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Special Issue--Artificial Intelligence and Robot Technology for Smart Agriculture

An Rapeseed Unmanned Seeding System Based on Cloud-Terminal High Precision Maps

  • LU Bang , 1, 2 ,
  • DONG Wanjing 1, 2 ,
  • DING Youchun , 1, 2 ,
  • SUN Yang 1, 2 ,
  • LI Haopeng 1, 2 ,
  • ZHANG Chaoyu 1, 2
  • 1. College of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-lower Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430070, China
DING Youchun, E-mail:

Received date: 2023-10-07

  Online published: 2023-12-21

Supported by

National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFD2000402)

Key Research and Development Project of Hubei Province(2021BBA080)


copyright©2023 by the authors


[Objective] Unmanned seeding of rapeseed is an important link to construct unmanned rapeseed farm. Aiming at solving the problems of cumbersome manual collection of small and medium-sized field boundary information in the south, the low efficiency of turnaround operation of autonomous tractor, and leaving a large leakage area at the turnaround point, this study proposes to build an unmanned rapeseed seeding operation system based on cloud-terminal high-precision maps, and to improve the efficiency of the turnaround operation and the coverage of the operation. [Methods] The system was mainly divided into two parts: the unmanned seeding control cloud platform for oilseed rape is mainly composed of a path planning module, an operation monitoring module and a real-time control module; the navigation and control platform for rapeseed live broadcasting units is mainly composed of a Case TM1404 tractor, an intelligent seeding and fertilizing machine, an angle sensor, a high-precision Beidou positioning system, an electric steering wheel, a navigation control terminal and an on-board controller terminal. The process of constructing the high-precision map was as follows: determining the operating field, laying the ground control points; collecting the positional data of the ground control points and the orthophoto data from the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); processing the image data and constructing the complete map; slicing the map, correcting the deviation and transmitting it to the webpage. The field boundary information was obtained through the high-precision map. The equal spacing reduction algorithm and scanning line filling algorithm was adopted, and the spiral seeding operation path outside the shuttle row was automatically generated. According to the tractor geometry and kinematics model and the size of the distance between the tractor position and the field boundary, the specific parameters of the one-back and two-cut turning model were calculated, and based on the agronomic requirements of rapeseed sowing operation, the one-back-two-cut turn operation control strategy was designed to realize the rapeseed direct seeding unit's sowing operation for the omitted operation area of the field edges and corners. The test included map accuracy test, operation area simulation test and unmanned seeding operation field test. For the map accuracy test, the test field at the edge of Lake Yezhi of Huazhong Agricultural Universit was selected as the test site, where high-precision maps were constructed, and the image and position (POS) data collected by the UAV were processed, synthesized, and sliced, and then corrected for leveling according to the actual coordinates of the correction point and the coordinates of the image. Three rectangular fields of different sizes were selected for the operation area simulation test to compare the operation area and coverage rate of the three operation modes: set row, shuttle row, and shuttle row outer spiral. The Case TM1404 tractor equipped with an intelligent seeding and fertilizer application integrated machine was used as the test platform for the unmanned seeding operation test, and data such as tracking error and operation speed were recorded in real time by software algorithms. The data such as tracking error and operation speed were recorded in real-time. After the flowering of rapeseed, a series of color images of the operation fields were obtained by aerial photography using a drone during the flowering period of rapeseed, and the color images of the operation fields were spliced together, and then the seedling and non-seedling areas were mapped using map surveying and mapping software. [Results and Discussions] The results of the map accuracy test showed that the maximum error of the high-precision map ground verification point was 3.23 cm, and the results of the operation area simulation test showed that the full-coverage path of the helix outside the shuttle row reduced the leakage rate by 18.58%-26.01% compared with that of the shuttle row and the set of row path. The results of unmanned seeding operation field test showed that the average speed of unmanned seeding operation was 1.46 m/s, the maximum lateral deviation was 7.94 cm, and the maximum average absolute deviation was 1.85 cm. The test results in field showed that, the measured field area was 1 018.61 m2, and the total area of the non-growing oilseed rape area was 69.63 m2, with an operating area of 948.98 m2, and an operating coverage rate of 93.16%. [Conclusions] The effectiveness and feasibility of the constructed unmanned seeding operation system for rapeseed were demonstrated. This study can provide technical reference for unmanned seeding operation of rapeseed in small and medium-sized fields in the south. In the future, the unmanned seeding operation mode of rapeseed will be explored in irregular field conditions to further improve the applicability of the system.

