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Progress and prospects of crop diseases and pests monitoring by remote sensing

  • Huang Wenjiang 1, 2 ,
  • Shi Yue 1, 2 ,
  • Dong Yingying 1 ,
  • Ye Huichun 1 ,
  • Wu Mingquan 2 ,
  • Cui Bei 1 ,
  • Liu Linyi 1, 2, 3
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing 100094, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing 100094, China
  • 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Received date: 2019-05-19

  Revised date: 2019-10-15

  Online published: 2019-12-24


Global change and natural disturbances have already caused a severe co-epidemic of crop pests and diseases, such as aphids, fusarium, rust, and powdery mildew. These threats may result in serious deterioration of grain yield and quality. Traditionally, crop pests and diseases are monitored by visual inspection of individual plants, which is time-consuming and inefficient. Besides, the distribution of different infected wheat patches are hard to identify through manual scouting. However, the spatial scale difference of remote sensing observation directly affects the remote sensing diagnosis mechanism and monitoring method of pests and diseases. The differences in pest and disease characterization and monitoring mechanisms promote the development of the remote sensing-based monitoring technology at different spatial scales, and the complementarity of multi-spatial data sources (remote sensing, meteorology, plant protection, etc.) increase the chance of the precision monitoring of the occurrence and development of pest and disease. As a non-destructive way of collecting ground information, remote sensing technologies have been proved to be feasible in crop pests and diseases monitoring and forecasting. Meanwhile, many crop diseases and pests monitoring and alarming systems have been developed to manage and control agricultural practices. Based on the description of physiological mechanism that crop diseases and pests stressed spectral response, some effective spectral wavelengths, remote sensing monitoring technologies, and crop pests and disease monitoring and forecasting system were summarized and sorted in this paper. In addition, challenge problems of key technology on monitoring crop diseases and pests with remote sensing was also pointed out, and some possible solutions and tendencies were also provided. This article detailed revealed the researches on the remote sensing based monitoring methods on detection and classification of crop pests and diseases with the challenges of regional-scale, multi-source, and multi-temporal data. In addition, we also reviewed the remote sensing monitoring of pests and diseases that meet the characteristics of different remote sensing spatial scale data and precise plant protection and control needs. Finally, we investigated the current development of the pest and disease monitoring systems which integrated the research and application of the existing crop pest and disease monitoring and early warning model. In summary, this review will prove a new perspective for sustainable agriculture from the current researches, thus, new technology for earth observation and habitat monitoring will not only directly benefit crop production through better pest and disease management but through the biophysical controls on pest and disease emergence. Application of UAVs, image processing to insect/disease detection and control should be directly transferable to other pests and diseases, with feedbacks into UAV and EO capabilities for the mapping and management of these agricultural risks. Similarly, these vision systems open other possibilities for farm robotics such as mechanical rather than manual pesticide usage for below crop canopy pest surveying.

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Huang Wenjiang , Shi Yue , Dong Yingying , Ye Huichun , Wu Mingquan , Cui Bei , Liu Linyi . Progress and prospects of crop diseases and pests monitoring by remote sensing[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2019 , 1(4) : 1 -11 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.4.201905-SA005

1 引言


2 作物病虫害遥感监测方法研究进展

随着遥感卫星数据源的不断丰富,近几年新发射的中国高分(GF)系列、欧洲航天局的哨兵系列(Sentinel series)等,加之已有的中国的风云(FY)系列、环境(HJ)系列,美国的Landsat系列卫星等,使得遥感观测数据的空间分辨率和时间分辨率都得到了极大提升[18]。近年来,利用遥感手段进行作物病虫害监测,主要针对不同的遥感数据源的特点,对不同病虫害胁迫下的光谱响应特征进行分析,通过选取病虫害敏感性波段所表现的波普特性,对遥感信号进行分析和建模,从而实现病虫害的监测和分类。

2.1 基于高光谱分析技术的遥感监测

作物受病虫害胁迫后引起的叶片表面“可见—近红外”波段的光谱反射率的变化是病虫害遥感的直接特征,反映了植被物理生化组分的响应。病虫害引起的光谱响应研究已引起了很多学者重视,并被广泛应用于遥感监测和早期胁迫诊断研究[19,20,21,22]。Luo等[23]研究了生长了蚜虫的小麦叶片的光谱响应,结果表明,在700~750nm、750~930nm、950~1030nm和1040~1130nm处叶片的光谱反射对小麦蚜虫的响应率显著;除此之外,利用原始光谱的特征变换形式可以有效地加强波谱特征的差异,从而提取出目标病害的类别和严重程度。例如,Spilenlli等[24]对梨树冠层光谱数据进行了求导,通过筛选对梨树火瘟病较为敏感的导数特征进行了火瘟病的遥感识别和早期监测,并对不同维度光谱信息的对比分析,发现高维的光谱信息包含更多与病害胁迫相关的特征,能够对病害胁迫进行较为精确的早期监测。Purcell等[25]利用高光谱分析仪测定了不同侵染等级下的甘蔗样本,并通过傅里叶变换(Fourier Transform,FT)对光谱的纹理信息进行了提取,接着利用主成分分析法筛选了重要的特征变量,并用偏最小二乘法(Partial Least-Square Method,PLS)对筛选特征与不同病害严重度进行了建模分析,结果表明二阶微分光谱相比于其他特征拥有更高的监测精度,在病害早期识别中有较大的应用潜力。
表1 用于病虫害高光谱特征区分的一阶微分、连续统特征及植被指数

