶段,仅使用RGB图像难以直接发现病斑(图1b),但通过特征频带筛选后得到的伪彩色图像(图1a)却能够实现初期感染位置的准确定位。这也进一步验证了利用HSI诊断菌核病初期感染症状的可行性。

1.2 光谱特征分析

本研究从光谱角度入手,分析菌核病的谱维度特征。图2分别展示了完全健康的(图2a)及处于初期(图2b)、中期(图2c)和后期(图2d)感染阶段的油菜叶片原始反射率光谱曲线。为了减少噪声对谱特征分析所造成的影响,图2截取了400~1 000 nm波长的光谱数据,同时采用平滑去噪算法实现了光谱曲线的进一步优化。
图2 油菜叶片的原始反射率光谱

Fig. 2 Raw reflectance spectral of oilseed rape leaves

图2发现,在550 nm附近和750~1 000 nm波长范围内,油菜叶片上不同位置的光谱反射率呈现出较大的差异性。与此同时,随着菌核病感染程度的加深,上述波段的反射率差异也表现得更为显著。此外,感染区域的大小以及叶片含水率的不同也是引发这种差异的主要因素。与完全健康的叶片相比,光谱反射率数据在550 nm附近和750~1 000 nm波长范围内所产生的差异意味着可以从谱维度特征入手,实现菌核病的检测与分割。

1.3 油菜叶片菌核病数据集的构建

表1 油菜叶片菌核病数据集的结构组成

Table 1 The structural composition of rapeseed leaf dataset

感染阶段 数据集分布 像素类别占比
训练集/张 验证集/张 测试集/张 健康区域像素占比/% 感染区域像素占比/%
感染初期 100 15 30 83.2 16.8
感染中期 90 15 25
感染后期 90 10 25
图3 油菜菌核病数据集的标注效果示例

Fig. 3 Annotation effects of oilseed rape sclerotinia dataset

1.4 空-谱信息融合机制

图4 空-谱信息融合机制

Fig. 4 Spatial-spectral information fusion mechanism


1.5 Bi-GRU模型构建

相较于模型结构相对复杂的长短时记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM),GRU模型在准确性和效率上都具有相对更优的表现。本研究采用的GRU模型主要由更新门zt 和重置门rt 两个门控机制组成。其中,重置门用于控制想保留的过去状态的数量,有助于捕获序列中的短期依赖关系。而更新门负责控制过去状态被带入到当前状态的数量,用于捕获序列中的长期依赖关系,其涉及的具体计算方法如公式(1)所示。
r t = σ W x r x t + W h r h t - 1 + b r                 z t = σ W x z x t + W h z h t - 1 + b z                 n t = t a n h   W x h x t + W h h r t * h t - 1 + b h h t = n t * 1 - z t + z t * h t - 1                        
式中: h tt时刻的隐藏状态; x tt时刻的输入; h t - 1t-1时刻的隐藏状态或0时刻的初始隐藏状态; n tt时刻的候选隐藏状态; W x r W x z W h r W h z分别为权重参数; b r b z b h分别为偏置参数;σ为sigmoid激活函数;tanh为非线性激活函数;*为Hadamard积(按元素乘积)运算。
由于传统的GRU模型只考虑序列中单一方向上数据间的相关性,而忽略对未来信息的考量,因此在往返关联性较强的应用上有较大局限。所以,为了同时提取高光谱数据序列的全部特征,本研究采用双向的GRU算法,即Bi-GRU,该网络包含正、反向两个GRU层,正向传播的GRU用来计算当前时刻的序列信息,反向传播的GRU则逆向读取同一序列,引入逆序信息。两个GRU网络层共同连接一个全连接层,在网络训练过程中为全连接层中的所有神经元同时提供正序与逆序两类信息。模型的具体结构组成如图5所示。本研究的Bi-GRU模型由4个部分组成:输入层、隐藏层、全连接层和输出层。其中,隐藏层使用512个GRU神经元,共两个全连接层且每层包含1 000个神经元,输出层有两个神经元,分别对应健康和染病两个类别。
图5 Bi-GRU模型结构

Fig. 5 Structure diagram of the Bi-GRU model

1.6 训练策略与评价指标

本研究构建的Bi-GRU模型是基于Pytorch框架实现的。模型的训练环境主要包含Intel Core i7-11800 H处理器、NVIDIA GeForce 3060显卡及16 G内存。模型训练过程中采用Adam自适应优化器,且学习率被设置为0.000 5。此外,由于数据集存在数据分布不均衡的现象,因此本研究通过基于加权的交叉熵损失函数对Bi-GRU模型进行训练,其中健康和染病两个类别之间的权重分配为1∶6。在模型的训练过程中,采用Dropout方法减少神经元之间的相互依赖,避免过拟合的发生。Dropout被设置为0.3,即30%的节点被随机选择并重置。
为了深入分析本研究中Bi-GRU模型的总体效果,试验部分采用了多项评估指标对模型的综合性能进行量化分析。均值平均精度(mean Average Precision, mAP)是通过对所有检测类别的平均精度(Average Precision, AP)进行综合加权平均得到的,具体计算方法如公式(2)所示。
A P i = 0 1 P R R m A P = Σ = 1 k A P i k         
另外,基于平均交并比(mean Intersection over Union,mIoU)计算每个类别的预测值和真实值的交并比,计算方法如公式(3)所示。
m I o U = 1 k + 1 i = 0 k p i i Σ j = 0 k p i j + Σ j = 0 k p j i - p i i
式中:k为不同类别的数量; i为真实值; j为预测值。
K a p p a = p o - p e 1 - p e
式中:p0 为预测一致性;pe 为偶然一致性。
D i c e = 2 X Y X + Y

2 试验与结果分析

2.1 模型综合性能验证

表2 Bi-GRU模型综合性能的对比试验结果(谱维度)

Table 2 Comparative test results of the overall performances of the Bi-GRU model (spectral dimension)

评价指标 PCA+CNN LSTM(谱维度) GRU(谱维度)
U Bi U Bi
ClassAP(1)/% 81.6 81.2 83.4 81.7 83.9
ClassAP(2)/% 91.5 92.1 94.1 92.3 94.7
mAP /% 86.6 86.7 88.8 87.0 89.3
mIoU /% 79.4 79.5 82.0 80.1 82.6
Kappa 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.79 0.84

注: U表示单向传输;Bi表示双向传输。

表3 Bi-GRU模型综合性能的对比试验结果(空-谱融合)

Table 3 Comparative test results of the overall performances of the Bi-GRU model (spatial-spectral dimension)

评价指标 PCA+CNN LSTM(空-谱融合) GRU(空-谱融合)
U Bi U Bi
ClassAP(1)/% 81.6 84.2 88.2 84.3 88.6
ClassAP(2)/% 91.5 95.1 98.2 95.5 98.8
mAP /% 86.6 89.7 93.2 89.9 93.7
mIoU /% 79.4 82.9 85.9 83.1 86.5
Kappa 0.77 0.84 0.86 0.85 0.89

注: U表示单向传输;Bi表示双向传输。


2.2 油菜叶片菌核病分割结果

图6 油菜叶片菌核病的分割结果示例

Fig. 6 Examples of oilseed rape sclerotinia segmentation results


2.3 不同感染阶段菌核病的检测效果评估

图7 CNN、Bi-LSTM和Bi-GRU模型在不同感染阶段的菌核病检测Dice系数

Fig. 7 Dice coefficient of Sclerotinia detection for CNN, Bi-LSTM and Bi-GRU models at different infection periods


3 结 论




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