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Information Processing and Decision Making

Developmental model of wheat smart production based on the integration of information technology, agricultural machinery and agronomy

  • Ma Xinming 1, 2 ,
  • Ma Zhaowu 1 ,
  • Xu Xin 1, 2 ,
  • Xi Lei 1 ,
  • Xiong Shuping 2 ,
  • Li Haiyang 1
  • 1. College of Information and Management Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450046, China
  • 2. Agricultural College of Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450046, China

Received date: 2019-10-20

  Revised date: 2019-11-11

  Online published: 2019-12-24


In order to study the development mode and realization way of smart agriculture, the technical route of agricultural information fusion of agricultural machinery in different production stages before, during and after wheat production was designed. Pre-production: use Beidou precision navigation technology and motion planning optimization method to realize the full area coverage path planning of the field operation of the automatic navigation tractor, combine the laser leveling equipment to realize the accurate and standardized land leveling and laser leveling, and realize the accurate and standardized operation of the land. On this basis, the spatial interpolation technology was used to make the variable fertilization prescription map and combining variable rate fertilizer machine and realized variable rate precise application of fertilizer and precise seeding. At the same time, combining with the optimal design of planting scheme, based on the prenatal database and knowledge base, it optimizes the decision-making of variety configuration and sowing time and seeding amount were optimized, and the software intelligent decision-making technology was used to recommend the varieties and sowing time and seeding amount suitable for planting at the decision-making point, and constructs the wheat and maize prenatal information service recommendation system based on WebGIS was constructed. In production: based on the image technology of automatic segmentation and color feature extraction of wheat image in the field environment, a remote monitoring model of wheat nutritional status with the function of wheat population image segmentation and nutritional estimation was established to realize the non-destructive monitoring of wheat nutritional status in the field environment. After production, the integrated measurement sensor, speed sensor, header height sensor and GPS were adopted, and controller area network bus was adopted with wireless communication technology, a real-time wheat yield measurement system was developed, which was installed on a large-scale combine harvester to carry out the real-time prediction service of wheat yield, so as to realize the synchronous process of wheat harvest and yield measurement, with the error less than 5%. The intelligent transformation of common agricultural machinery equipment and the research and development of sowing and harvesting equipment adapted to agricultural production were completed and realized, and the small scale with high-efficiency utilization of light and heat resources, increase of output and green development were studied. The model of wheat planting production was optimized .A real time measurement and prediction system for postpartum yield was developed, which included the selection of sowing date, fertilization recommendation, seedling growth and nutrition diagnosis. The experimental results show that the adoption of agricultural information fusion technology can increase wheat yield by 18.4%, input-output ratio by 16.6% and 7.9%, which shows that the intelligent agriculture of Henan province is effective and feasible.

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Ma Xinming , Ma Zhaowu , Xu Xin , Xi Lei , Xiong Shuping , Li Haiyang . Developmental model of wheat smart production based on the integration of information technology, agricultural machinery and agronomy[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2019 , 1(4) : 62 -71 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.4.201910-SA001

1 引言

智慧农业已成为国内外学术界研究探讨的热点问题。在国外,Carlos等[12]研究了物联网技术在农业精准灌溉的应用,通过开发基于物联网的农业精准灌溉智能水管理平台,实现了灌溉的精准、高效;Muangprathub等[13]提出了一种基于无线传感器网络的农作物优化灌溉系统,可以通过智能手机和网络应用程序实现对数据管理;White等[14]利用收集的大数据,通过算法分析加强牲畜经营决策的科学性,促进牲畜精确管理;Hsu等[15]提出了一种基于物联网和云计算平台的创新服务流程,可以应用于大面积数据采集和分析,实现网络信息资源的集成和自动化; Patrício和Rieder[16]利用图像模式识别技术,结合人工智能,探讨了计算机视觉在精准农业中的适用性;Liakos等[17]建立了机器学习在农业生产系统中的作物管理、畜牧管理、水管理以及土壤管理的具体应用。

2 试验设计与方案

2.1 种植试验设计

2.1.1 试验选址

本研究在河南省长葛市石象镇国家2011协同创新现代农业试验区(113°58'26 E,34°12'06″N)进行。试验区前茬作物为玉米。试验地土壤质地为中壤,0~20cm土壤有机质含量为18.40g/kg,碱解氮含量为101.22mg/kg,速效磷含量为9.83mg/kg,速效钾含量为98.44mg/kg,土壤pH值为7.65。