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LU Bang , DONG Wanjing , DING Youchun , SUN Yang , LI Haopeng , ZHANG Chaoyu . An Rapeseed Unmanned Seeding System Based on Cloud-Terminal High Precision Maps[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2023 , 5(4) : 33 -44 . DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202310004

0 引 言

在田块信息已知情况下进行全覆盖路径规划有助于提高无人农机作业效率及作业覆盖率2, 3。目前基于全覆盖路径的无人播种作业系统主要采用的是套行法和梭行法。Wang和Noguchi4, 5提出了一种适用于轮式拖拉机的转弯调头算法,实现了轮式拖拉机在田间的梭行作业。Yin等6考虑水稻插秧机在极端转向角下具有较小的转弯半径和相对较大的滑移率,提出了一种地头转弯调头控制方法,实现了水稻插秧机在田间的梭行作业。Ma等7整合卫星定位和视觉导航开发了一套控制系统,采用AB线模式,实现了对水稻作物行的稳定跟踪。He等8建立了基于姿态修正的农业机械运动学模型,采用模型预测控制,提高了稻田农业机械在发生侧滑时的控制精度。Li等9提出了一种模糊自适应有限脉冲响应卡尔曼滤波算法融合卫星定位系统和惯性测量单元,提高了农业机械导航控制精度。Jing等10开发了一套基于卫星定位和惯性测量单元的自动导航土地平整系统,实现了套行高精度平地作业。吴才聪等11以动力换向线控底盘拖拉机为平台,挂载深松机进行套行无人作业。张朝宇等12以油菜直播机组为试验平台,提出了一种两退三切鱼尾调头模型,进行田间梭行作业,提高了鱼尾调头方式的对行精度,减小了鱼尾调头方式的漏作业面积。刘兆朋等13采用梭行的作业形式,开发了一套自动导航作业系统,实现了喷雾机在田间自动喷雾作业。
本研究以Case TM1404型拖拉机搭载智能播种施肥一体机为试验平台构建了一套基于云-端高精度地图的油菜无人播种作业系统。为实现油菜播种无人化、信息化和智能化,针对油菜无人播种转场作业效率低的问题,提出“无人机构建高精度地图+远程网页端规划作业路径”方法,通过无人机重构高精度地图,人工框选田块获取边界信息并自动生成作业路径。针对漏作业率高的问题,依据几何学和运动学,为田块边角设计一退两切转弯模型。为验证高精度地图及梭行外螺旋路径应用于油菜无人播种作业的可行性,开展梭行外螺旋全覆盖路径与梭行、套行路径作业面积和作业覆盖率对比仿真试验,以及地图精度和梭行外螺旋路径无人播种田间试验。

1 油菜无人播种作业系统设计

1.1 作业系统整体结构

图1 油菜无人播种作业系统整体结构

Fig. 1 The overall structure of the rapeseed unmanned seeding operation system

1.2 管控云平台功能设计

图2 油菜无人播种管控云平台功能设计

Fig. 2 Functional design of management and control of cloud platform for the rapeseed unmanned seeding

1.2.1 路径规划模块

表1 油菜无人播种作业路径信息表

Table 1 Path information sheet of rapeseed unmanned seeding operation

字段名 数据类型 数据含义
id int(10) 唯一标识符
latitude decimal(10) 纬度
longitude decimal(10) 经度
type int(1) 边界为0,规划为1,点选为2
device_id varchar(20) 拖拉机编号

1.2.2 作业监测模块

表2 无人农机作业监测信息表

Table 2 Monitoring information sheet for unmanned agricultural machinery operation

