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Lightweight Tea Shoot Picking Point Recognition Model Based on Improved DeepLabV3+

  • HU Chengxi , 1 ,
  • TAN Lixin , 1, 2 ,
  • WANG Wenyin 1 ,
  • SONG Min 1
  • 1. College of Information and Intelligence, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410125, China
  • 2. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hunan College of Information, Changsha 410200, China
TAN Lixin, E-mail:

Received date: 2024-03-13

  Online published: 2024-06-28

Supported by

Innovation Fund for University-Industry Cooperation in China - Supported Project for New Generation Information Technology Innovation(2022IT82)


copyright©2024 by the authors


Objective In the global agricultural economy, China's tea industry is of paramount importance, serving as both a treasure of traditional culture and a key driver of rural economic growth. With market expansion, traditional manual tea picking has become incompatible with modernization due to its low efficiency and high costs. The adoption of intelligent tea picking technology is an inevitable trend. Although DeepLabV3+ has demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of semantic segmentation, its application in complex tea garden environments is limited by its large model size and long training cycles. Based on the Xiqing Tea Garden in Hunan province, constructing an image dataset of tea leaves under various conditions to provide a solid data foundation for intelligent tea picking. Building on this, innovative lightweight improvements have been made to the DeepLabV3+ model to ensure high accuracy while reducing resource consumption, enhancing the model's flexibility and efficiency in practical applications. This contributes to the intelligent transformation of the tea industry. Methods The primary technical innovation resided in the amalgamation of a lightweight network architecture, MobilenetV2, with an attention mechanism known as efficient channel attention network (ECANet), alongside optimization modules including atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP). Initially, MobilenetV2 was employed as the feature extractor, substituting traditional convolution operations with depth wise separable convolutions. This led to a notable reduction in the model's parameter count and expedited the model training process. Subsequently, the innovative fusion of ECANet and ASPP modules constituted the ECA_ASPP module, with the intention of bolstering the model's capacity for fusing multi-scale features, especially pertinent to the intricate recognition of tea shoots. This fusion strategy facilitated the model's capability to capture more nuanced features of delicate shoots, thereby augmenting segmentation accuracy. The specific implementation steps entailed the feeding of image inputs through the improved network, whereupon MobilenetV2 was utilized to extract both shallow and deep features. Deep features were then fused via the ECA_ASPP module for the purpose of multi-scale feature integration, reinforcing the model's resilience to intricate backgrounds and variations in tea shoot morphology. Conversely, shallow features proceeded directly to the decoding stage, undergoing channel reduction processing before being integrated with upsampled deep features. This divide-and-conquer strategy effectively harnessed the benefits of features at differing levels of abstraction and, furthermore, heightened the model's recognition performance through meticulous feature fusion. Ultimately, through a sequence of convolutional operations and upsampling procedures, a prediction map congruent in resolution with the original image was generated, enabling the precise demarcation of tea shoot harvesting points. Results and Discussions The experimental outcomes indicated that the enhanced DeepLabV3+ model had achieved an average Intersection over Union (IoU) of 93.71% and an average pixel accuracy of 97.25% on the dataset of tea shoots. Compared to the original model based on Xception, there was a substantial decrease in the parameter count from 54.714 million to a mere 5.818 million, effectively accomplishing a significant lightweight redesign of the model. Further comparisons with other prevalent semantic segmentation networks revealed that the improved model exhibited remarkable advantages concerning pivotal metrics such as the number of parameters, training duration, and average IoU, highlighting its efficacy and precision in the domain of tea shoot recognition. This considerable decreased in parameter numbers not only facilitated a more resource-economical deployment but also led to abbreviated training periods, rendering the model highly suitable for real-time implementations amidst tea garden ecosystems. The elevated mean IoU and pixel accuracy attested to the model's capacity for precise demarcation and identification of tea shoots, even amidst intricate and varied datasets, demonstrating resilience and adaptability in pragmatic contexts. In all, the refined DeepLabV3+ model served as evidence of the potential inherent in innovative lightweight designs to augment both the performance and applicability of deep learning models tailored for specialized undertakings like tea shoot recognition within agricultural applications. Conclusions This study effectively implements an efficient and accurate tea shoot recognition method through targeted model improvements and optimizations, furnishing crucial technical support for the practical application of intelligent tea picking robots. The introduction of lightweight DeepLabV3+ not only substantially enhances recognition speed and segmentation accuracy, but also mitigates hardware requirements, thereby promoting the practical application of intelligent picking technology in the tea industry. In the future, with the continuous evolution of deep learning algorithms and the iterative upgrading of hardware facilities, it is anticipated that this research outcome will further propel the automation of tea picking, infusing fresh vitality into the sustainable development of the tea industry, while also providing a reference example of intelligent solutions for the fine management of other crops.

