The Path of Smart Agricultural Technology Innovation Leading Development of Agricultural New Quality Productivity
CAO Bingxue, E-mail: |
LI Hongfei, E-mail: |
Received date: 2024-05-09
Online published: 2024-06-12
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(L2224049)
Commission Project of Beijing Rural Revitalization Expert Advisory Committee in 2024
Innovation Capability of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences: Rural Revitalization Research Center(KJCX20240404)
Innovation Capability Construction Project of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences(KJCX20240309)
Youth Fund Project of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences(QNJJ202322)
[Significance] Building the agricultural new quality productivity is of great significance. It is the advanced quality productivity which realizes the transformation, upgrading, and deep integration of substantive, penetrating, operational, and media factors, and has outstanding characteristics such as intelligence, greenness, integration, and organization. As a new technology revolution in the field of agriculture, smart agricultural technology transforms agricultural production mode by integrating agricultural biotechnology, agricultural information technology, and smart agricultural machinery and equipment, with information and knowledge as important core elements. The inherent characteristics of "high-tech, high-efficiency, high-quality, and sustainable" in agricultural new quality productivity are fully reflected in the practice of smart agricultural technology innovation. And it has become an important core and engine for promoting the agricultural new quality productivity. [Progress] Through literature review and theoretical analysis, this article conducts a systematic study on the practical foundation, internal logic, and problem challenges of smart agricultural technology innovation leading the development of agricultural new quality productivity. The conclusions show that: (1) At present, the global innovation capability of smart agriculture technology is constantly enhancing, and significant technology breakthroughs have been made in fields such as smart breeding, agricultural information perception, agricultural big data and artificial intelligence, smart agricultural machinery and equipment, providing practical foundation support for leading the development of agricultural new quality productivity. Among them, the smart breeding of 'Phenotype+Genotype+Environmental type' has entered the fast lane, the technology system for sensing agricultural sky, air, and land information is gradually maturing, the research and exploration on agricultural big data and intelligent decision-making technology continue to advance, and the creation of smart agricultural machinery and equipment for different fields has achieved fruitful results; (2) Smart agricultural technology innovation provides basic resources for the development of agricultural new quality productivity through empowering agricultural factor innovation, provides sustainable driving force for the development of agricultural new quality productivity through empowering agricultural technology innovation, provides practical paradigms for the development of agricultural new quality productivity through empowering agricultural scenario innovation, provides intellectual support for the development of agricultural new quality productivity through empowering agricultural entity innovation, and provides important guidelines for the development of agricultural new quality productivity through empowering agricultural value innovation; (3) Compared to the development requirements of agricultural new quality productivity in China and the advanced level of international smart agriculture technology, China's smart agriculture technology innovation is generally in the initial stage of multi-point breakthroughs, system integration, and commercial application. It still faces major challenges such as an incomplete policy system for technology innovation, key technologies with bottlenecks, blockages and breakpoints, difficulties in the transformation and implementation of technology achievements, and incomplete support systems for technology innovation. [Conclusions and Prospects] Regarding the issue of technology innovation in smart agriculture, this article proposes the 'Four Highs' path of smart agriculture technology innovation to fill the gaps in smart agriculture technology innovation and accelerate the formation of agricultural new quality productivity in China. The "Four Highs" path specifically includes the construction of high-energy smart agricultural technology innovation platforms, the breakthroughs in high-precision and cutting-edge smart agricultural technology products, the creation of high-level smart agricultural application scenarios, and the cultivation of high-level smart agricultural innovation talents. Finally, this article proposes four strategic suggestions such as deepening the understanding of smart agriculture technology innovation and agricultural new quality productivity, optimizing the supply of smart agriculture technology innovation policies, building a national smart agriculture innovation development pilot zone, and improving the smart agriculture technology innovation ecosystem.
CAO Bingxue , LI Hongfei , ZHAO Chunjiang , LI Jin . The Path of Smart Agricultural Technology Innovation Leading Development of Agricultural New Quality Productivity[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2024 , 6(4) : 116 -127 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202405004
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