Table 1 The first derivative features, continuum features and vegetation indices used in discrimination of pest and disease

类别 指标 名称 定义 文献

Db 蓝波段一阶微分最大值(蓝边) 蓝边一般分布在490~539nm波段范围 [33]
λb Db的波长 λb表征了蓝边 Db处的波长 [33]
SDb 蓝波段一阶微分光谱的和 表征了蓝边部分35个波段一阶微分光谱的和 [33]
Dy 黄波段一阶微分最大值(黄边) 黄边一般分布在550~582nm波段范围 [33]
λy Dy的波长 λy表征了黄边Dy处的波长 [33]
SDy 黄波段一阶微分光谱的和 表征了黄边部分35个波段一阶微分光谱的和 [33]
Dr 红波段一阶微分最大值(红边) 红边一般分布在670~737nm波段范围. [33]
λr Dr的波长 λr表征了红边Dr处的波长 [33]
SDr 红波段一阶微分光谱的和 表征了红边部分35个波段一阶微分光谱的和 [33]

DEP550-750 光谱深度 波段范围550~750nm [24]
DEP920-1120 波段范围920~1120nm [34]
DEP1070-1320 波段范围1070~1320nm [34]
WID550-750 半波段宽度DEP 波段范围550~750nm [34]
WID920-1120 波段范围920~1120nm [34]
WID1070-1320 波段范围1070~1320nm [34]
AREA550-750 DEP和WID组成区域的面积 波段范围550~750nm [34]
AREA920-1120 波段范围920~1120nm [34]
AREA1070-1320 波段范围1070~1320nm [34]

GI 绿度指数(Greenness Index) R 554/R 677 [35]
NDVI 归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) (R NIR-R R)/(R NIR+R R) [36]
TVI 三角植被指数(Triangular Vegetation Index) 0.5*[120*(R 750-R 550)-200*(R 670-R 550)] [37]
PRI 光化学反射指数(Photochemical Reflectance Index) (R 570-R 531)/(R 570+R 531) [38]
CARI 叶绿素吸收率指数(Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index) (|(a670+R 670+b)|/(a2+1)1/2)*(R 700/R 670) [39]
a=(R 700-R 550)/150,b=R 550-(a*550)
MCARI 修正的叶绿素吸收率指数(Modified Chlorophyll Absorption Reflectance Index) [(R 700-R 670)-0.2*(R 700-R 550)]*R 700/R 670 [21]
CIRed-edge 红边叶绿素指数(Red-edge Chlorophyll Index) (R NIR/R E)-1 [40]
SIPI 结构无关色素指数(Structural Independent Pigment Index) (R 800-R 445)/(R 800+R 680) [41]
PSRI 植物衰老反射指数(Plant Senescence Reflectance Index) (R 678-R 550)/R 750 [41]
NPCI 归一化叶绿素比值指数(Normalized Pigment Chlorophyll Ratio Index) (R 680-R 430)/(R 680+R 430) [41]
OSAVI 优化的土壤调节植被指数(Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) (R NIR-R R)/(R NIR+R R+0.16) [42]
SR 简单比值指数(Simple Ratio Index) R 1600/R 819 [43]
WI 水份指数(Water Index) R 900/R 970 [21]
NDWI 归一化插值水份指数(Normalized Difference Water Index) (R 860-R 1240)/(R 860+R 1240) [19]
AI 蚜虫指数(Aphid Index) (R 740-R 887)/(R 691-R 698) [44]
GNDVI 绿波段归一化植被指数(Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) (R NIR-R G)/(R NIR+R G) [20]
DSSI2 损伤敏感光谱指数2(Damage Sensitive Spectral Index 2) (R 747-R 901-R 537-R 572)/(R 747-R 901+R 537-R 572) [44]
HI 健康指数(Healthy Index) (R 534-R 698)/(R 534+R 698)-0.5R 704 [12]
RTVI 定量三角植被指数(Ration Triangular Vegetation Index) [55(R 750-R 570)-90(R 680-R 570)]/[90(R 750+R 570)] [45]