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HU Chengxi , TAN Lixin , WANG Wenyin , SONG Min . Lightweight Tea Shoot Picking Point Recognition Model Based on Improved DeepLabV3+[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2024 : 1 -10 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202403016

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茶产业作为脱贫攻坚的支柱产业之一,在促进农村经济发展和改善贫困地区生计方面发挥着重要的作用。然而,现有名优茶的采摘主要依靠人力采摘,产量较低且人力成本高。随着茶叶采摘的人力资源逐渐流失,采摘成为产业发展瓶颈。现有茶叶机械采摘主要采用往复切割的粗放型采摘方式,无法按照名优茶形态要求进行识别和采摘,因此研发智能采茶机器人成为时代的必然选择。智能采茶机器人采摘的重点在于对茶叶嫩芽的准确识别。由于茶叶嫩芽与背景老叶颜色相近,极难区分1, 2,且受到野外光照变化等因素影响,因此,对茶叶嫩芽的智能识别提出了一定程度的挑战。
随着计算机视觉技术不断发展,国内外学者在作物果实识别定位3, 4上取得很多新的成果。何梁等5将YOLO(You Only Look Once)与DeepLabV3+[6]网络相结合,实现了莲蓬与茎秆位置的精准定位。李惠鹏等7更换金字塔场景解析网络(Pyramid Scene Parseing Network, PSPNet)的主干网络,实现了葡萄采摘点的定位识别。李艳文等8提出了改进后的SegNet网络,对苹果采摘点的准确率达到了83.1%。Santos和Gebler9提出了一种利用空中图像序列自动检测和定位苹果园中果实的方法。Giménez-Gallego等10通过人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Network, ANN)模型对咖啡作物中的成熟红色果实进行分割识别,其交并比达到了81.9%。上述研究成果为茶叶嫩芽采摘点定位提供了新的思路。
在茶叶嫩芽采摘领域,国内外学者也取得了很多成果。黄家才等11提出了一种基于自适应标记分水岭算法的茶叶嫩芽图像分割方法,相对于传统分水岭算法提升了13.6%交并比。胡和平等12在YOLOv5s主干网络尾部加入卷积注意力模块(Convolutional Block Attention Module, CBAM)机制对多角度茶叶嫩芽进行分级识别,准确率达到了94.2%。Liu等13将可变形卷积引入茶芽检测模型中,对茶叶嫩芽的识别准确率达到了90.6%。Karunasena和Priyankara14提出了一种基于机器视觉的茶叶芽长度的识别方法,对于长度为0~40 mm的茶芽其总体识别准确性达到了55%。Junagade等15通过YOLOv5x网络在由无人机拍摄的茶叶嫩芽测试集中的识别准确率达到了89.23%,取得了较为精准的检测效果。
在茶叶嫩芽识别与定位领域,目前主要采用YOLO系列等目标检测方法,适用于快速检测小目标。然而,在采摘机械臂接近茶叶嫩芽时,茶叶嫩芽从远距离的小目标转变为近距离的大目标。在此情境下,语义分割相较于目标检测可以提供更精确的位置信息。同时为了解决语义分割模型体量大、训练时间长、场景复杂等问题,本研究提出一种改进的DeepLabV3+模型。该模型引入MobileNetV216作为主干网络,结合高效通道注意力网络17(Efficient Channel Attention Network, ECANet)与空洞空间卷积池化金字塔(Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling, ASPP)模块构建ECA_ASPP模块,旨在降低模型参数量并保持一定准确率,实现对名优茶的准确识别,以及采摘点的精准定位,以期为后续智能采茶机器人研发提供技术支持。

1 实验数据与网络结构

1.1 数据集构建

数据采集地点为湖南省溪清茶园,位于湖南省长沙市长沙县高桥镇,总占地面积66.7 hm2。茶园地处温暖湿润的气候区,充足的阳光和适宜的降水为茶树的生长提供了良好的条件。茶园地势起伏,其中包括平坦地区和山坡地地形,具有多样化的地势生长环境。茶园内种植大片绿茶树,以“湘波绿”和“高桥银峰”两种为主要品种。
以“湘波绿”品种茶叶为采集对象,时间跨度为2023年3—10月,包括受光线强弱影响的不同天气条件下的茶叶嫩芽数据,以及因季节变化导致的茶叶嫩芽与背景相近的茶叶嫩芽数据。不同天气和季节的数据反映了采摘环境的复杂性,具体见图1a图1b图1d图1e。采集设备为尼康D3100相机搭配18-55镜头,经处理后共获得1 600张可用图片,并按7∶2∶1的比例划分为训练集、验证集和测试集。由于数据增强后出现了过拟合现象,因此本数据集并未使用数据增强处理。
图1 不同条件下茶叶嫩芽状态与茶芽部位图

