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  • 左敏 ,
  • 胡天宇 ,
  • 董微 ,
  • 张可心 ,
  • 张青川
  • 北京工商大学 电商与物流学院,北京 100048
左 敏,博士,教授,研究方向为食品安全大数据、农产品智能追溯、智能信息处理。E-mail:zuomin@btbu.edu.cn
董 微,博士,讲师,研究方向为食品安全大数据、自然语言处理、深度学习。E-mail:dongwei2019@btbu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2023-02-26

  网络出版日期: 2023-04-11



Forecast and Analysis of Agricultural Products Logistics Demand Based on Informer Neural Network: Take the Central China Aera as An Example

  • ZUO Min ,
  • HU Tianyu ,
  • DONG Wei ,
  • ZHANG Kexin ,
  • ZHANG Qingchuan
  • College of E-commerce and Logistics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China
ZUO Min, E-mail:zuomin@btbu.edu.cn
DONG Wei, E-mail:dongwei2019@btbu.edu.cn

Received date: 2023-02-26

  Online published: 2023-04-11

Supported by

National Key R&D Program Project (2021YFD2100605)


保障农产品物流稳定性即是保障民生问题的关键。对农产品物流需求的预测是合理规划农产品物流稳定性的重要保证。然而,农产品物流需求的预测实际较为复杂,预测过程中会受到各种因素影响。因此,为了保证对农产品物流需求预测的准确性,需要考虑多方面影响因素。本研究以农产品物流需求作为研究对象,利用Informer神经网络构建预测农产品物流需求的神经网络模型,以华中地区河南省、湖北省和湖南省为例,对三省的农产品物流需求进行预测。同时用长短时记忆(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM)网络和Transformer神经网络对华中三省农产品物流进行需求预测,将三种模型预测结果进行对比。对比结果表明本研究构建的基于Informer神经网络模型预测测试误差平均百分比为3.39%,低于LSTM和Transformer神经网络模型的4.43%和4.35%。并且用该Informer神经网络模型对三省预测出的预测值与实际值结果较为接近,河南省2021年的预测值为4185.33,实际值为4048.1,误差为3.389%;湖北省2021年的预测值为2503.64,实际值2421.78,误差为3.380%;湖南省2021年的预测值,2933.31,实际值为2836.86,误差为3.340%。表明该模型对华中三省的农产品物流需求预测的结果较为准确。三省2023年的预测值高于2021年的预测值。因此,在2021年物流运输配套设施的基础上,必须保证物流运输效率,加强物流运输能力,以满足华中地区日益增长的物流需求。


左敏 , 胡天宇 , 董微 , 张可心 , 张青川 . 基于Informer神经网络的农产品物流需求预测分析——以华中地区为例[J]. 智慧农业, 2023 , 5(1) : 34 -43 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202302001


Ensuring the stability of agricultural products logistics is the key to ensuring people's livelihood. The forecast of agricultural products logistics demand is an important guarantee for rational planning of agricultural products logistics stability. However, the forecasting of agricultural products logistics demand is actually complicated, and it will be affected by various factors in the forecasting process. Therefore, in order to ensure the accuracy of forecasting the logistics demand of agricultural products, many influencing factors need to be considered. In this study, the logistics demand of agricultural products is taken as the research object, relevant indicators from 2017 to 2021 were selected as characteristic independent variables and a neural network model for forecasting the logistics demand of agricultural products was constructed by using Informer neural network. Taking Henan province, Hubei province and Hunan province in Central China as examples, the logistics demands of agricultural products in the three provinces were predicted. At the same time, long short-term memory network (LSTM) and Transformer neural network were used to forecast the demand of agricultural products logistics in three provinces of Central China, and the prediction results of the three models were compared. The results showed that the average percentage of prediction test error based on Informer neural network model constructed in this study was 3.39%, which was lower than that of LSTM and Transformer neural network models of 4.43% and 4.35%. The predicted value of Informer neural network model for three provinces was close to the actual value. The predicted value of Henan province in 2021 was 4185.33, the actual value was 4048.10, and the error was 3.389%. The predicted value of Hubei province in 2021 was 2503.64, the actual value was 2421.78, and the error was 3.380%. The predicted value of Hunan province in 2021 was 2933.31, the actual value was 2836.86, and the error was 3.340%. Therefore, it showed that the model can accurately predict the demand of agricultural products logistics in three provinces of Central China, and can provide a basis for rational planning and policy making of agricultural products logistics. Finally, the model and parameters were used to predict the logistics demand of agricultural products in Henan, Hunan, and Hubei provinces in 2023, and the predicted value of Henan province in 2023 was 4217.13; Hubei province was 2521.47, and Hunan province was 2974.65, respectively. The predicted values for the three provinces in 2023 are higher than the predicted values in 2021. Therefore, based on the logistics and transportation supporting facilities in 2021, it is necessary to ensure logistics and transportation efficiency and strengthen logistics and transportation capacity, so as to meet the growing logistics demand in Central China.


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