数据名称 数据类型 数据含义
time string 生成时间
latitude double 纬度
longitude double 经度
speed double 速度
deviation double 横向偏差

1.2.3 实时控制模块

图3 油菜无人播种作业系统的人机交互页面与农机通信示意图

Fig.3 The human-machine interaction page and agricultural machinery communication diagram of the rapeseed unmanned seeding operation system

1.3 导航控制平台组成

油菜直播机组导航控制平台主要是由Case TM1404型拖拉机、智能播种施肥一体机(湖北永祥农机装备有限公司)、角度传感器、高精度北斗定位系统、电控方向盘、导航控制终端以及车载控制器组成,如图4所示。
图4 油菜直播机组导航控制平台结构

注: 1. 角度传感器;2. 车载控制器;3. 电控方向盘;4. 北斗RTK天线;5. 北斗移动站;6. 导航控制终端;7. 智能播种施肥一体机。

Fig. 4 Structure of navigation control platform for seeding of rapeseed

图5 油菜无人播种作业导航控制系统结构

Fig. 5 Structure of the navigation control system for rapeseed unmanned seeding operation

数据获取层由北斗双天线高精度定位系统M600(上海司南卫星导航技术股份有限公司)和角度传感器(ELOBAU 424A10A060型)组成。通过北斗双天线高精度定位系统M600实时获取油菜直播机组经纬度坐标和航向,通过角度传感器获取前轮转角。
规划控制层是以树莓派4B为主控制器的导航控制终端。导航控制终端还包括控制器局域网总线(Controller Area Network,CAN)分析仪、电源模块及触摸显示屏。导航控制终端通过CAN分析仪与车载控制器进行CAN通信,通过串口与方向盘控制器进行通信。

2 高精度地图构建方法

2.1 地图构建流程

图6 高精度地图构建方法

Fig. 6 Construction method of high precision map

2)对地面控制点进行实时动态(Real Time Kinematic,RTK)数据采集,采集完成后参考《低空数字航空摄影测量外业规范》(CH/T 3004—2021)对无人机航测路线进行规划,设置合适的航高、航向及旁向重叠率,进行无人机影像和位置(Position,POS)数据采集;
3)在Agisoft Metashape Pro 1.7.3软件中,对采集的影像数据和POS数据进行处理,通过去噪、匹配和拼接等一系列方法构建完整作业地图;
4)利用Global Mapper软件进行地图切片,为提升地图精度,基于墨卡托投影15进行坐标转换,从而实现平差纠正,得到高精度地图,传输到云平台网页端。
图7 高精度地图与路径规划示意图

Fig. 7 High precision map and path planning

2.2 地图精度试验

为验证无人机构建的作业地块地图精度,选择湖北省武汉市华中农业大学校内野芷湖边的试验田为试验地点,对其进行高精度地图的构建。将飞行高度设置为100 m,航向及旁向重叠率为65%。在航测区域内选择7个控制点,布设方案如图8所示。其中①~④号为纠偏点,D1~D3为验证点。控制点数据通过北斗高精度定位系统M600采集,坐标系选用WGS84坐标。
图8 高精度地图地面控制点布设方案

Fig. 8 Layout scheme of high-precision map ground control points

将无人机采集的影像和POS数据导入到Agisoft Metashape Pro 1.7.3以及Global Mapper软件中进行处理、合成、切片等操作,再根据纠偏点实际坐标与图像坐标进行平差纠正,获得高精度地图,再计算验证点图像坐标与实际坐标得出其误差值,如表3所示。
表3 高精度地图地面验证点误差

Table 3 Verification point error of high-precision map ground

点号 x/cm y/cm s/cm
D1 1.22 2.31 2.61
D2 0.98 2.55 2.73
D3 ‒2.78 1.64 3.23
表3验证点误差可知,通过平差纠正后地图平面精度误差最大为3.23 cm。试验结果表明通过无人机构建的高精度地图可以满足无人播种作业路径规划的精度要求。