Fig. 1 Diagram of the state and location of tea buds under different conditions

1.2 MobileNetV2网络

表1 MobileNetV2结构表

Table 1 MobileNetV2 structure table

特征输入尺寸 操作类型 Bottleneck内部升维的倍数 通道数/个 Bottleneck重复的次数/次 步长
2242×3 conv2d 32 1 2
1122×32 bottleneck 1 16 1 1
1122×16 bottleneck 6 24 2 2
562×24 bottleneck 6 32 3 2
282×32 bottleneck 6 64 4 2
142×64 bottleneck 6 96 3 1
142×96 bottleneck 6 160 3 2
72×160 bottleneck 6 320 1 1
72×320 conv2d 1×1 1 280 1 1
72×1 280 avgpool 7×7 1
1×1×1 280 conv2d 1×1 m

注: m为宽度缩放因子,其作用是在整体上对网络的每一层维度(特征数量)进行瘦身;‒为未进行相关操作。

1.3 ECA_ASPP模块

ECANet是对SENet(Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks)的改进,主要是将SENet中的全连接层使用卷积层进行替代。这一改进的优点是能够在全局平均池化之后的特征上引入1D卷积进行学习。这样的设计既减少了SENet在全连接层的计算量和参数量,又避免了SENet的降维操作所带来的信息损失。
DeepLabV3+算法中的ASPP模块通过使用空洞卷积来获取更大的感受野,但在处理特征种类近似的茶叶嫩芽分割问题时,容易出现混淆和特征丢失等问题,从而导致分割效果较差。为了解决这些问题,本研究将ECANet与ASPP模块进行融合,得到ECA_ASPP模块。其改进具体表现为在ASPP模块的每个分支中添加ECANet模块。在分支中,首先通过全局平均池化层获得大小为1×1×C的特征图,然后根据公式(1)获取内核 k的大小。
k = φ C = l o g 2 C γ + b γ o d d
式中: | t | o d d表示最接近 t的奇数; b = 1 γ = 2 C为通道数。随后根据内核 k执行一维卷积,对网络中的不同通道的特征权重进行调整,最后通过Sigmoid函数学习通道注意力,如公式(2)所示。
ω = σ C 1 D k y
式中: σ代表Sigmoid函数; C 1 D代表一维卷积; y为经过平均池化层后的特征图。因此ECA_ASPP能更好地关注重要的特征,减少对不重要特征的关注度,提升ASPP模块的特征通道关注能力,降低特征的混淆和丢失。ECANet的结构见图2;ECA_ASPP模块见图3
图2 ECANet结构图

Fig. 2 Structural diagram of ECANet

图3 ECA_ASPP模块结构图

Fig. 3 ECA_ASPP module structure diagram

1.4 改进的DeepLabV3+网络

图4 DeepLabV3+改进结构图

Fig. 4 Improved structure diagram of DeepLabV3+

2 实验结果与分析

2.1 实验环境及评价参数

表2 实验环境配置

Table 2 Experimental environment configuration

实验环境项目 配置
操作系统 Windows 11操作系统
开发语言 Python 3.11
深度学习框架 Pytorch 1.7.1
CPU Intel® i5-13400f@2.5 GHz
内存 DDR4 32 G 4 000 MHz
在模型训练过程中,学习率设定为5e-4,Batch Size被设置为4,使用cos学习率下降方式,选择Adam作为模型的优化器,Epoch上限设置为400,但为防止过度拟合,当训练的损失和平均交并比多次未改善时,停止模型训练并保存模型权重。
实验中,数据集的输入尺寸被设置为512×512,神经网络的初始学习率为0.005。在模型评价过程中,采用交叉熵损失函数。对于多分类图像的标签和预测值对应的批次损失(Batch Loss),可以通过公式(3)表示。
L = 1 N i L i = - 1 N i c = 1 M y i c l o g   p i c
式中: N为批次中的样本数量; M为类别的数量; y i c为样本 i属于类别 c的标签值(1或0,表示是否属于该类别); p i c为观测样本 i属于类别 c的预测概率。通过损失函数对网络的输出结果进行评价,利用反向传播机制对网络进行优化训练,直到网络收敛。
在本研究中,精度评价方面主要采用4个关键指标,分别是交并比(Intersection over Union, IoU)、平均交并比(Mean Intersection over Union, MIoU)、像素准确率(Pixel Accuracy, PA)以及平均像素准确率(Mean Pixel Accuracy, MPA)。其中,IoU衡量了网络预测结果与实际标签结果的重合度;而MIoU表示所有类别的平均IoU值;PA指预测正确的像素数占总像素数的比例;MPA表示所有类别的像素准确率。上述指标的计算方式如公式(4)~公式(7)所示。
P A = i = 0 h p i i i = 0 h j = 0 h p i j
M P A = 1 h + 1 i = 0 h p i i j = 0 h p i j
I o U = p i i j = 0 h p i j + j = 0 h p j i - p i i
M I o U = 1 h + 1 i = 0 h p i i j = 0 h p i j + j = 0 h p j i - p i i
式中: h表示需要识别的种类; p i j表示本属于 i类却预测为 j类的像素点总数; p i i表示真阳性的数量; p i j表示假阳性的数量; p j i表示假阴性的数量。

