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Smart Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 148-158.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202310006

• 信息处理与决策 • 上一篇    


刘艳1(), 季俊成2   

  1. 1. 深圳信息职业技术学院 财经学院,广东 深圳 518000,中国
    2. 澳门理工大学 应用科学院,澳门特别行政区 999078,中国
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-09 出版日期:2024-05-30
  • 基金项目:
    广东省教育科学规划项目(2022GXJK588); 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(21YJC790013)
  • 通信作者:
    刘 艳,博士,讲师,研究方向为智慧农业。E-mail:

GRA-WHO-TCN Combination Model for Forecasting Cold Chain Logistics Demand of Agricultural Products

LIU Yan1(), JI Juncheng2   

  1. 1. Institute of Finance and Economics, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Shenzhen 518000, China
    2. Academy of Applied Sciences, Macao Polytechnic University, Macao 999078, China
  • Received:2023-10-09 Online:2024-05-30
  • Foundation items:Guangdong Provincial Education Science Planning Project(2022GXJK588); Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Youth Fund Project(21YJC790013)
  • Corresponding author:
    LIU Yan, E-mail:


[目的/意义] 为了解决冷链物流需求预测在数字化转型中存在特征提取不充分、数据非线性程度高和算法易陷入局部最优等问题,提出一种结合灰色关联分析(Grey Relational Analysis, GRA)、野马优化算法(Wild Horse Optimizer, WHO)和时序卷积网络(Temporal Convolutional Networks, TCN)的组合预测模型,旨在解决需求预测精度不高的问题,以实现农产品供应链智能化管理。 [方法] 首先运用GRA对农产品冷链物流相关指标进行关联度筛选;其次采用TCN充分考虑农产品供应链中社会经济数据及物流信息中的时序性特征,并使用WHO对TCN模型超参数进行寻优;最后运用优化的GRA-WHO-TCN模型对浙江省冷链物流需求进行预测。 [结果和讨论] 采用WHO的时序算法TCN模型能够有效提取多维度数据的时序特征和空间特征,具备较好的拟合效果。与GRA-LSTM、GRA-TCN和GRA-WHO-LSTM模型相比,GRA-WHO-TCN冷链物流需求预测模型具有较低的均方根误差值(11.3)和有效的相关系数(0.95),且预测2016—2020年浙江省农产品冷链物流需求量分别为2 980、3 046、2 487、2 645和2 799万吨,能够实现对冷链物流需求较高的预测精度。 [结论] 提出的GRA-WHO-TCN模型具备良好的优化和预测能力,能够为数字经济背景下农产品供应链物资流、信息流发展提供科学预测依据和实际参考价值。

关键词: 数字化转型, 农产品供应链, 冷链物流, 灰色关联分析, 野马优化算法, 时序卷积网络


[Objective] As a critical component of agricultural product supply chain management, cold chain logistics demand prediction encounters challenges such as inadequate feature extraction, high nonlinearity of data, and the propensity for algorithms to become trapped in local optima during the digital transformation process. To address these issues and enhance the accuracy of demand prediction, achieve intelligent management of the agricultural product supply chain, a combined forecasting model that integrates grey relational analysis (GRA), the wild horse optimizer (WHO), and temporal convolutional networks (TCN) is proposed in this research. [Methods] Firstly, a cold chain logistics indicator system was established for the data of Zhejiang province, China, spanning the years 2000 to 2020. This system covered four key aspects: the economic scale of agricultural products, logistics transportation, digital technology, and agricultural product supply. Then, the GRA was applied to identify relevant indicators of cold chain logistics for agricultural products in Zhejiang province, with 17 indicators selected that had a correlation degree higher than 0.75. Sliding window technology, a problem-solving approach for data structures and algorithms, suitable for reducing the time complexity of data to a better level and improving the execution efficiency of algorithms, was used to partition the selected indicators. Secondly, the TCN model was employed to extract features of different scales by stacking multiple convolutional layers. Each layer utilized different-sized convolutional kernels to capture features within different time ranges. By utilizing the dilated convolutional module of TCN, temporal and spatial relationships within economic data were effectively mined, considering the temporal characteristics of socio-economic data and logistics information in the agricultural supply chain, and exploring the temporal and spatial features of economic data. Simultaneously, the WHO algorithm was applied to optimize five hyperparameters of the TCN model, including the number of TCN layers, the number of filters, residual blocks, Dense layers, and neurons within the Dense layer. Finally, the optimized GRA-WHO-TCN model was used to extract and analyze features from highly nonlinear multidimensional economic data, ultimately facilitating the prediction of cold chain logistics demand. [Results and Discussions] For comparative analysis of the superiority of the GRA-WHO-TCN model, the 17 selected indicators were input into long short-term memory (LSTM), TCN, WHO-LSTM, and WHO-TCN models. The parameters optimized by the WHO algorithm for the TCN model were set respectively: 2 TCN layer was, 2 residual blocks, 1 dense layer, 60 filters, and 16 neurons in the dense layer. The optimized GRA-WHO-TCN temporal model can effectively extract the temporal and spatial features of multidimensional data, fully explore the implicit relationships among indicator factors, and demonstrating good fitting effects. Compared to GRA-LSTM and GRA-TCN models, the GRA-TCN model exhibited superior performance, with a lower root mean square error of 37.34 and a higher correlation coefficient of 0.91, indicating the advantage of the TCN temporal model in handling complex nonlinear data. Furthermore, the GRA-WHO-LSTM and GRA-WHO-TCN models optimized by the WHO algorithm had improved prediction accuracy and stability compared to GRA-LSTM and GRA-TCN models, illustrating that the WHO algorithm effectively optimized model parameters to enhance the effectiveness of model fitting. When compared to the GRA-WHO-LSTM model, the GRA-WHO-TCN model displayed a lower root mean square error of 11.3 and an effective correlation coefficient of 0.95, predicting cold chain logistics demand quantities in Zhejiang province for the years 2016-2020 as 29.8, 30.46, 24.87, 26.45, and 27.99 million tons, with relative errors within 0.6%, achieving a high level of prediction accuracy. This achievement showcases a high level of prediction accuracy and underscores the utility of the GRA-WHO-TCN model in forecasting complex data scenarios. [Conclusions] The proposed GRA-WHO-TCN model demonstrated superior parameter optimization capabilities and predictive accuracy compared to the GRA-LSTM and GRA-TCN models. The predicted results align well with the development of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Zhejiang province. This provides a scientific prediction foundation and practical reference value for the development of material flow and information flow in the agricultural supply chain under the digital economy context.

Key words: digital transformation, agricultural product supply chain, cold chain logistics, grey relational analysis, wild horse optimizer, temporal convolutional networks