3 梭行外螺旋路径规划及导航控制方法


3.1 梭行外螺旋路径规划方法

3.1.1 梭行外螺旋路径生成算法

田块边界信息通过人工在高精度地图上框选田块,调用Google地图应用程序编程接口(Application Programming Interface,API),获取到的田块边界顶点经纬度坐标经过墨卡托投影进行坐标转换,将WGS84坐标转换为平面坐标15。以边界顶点平面坐标及作业幅宽作为输入,使用JavaScript语言实现框选田块并自动生成梭行外螺旋路径的功能。
梭行外螺旋路径需要从梭行路径生成开始,经测量Case TM1404型拖拉机最小转弯半径为7 m,故田头调头区域宽度应大于7 m,播种机作业幅宽为2.5 m,在保证拖拉机有足够空间完成调头的情况下,为减少拖拉机调头转弯次数,将外螺旋路径设定为3圈。梭行外螺旋路径生成步骤如下。
图9 梭行外螺旋路径

Fig. 9 Shuttle outer spiral path


3.1.2 一退两切转弯模型设计

图10 梭行外螺旋路径调头及转弯路径规划

Fig.10 Shuttle outer spiral path turning and turning path planning

一退两切转弯路径模型如图11所示。根据转弯位置与田块边界距离的大小,设计了具有不同参数的一退两切转弯模型,按照 A B C D的顺序行驶,其中点 A为两条作业路径的拐点;点 B为拖拉机直线倒退的终点;点 D为拖拉机弧线倒退的终点。拖拉机的转弯半径为 R。以直播机组不触碰到田块边界为前提,为保证拖拉机转弯换线后具有较高的对行精度,拖拉机弧形倒退时应尽可能距离点 A远(即线段 A D最长),计算拖拉机直线倒退段距离(即线段 A B长度),确定一退两切转弯模型参数。
图11 一退两切转弯模型参数计算示意图

Fig.11 Schematic diagram of the parameters calculation of the one-back and two-cut turning model

为简化计算过程,设点 A为原点 ( 0,0 ),线段 A D的最大长度为 x 1,点 D坐标为 ( x 1 , 0 ),由于 D点是切点,故设点 O 2坐标为 ( x 1 , R ),则切点 C坐标为 ( x 1 - R s i n θ 2 , R - R c o s θ 2 ),由点 O 2和点 C坐标求得直线 O 1 O 2方程,如公式(1)所示:
y = c o t θ 2 ( x - x 1 ) + R
公式(1) y = 0,得点 M ( x 1 - R t a n θ 2 , 0 ),根据点 A、点 C、点 M坐标结合两点之间距离公式可得方程组(2):
A C 2 = R 2 ( 1 - c o s θ 2 ) 2 + ( x 1 - R c o s θ 2 ) 2 A M 2 = ( x 1 - R t a n θ 2 ) 2 M C 2 = R 2 ( t a n θ 2 - s i n θ 2 ) 2 + R 2 ( 1 - c o s θ 2 ) 2
C M A用余弦公式,并结合方程组(2)得公式(3)
           x 1 = R ( 2 t a n θ 2 s e c θ 2 - 2 t a n θ 2 + s i n θ 2 - c o s θ 2 c o t θ 2 ) 2 ( s e c θ 2 - c o t θ 2 - ( t a n θ 2 - s i n θ 2 ) 2 + ( 1 - c o s θ 2 ) 2 )
公式(1)和切点 C坐标可得点 O 1坐标为 O 1 ( x 1 - 2 R s i n θ 2 , R - 2 R c o s θ 2 )
O 1 M A = θ 2 + π 2
由四边形内角和为 2 π,可得公式(5)
θ 1 + O 1 M A + θ 3 + π 2 = 2 π
θ 1 + θ 2 + θ 3 = π
直线 O 1 B斜率为 c o t ( θ 1 + θ 2 ),结合 O 1坐标和公式(6),得直线 O 1 B方程,如公式(7)所示:
y = - x c o t θ 3 + x 1 c o t θ 3 - 2 R s i n θ 2 c o t θ 3 + R - 2 R c o s θ 2
由直线 O 1 B和直线 A B得方程组(8):
y = - x c o t θ 3 + x 1 c o t θ 3 - 2 R s i n θ 2 c o t θ 3 + R - 2 R c o s θ 2 y = x t a n θ 3
即点 B横纵坐标由方程组(9)所示:
x = x 1 c o t θ 3 - 2 R s i n θ 2 c o t θ 3 + R - 2 R c o s θ 2 t a n θ 3 + c o t θ 3 y = t a n θ 3 x 1 c o t θ 3 - 2 R s i n θ 2 c o t θ 3 + R - 2 R c o s θ 2 t a n θ 3 + c o t θ 3
又弧线段 B C C D的长度为 R ( π - θ 3 ),故当拖拉机转弯半径 R等于拖拉机最小转弯半径 R m i n时,拖拉机转弯效率最高。由公式(3)和方程组(9)可得点 B坐标和线段 A B长度,即拖拉机直线倒退段长度。