2.2 不同主干网络的精确度与计算量对比

表3 DeepLabV3+不同主干网络识别效果比

Table 3 Comparison of recognition performance of different backbone networks in DeepLabV3+

Backbone MPA/% MIoU/% Recall/% Parameters/M
Xception 97.75 95.31 97.75 54.714
ResNeXt 94.14 90.21 94.14 103.589
ResNet 96.57 92.33 96.57 59.346
MobileNetV2 97.00 93.01 97.00 5.818
表4 不同主干网络下茶叶嫩芽识别效果对比

Table 4 Comparison of tea bud recognition effects under different backbone networks

Net Tender_shoot A_leaf Two_leaves Wrapped_bud
Xception 0.93 0.96 0.91 0.98
ResNeXt 0.88 0.89 0.80 0.96
ResNet 0.90 0.94 0.84 0.96
MobileNetV2 0.90 0.95 0.86 0.96
表3中可以观察到,以MobileNetV2为主干网络时,MPA和MIoU方面分别达到97.25 %和93.71%。虽然与Xception 相比MIoU略有下降,但相较于ResNet却有轻微提升。值得注意的是,在表3中,Xception的参数量为54.714 M,而MobileNetV2网络的参数量仅有5.818 M,更改主干网络后参数量大幅下降。这表明MobileNetV2作为主干网络拥有更少的参数量,运算速度更快,同时在精度上表现较好,更适合应对茶叶嫩芽分割任务,特别是在需要满足实时性要求的情境下。

2.3 ECA_ASPP模块对模型准确率的影响

表5 ECA_ASPP模块识别效果对比

Table 5 Comparison of ECA ASPP module recognition effects

Net MPA/% MIoU/%
DeepLabV3+MobileNetV2) 97.00 93.01
DeepLabV3+MobileNetV2+ECA_ASPP 97.25 93.71

2.4 不同算法检测效果比较

表6 茶叶嫩芽识别研究不同网络结果对比

Table 6 Comparison of different network results for tea sprout identification research

Net MPA/% MIoU/% Recall/% Time/s
UNet 88.97 82.01 88.97 0.202
PSPNet 86.86 79.08 86.86 0.161
DeepLabV3+ 97.75 95.31 97.75 0.247
Improved DeepLabV3+ 97.25 93.71 96.85 0.165
表6中数据可以看出,Improved DeepLabV3+在此数据集上表现最为出色。与UNet和PSPNet相比,Improved DeepLabV3+在MPA分别提高8.51%和10.68%;MIoU分别提升12.48%和15.61%;Recall分别提升8.13%和10.31%。与UNet相比,Improved DeepLabV3+识别速度提升0.037 s;与DeepLabV3+相比,Improved DeepLabV3+识别速度提升0.082 s。实验结果显示,Improved DeepLabV3+在名优茶嫩芽分割方面效果更佳,对茶叶嫩芽的边缘信息提取与处理能力更强,更适用于茶叶嫩芽的识别。
图5 不同季节茶叶嫩芽识别结果对比

Fig. 5 Comparison of tea bud recognition results in different seasons

2.5 不同季节检测效果对比

图6 不同季节茶叶嫩芽识别结果对比

Fig. 6 Comparison of tea bud recognition results in different seasons

2.6 茶叶嫩芽采摘点定位方法

图7 茶叶嫩芽采摘点定位流程

a. 分割结果 b. 拟合多边形 c. 拟合直线与中心点 d. 采摘点映射

Fig 7 Positioning process of tea sprout picking point

3 讨论与结论

3.1 讨论


3.2 结论




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