2.1.2 种植试验方案


2.2 智慧生产模式框架设计

图1 信息技术与农机农艺融合流程图

Fig.1 Integration of information technology, agricultural machinery and agronomy


2.3 农机装备智能化方案


2.4 小麦信息服务管理系统研制


2.4.1 品种播期播量推荐系统

图2 小麦品种和播期播量推荐模型

Fig.2 Recommended models for variety and sowing date and amount


2.4.2 县域精准测土配方施肥系统

结合试验区地域特点和养分平衡法,基于多年土壤采样数据,进行了施肥模型的本地化。由于土壤采样点养分含量除了受采样点距离变化的影响外,还受土壤质地等多种因素变异的影响。因此,本研究在利用反距离加权插值对土壤养分进行插值的过程中,在查找邻近点的选择和查找过程中又引入了K最近邻算法(k-Nearest Neighbor,KNN)对反距离加权插值算法(Inverse Distance Weight,IDW)进行了改进,建立了土壤采样点空间索引,结合K最近邻算法和反距离加权插值对采样点数据进行空间插值处理,实现了基于KNN和IDW的土壤养分空间插值算法[32],算法流程如图3。通过这种算法,实现了没有土壤采样点的地块的土壤养分科学预测,在此基础上,综合借鉴养分平衡原理,以产量和品质为目标,根据小麦一生的养分吸收需求、小麦一生的养分基础吸收量以及肥料当季利用率等计算实现预定目标所需的氮、磷、钾总施用量,根据决策点产量和品质目标,确定小麦的最终施肥用量。
图 3 土壤养分空间插值算法

Fig.3 Soil nutrient spatial interpolation algorithm

2.4.3 小麦叶片营养远程监测系统

图4 图像特征向量提取与图像分割

Fig.4 Image feature vector extraction and image segmentation

2.4.4 基于传感器的产量实时测报系统

在收获期,通过集成计量传感器、速度传感器、割台高度传感器以及GPS,采用CAN(Controller Area Network)总线和无线通信技术,研制了小麦实时测产系统装置,并安装部署在大型联合收割机上。

3 结果分析与讨论

3.1 小麦田间种植效果

图5 基于宽窄行的小麦田间种植效果

Fig.5 Effect of wheat and maize integrated planting based on wide and narrow rows

3.2 小麦精准种植效益分析

表 1 不同处理小麦籽粒产量和无机氮浓度的空间变异结果

Table 1 Spatial variation of grain yield and inorganic nitrogen concentration in different treatments

指标 处理 最大 最小 平均 标准差 变异系数(%)
小麦产量(kg/hm2 精播 10149.8 5997.3 7805.5 1173.7 15
精播+精平 12015.3 5969.8 8919.6 1456.2 16.3
常规 9836.2 5196.8 7242.8 1293.8 17.9
土壤0~20cm无机氮浓度(%) 精播 33.9 10.4 18.5 5.8 31.1
精播+精平 29.9 12 18.7 5.9 31.8
常规 36.4 11.8 20.4 6.4 31.3
表 2 经济效益分析

Table 2 Economic benefit analysis

经济指标(元/hm2 精播 精播+精平 常规
有激光平地补贴 无激光平地补贴
非精准种植投入 8694.5 8694.5 8802.5 8802.5
精准种植投入 600.0 1350.0 150.0 0.0
总投入 9294.5 10044.5 8952.5 8802.5
总产出 21407.0 21407.0 18733.2 17382.8
净收益 12112.5 11362.5 9780.7 8580.3
产投比(%) 2.30 2.13 2.09 1.97



3.3 土壤养分空间数据预测结果

为了提高变量施肥作业的精准度和执行效率,以试验区2014年土壤养分采样点数据238个采样点土壤养分数据为数据源,移动硬件环境CPU采用ARM架构,主频1.6GHz,4核心,基于Android 4.4移动平台,实现上述土壤养分插值计算方法。并在保证算法执行效率小于3s的情况下,试验从总样本中随机挑选出50个采样点作为需要预测的待插值数据,把剩余的采样点作为插值数据。经过多次试验,测试在相同土壤质地下,不同最近邻数对采样点结果数据的影响,对样本数据中的pH、有机质、速效磷、速效钾进行了空间插值处理和效果分析。有效预测土壤pH、有机质、速效钾含量等,最优平均绝对误差分别为:0.0405、0.3870、0.0015。

4 结论



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