2.2 基于航空/航天平台的多光谱遥感监测

在区域尺度上,随着航空/航天遥感平台的不断完善,国内外构建起了完善的遥感对地观测体系,为病虫害的大尺度遥感监测提供了技术支撑。Held等[46]通过分析受甘蔗锈病胁迫的甘蔗光谱数据,利用DWSI指数对EO-1 Hyperion高光谱影像进行了分析,成功实现了研究区病虫害发生范围的监测。Yuan等[45]通过星地联合实验获取了陕西关中地区小麦白粉病的地面高光谱数据,并利用SPOT-6卫星影像,基于SAM算法将地面高光谱数据与多光谱影像进行了融合,对小麦白粉病进行监测,结果表明监测精度达78%,说明基于SAM算法的地面高光谱与多光谱影像融合技术能够应用于病虫害遥感监测。Lenthe等[47]通过接种实验获取了小麦条锈病和白粉病的地面测量数据,同时也获取了对应的热红外影像,通过选取敏感特征并构建监测模型,全局精度达到了88.6%。Yang等[48]对棉花根腐病上的多光谱和高光谱图像信息进行了比较,结果认为多光谱影像在大区域的病虫害遥感监测和识别方面能达到较为满意的效果。Pan等[33]对甜菜叶斑病的研究表明,400~900nm光谱范围内的反射率特征能够对叶斑病实现精确监测。Zhang等[17]分别利用马氏距离法(Mahalanobis Distance,MD),偏最小二乘回归(Partial Least Squares Regression,PLSR),最大似然法(Maximum Likelihood Estimate,MLE)和混合调谐滤波的混合像元分解法(Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering,MTMF)对小麦白粉病进行监测,在区域尺度上,采用多时相遥感卫星影像对病害的发生和发展进行监测,结果表明,耦合PLSR和MTMF的监测方法对区域尺度的白粉病监测精度达到78%。
表2 基于航空/航天平台的多光谱病虫害遥感监测特点及应用案例

Table 2 Remote sensing monitoring characteristics and application cases of multispectral diseases and pests based on aerospace platform

观测尺度 常用设备 载荷平台 特点及应用 病虫害类型 参考文献
农田地块尺度监测 成像多光谱仪,热红外成像仪 多旋翼无人机,固定翼无人机,传统大飞机 观测范围较大,成本较高,精度较高,以航空飞行器为平台,输出田间病害处方图。 小麦条锈病 [52,53,54,55]
小麦白粉病 [56,57]
小麦蚜虫 [58,59]
小麦黄斑病 [60]
葡萄黄化病 [61]
水稻稻飞虱 [62]
水稻稻瘟病 [63]
芹菜菌核病 [64]
番茄潜叶蛾 [65]
番茄细菌性叶斑病 [66]
甜菜褐斑病 [67]
区域尺度监测 多光谱卫星(Landsat,GF,Sentinel),高光谱卫星(Hyperion),热红外卫星(Landsat,Aster,HJ) 卫星遥感平台 观测范围极大,成本低,以遥感卫星为数据源,作为大尺度检测和预报提供依据。 小麦条锈病 [68,69]
小麦白粉病 [70]
小麦蚜虫 [69]
水稻稻飞虱 [71]
水稻矮缩病 [72]
棉花根腐病 [73]

3 作物病虫害监测系统研究进展

目前,作物病虫害监测系统一般由知识库、数据库、算法层、分析层和展示层等5部分组成,通常以数据库和算法层等为核心。目前国际上已经开发了多种病虫害监测系统,并被广泛地应用于田间病虫害胁迫诊断及管理等方面。例如,美国伊利诺伊大学牵头研制的农情系统Comax/Gos-sym通过其自研的监测和诊断系统确定了灌溉、施肥、施药和施用脱叶剂的最佳方案,推动了棉田管理和病虫害防治的信息化和自动化[74];美国康奈尔大学和联合国粮食及农业组织联合开发了全球谷物锈病监测系统BGRI,应用该系统对全球的锈病进行监测并指导防治,在保证作物产量的前提下,可以节约30%左右的锈病杀菌剂使用量[75];国际玉米小麦育种和改良中心(Centro Internacional de Mejoramientode Maizy Trigo,CIMMYT)开发了小麦玉米病害监测系统,该系统可以为作物病虫害的早期识别提供及时的预警,为农民的田间防控提供指导意见;美国拜耳公司研究出了一种农情实时监测系统Climate,农户可以通过该系统选择和搭建针对性的专家决策系统,使用者能够基于自身的情况创建知识库和模型库,这种模式赋予了系统很高的实用性和灵活性,能够快速便捷地进行二次及多次开发。

4 作物病虫害遥感监测未来展望

4.1 复杂环境条件下的病虫害遥感监测


4.2 病虫害动态持续监测


4.3 全球尺度病虫害遥感监测系统


5 总结

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