智慧农业 >
2019 , Vol. 1 >Issue 3: 56 - 66
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.3.201906-SA005
收稿日期: 2019-06-11
要求修回日期: 2019-07-21
网络出版日期: 2019-08-23
Research on the application of multi-source agricultural land spatial data for "Two-Zone" demarcation
Received date: 2019-06-11
Request revised date: 2019-07-21
Online published: 2019-08-23
游炯 , 裴志远 , 王飞 . 基于多源农地空间数据的“两区”划定应用研究[J]. 智慧农业, 2019 , 1(3) : 56 -66 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.3.201906-SA005
The basis and premise of developing intelligent agriculture is digitization, especially digitization of agricultural land resources utilization, agricultural land ownership, agricultural production and other agricultural elements. At present, China's agriculture digitization is at a low level, the spatial information of agricultural land resources are applied few. It is necessary to accelerate the application of the big data with respect to agricultural land for agricultural production information collecting and agricultural policy implementing to promote the development of China's intelligent agriculture. One typical case is "food production function zone" and "important agricultural product production protection zone"(Two-Zone) demarcation. In order to realize the study on the technologies of "Two-Zone" demarcation, in this research, the following work was conducted . Firstly, the basic concept of the multi-source spatial data with respect to agricultural land was elaborated, and the existing multi-source spatial data with respect to agricultural land were summarized into four categories. Then, the workflows of "Two-Zone" demarcation was summed up. Considering the topological requirements of digital mapping for "Two-Zone" and the business requirements of intelligent management for agricultural production in "Two-Zone", a three-level spatial structure of "zone-patch-plot" was designed for "Two-Zone" demarcation. The key technology of digital mapping was proposed, based on the analysis of the functions of "Two-Zone" and the "zone-patch-plot" spatial structure, which integrate existing multi-source farmland spatial data depending on the relevance of spatial distribution and semantic attributes and then realize "Two-Zone"'s spatial distribution map at a specific spatial scale. The key technology of establishing the database for "Two-Zone" demarcation was also proposed, which realizes the abstraction of the geographical space entity delimited by "Two-Zone" from the perspective of spatial information structure. Therefore, the key technologies of "Two-Zone" demarcation based on multi-source agricultural land spatial data was scientifically designed, through the key work such as data acquisition, digital mapping and database construction. Finally, the key scientific problems in the technical links were extracted, which shown that "Two-Zone" demarcation requires a comprehensive consideration of data sources and user requirements, and it is necessary to analyze the availability of data with respect to multi-source agricultural land, decreasing the influence derived from the bias and partial loss of data with respect to multi-source agricultural land. Further consideration about statuses of the land use and crop planting in the farmland of "Two-Zone" is also needed. This study will provide a basic support for the intelligent management of agricultural land resources in the "Two-Zone".
Key words: "Two-Zone" demarcation; multi-source; agricultural land; spatial data; mapping; E-R model
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