3.1.3 作业面积及覆盖率仿真对比试验

为验证梭行外螺旋全覆盖路径相较于传统的梭行和套行作业方式漏作业区域面积更小进行仿真试验,Case TM1404型拖拉机最小转弯半径为7 m,故梭行和套行作业需要在田头预留7 m的长度,供拖拉机在田头进行转弯或调头,播种机幅宽(AC、DE、FG)为2.5 m,排种口距离镇压滚筒最末端(AB)为0.6 m,直播机组整体长度为7 m。该方法主要针对矩形或近似矩形的凸四边形田块,为简化计算,以矩形田块为例,漏作业区域集中在外螺旋路径最后一圈,依据图12,红线为田块边界,蓝线为规划的外螺旋路径,通过计算得到梭行外螺旋全覆盖作业路径漏作业区域面积为49.75 m2 [(3×(0.6×2.5+3.9×2.5)+6.4×2.5)m2]。选取3块大小不同的矩形田块,对3种不同作业方式的作业面积及覆盖率进行比较,结果如表4所示。
图12 田块边角漏作业区域示意图

Fig. 12 Schematic diagram of the leakage operation area at the edges and corners of the field

表4 三种作业方式作业面积及覆盖率对比

Table 4 Comparison of operating area and coverage of three operating methods

田块面积/m2 作业方式 作业面积/m2 作业覆盖率/% 作业覆盖率对比结果/%
50×30 梭行 1 080.00 72.00 24.68
套行 1 080.00 72.00
梭行外螺旋 1 450.25 96.68
50×50 梭行 1 800.00 72.00 26.01
套行 1 800.00 72.00
梭行外螺旋 2 450.25 98.01
70×50 梭行 2 800.00 80.00 18.58
套行 2 800.00 80.00
梭行外螺旋 3 450.25 98.58

3.2 梭行外螺旋路径导航控制方法

3.2.1 导航控制器设计

纯追踪算法已经广泛应用于农机自动驾驶领域17-20,具有较高的直线跟踪精度和稳定性。为了实现拖拉机在不同速度和具有一定横向偏差的情况下稳定控制,路径跟踪采用改进的模糊自适应控制器21,以横向偏差 d、航向偏差 φ和拖拉机行驶速度 v作为模糊控制器的输入,前视距离 L d作为输出,根据公式(10)计算目标转角 θ 22
θ = a r c t a n 2 L ( d c o s φ - L d 2 - d 2 s i n φ ) L d 2
式中: L为拖拉机前后轮轴距,m。
图13 无人播种作业系统转向控制系统结构图

Fig.13 Structural diagram of the steering control system for unmanned seeding operation system

3.2.2 导航控制策略

图14 拖拉机一退两切转弯示意图

Fig. 14 Schematic diagram of tractor's one-back and two-cut turning

表5 拖拉机一退两切作业控制规则

Table 5 Control rules for tractor one-back and two-cut operations

路径段 速度 机具控制 挡位控制
起点→A H D F
A→终点 H D F


4 无人播种作业系统田间试验及结果分析

4.1 试验条件及方法

为测试油菜无人播种系统的田间播种作业效果,于2022年10月5日,在湖北省武汉市华中农业大学校内野芷湖边的试验田,使用网页端工具,在试验田上框选出播种区域,根据油菜播种的农艺要求,通过算法自动生成梭行外螺旋全覆盖播种路径,规划的播种路径为17行,每行作业幅宽为2.5 m。以Case TM1404型拖拉机搭载智能播种施肥一体机为试验平台进行无人播种作业试验,通过软件实时记录田间作业过程中的作业速度及横向偏差等数据。

4.2 田间导航试验结果

图15(a)为无人作业现场;图15(b)为作业过程中的云平台播种轨迹图;图15(c)为整体作业效果。对软件实时统计的作业速度及横向偏差结果进行分析,可得导航路径跟踪结果如表6所示。试验结果表明,油菜直播机组在田间作业时,作业行驶平均速度为1.46 m/s,最大横向偏差为7.94 cm,最大平均绝对偏差为1.85 cm。
表6 油菜无人播种作业各行直线跟踪结果

Table 6 Line tracking results of rapeseed unmanned seeding operation in each row








1 1.51 5.77 1.25 3.36
2 1.48 7.22 1.23 3.27
3 1.35 7.27 1.61 2.67
4 1.42 5.13 1.11 2.05
5 1.58 7.09 1.03 3.13
6 1.31 6.88 1.62 3.35
7 1.45 6.05 1.61 3.41
8 1.54 7.94 1.84 3.43
9 1.46 6.22 1.85 3.90
10 1.38 4.25 1.67 2.99
11 1.52 5.93 1.42 3.30
12 1.43 6.55 1.37 3.46
13 1.37 4.30 1.77 2.12
14 1.59 5.20 1.68 2.71
15 1.44 4.50 1.04 2.98
16 1.55 6.64 1.82 3.18
17 1.39 6.39 1.73 3.21
图15 油菜无人播种作业试验

Fig. 15 Operating experiment on rapeseed unmanned sowing

4.3 播种效果分析

利用无人机对处于油菜花期的作业田块进行航拍,得到一系列作业田块的彩色图像。按照文章2.1节高精度地图的构建流程,将无人机采集的影像数据导入到Agisoft Metashape Pro 1.7.3软件中,对图像进行拼接,得到包含位置信息的作业田块高精度地图,如图16所示。利用图新地球4软件,人工识别油菜出苗区域和未出苗区域,基于软件测量统计田块面积为1 018.61 m2,未长油菜区域面积总和为69.63 m2,作业面积为948.98 m2,作业覆盖率为93.16%。
图16 处于油菜花期的作业田块

Fig. 16 Operational fields in the flowering stage of rapeseed

5 结 论

为提升油菜无人播种转场作业效率,提出了“无人机构建高精度地图+远程网页端规划作业路径”方法,通过使用无人机采集影像数据、软件处理、拼接、切片、平差纠正等操作构建的地图通过试验验证得到地图平面最大误差为3.23 cm,满足油菜无人播种路径规划的精度要求。
为实现油菜无人高覆盖率播种作业,设计了一种一退两切转弯换线自动控制方法,进一步提高了梭行外螺旋全覆盖路径的播种作业覆盖率。以Case TM1404型拖拉机搭载智能播种施肥一体机为平台,构建了一套基于云-端高精度地图的油菜无人播种作业系统,试验表明该系统可在网页端高精地图上选取田块边界后自动生成作业路径,并可完成田间调头换线、转弯换线,实现远程一键启动直播机组进行无人播种作业,证明了本研究所构建的油菜无人播种作业系统的有效性与可行性。
田间试验结果表明,油菜直播机组在田间作业时,行驶平均速度为1.46 m/s,最大横向偏差为7.94 cm,最大平均绝对偏差为1.85 cm;田块面积为1 018.61 m2,作业面积为948.98 m2,作业覆盖率为93.16%。



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