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Smart Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 82-93.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202401010

• 专题--丘陵山区智慧农业技术与机械 • 上一篇    下一篇


贺庆1, 冀杰1(), 冯伟2, 赵立军3, 张博涵1   

  1. 1. 西南大学 工程技术学院, 重庆 400715, 中国
    2. 重庆市农业科学研究院 农业机械研究所, 重庆 401329, 中国
    3. 重庆文理学院 智能制造工程学院, 重庆 402160, 中国
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-10 出版日期:2024-05-30
  • 基金项目:
    重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYS23207); 重庆市科学技术局农业农村领域重点研发项目(cstc2021jscx-gksbX0003); 重庆市教育委员会科学技术研究项目(KJZD-M202201302); 重庆市科技局创新发展联合基金项目(CSTB2022NSCQ-LZX0024)
  • 作者简介:
    贺 庆,研究方向为智能车辆和智能农机运动规划与运动控制。E-mail:
  • 通信作者:
    冀 杰,博士,副教授,研究方向为智能车辆与智能农机的道路环境感知、驾驶行为决策及底盘动力学综合控制等。E-mail:

Adaptive Time Horizon MPC Path Tracking Control Method for Mowing Robot

HE Qing1, JI Jie1(), FENG Wei2, ZHAO Lijun3, ZHANG Bohan1   

  1. 1. College of Engineering and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
    2. Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chongqing 401329, China
    3. School of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402160, China
  • Received:2024-01-10 Online:2024-05-30
  • Foundation items:Chongqing Graduate Research Innovation Project(CYS23207); Chongqing Science and Technology Bureau Agriculture and Rural Key Research and Development Project(cstc2021jscx-gksbX0003); Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing Education Commission(KJZD-M202201302); Chongqing Science and Technology Bureau Innovation Development Joint Fund Project(CSTB2022NSCQ-LZX0024)
  • About author:
    HE Qing, E-mail:
  • Corresponding author:
    JI Jie, E-mail:


[目的/意义] 传统路径跟踪模型预测控制(Model Predictive Control, MPC)大多采用固定时域,较少考虑道路弯曲和曲率变化的影响,使得机器人在曲线路径作业过程中的跟踪效果和适应性都较差。因此,设计了一种自适应时域MPC控制器并使其满足自主割草等复杂作业要求。 [方法] 首先,根据割草机器人的速度确定前方参考路径的预瞄区域,并计算预瞄区域内的参考路径曲度因子和曲度变化因子,分别用于描述曲率和曲率变化大小。然后,将二者作为模糊控制器的输入信息,用于自适应调节MPC的预测时域,同时,根据预测时域及曲度变化因子调整控制时域,以增强控制器对路径弯曲变化的适应性并降低计算资源。此外,设计一种MPC事件触发执行机制,进一步提升MPC的实时性。 [结果和讨论] 与固定时域的MPC进行对比试验,自适应时域MPC控制器的最大横向误差绝对值和最大航向误差绝对值分别控制在11 cm和0.13 rad以内,其平均求解时间比最大时域MPC减少10.9 ms。 [结论] 自适应时域MPC不仅能够保证割草机器人对曲线路径的跟踪精度,同时降低了MPC求解计算量并提高了控制实时性,解决了固定时域MPC的控制精度与计算量之间的矛盾。

关键词: 割草机器人, 模型预测控制, 路径跟踪, 模糊控制, 事件触发执行机制


[Objective] The traditional predictive control approach usually employs a fixed time horizon and often overlooks the impact of changes in curvature and road bends. This oversight leads to subpar tracking performance and inadequate adaptability of robots for navigating curves and paths. Although extending the time horizon of the standard fixed time horizon model predictive control (MPC) can improve curve path tracking accuracy, it comes with high computational costs, making it impractical in situations with restricted computing resources. Consequently, an adaptive time horizon MPC controller was developed to meet the requirements of complex tasks such as autonomous mowing. [Methods] Initially, it was crucial to establish a kinematic model for the mowing robot, which required employing Taylor linearization and Euler method discretization techniques to ensure accurate path tracking. The prediction equation for the error model was derived after conducting a comprehensive analysis of the robot's kinematics model employed in mowing. Second, the size of the previewing area was determined by utilizing the speed data and reference path information gathered from the mowing robot. The region located a certain distance ahead of the robot's current position, was identified to as the preview region, enabling a more accurate prediction of the robot's future traveling conditions. Calculations for both the curve factor and curve change factor were carried out within this preview region. The curvature factor represented the initial curvature of the path, while the curvature change factor indicated the extent of curvature variation in this region. These two variables were then fed into a fuzzy controller, which adjusted the prediction time horizon of the MPC. The integration enabled the mowing robot to promptly adjust to changes in the path's curvature, thereby improving its accuracy in tracking the desired trajectory. Additionally, a novel technique for triggering MPC execution was developed to reduce computational load and improve real-time performance. This approach ensured that MPC activation occurred only when needed, rather than at every time step, resulting in reduced computational expenses especially during periods of smooth robot motion where unnecessary computation overhead could be minimized. By meeting kinematic and dynamic constraints, the optimization algorithm successfully identified an optimal control sequence, ultimately enhancing stability and reliability of the control system. Consequently, these set of control algorithms facilitated precise path tracking while considering both kinematic and dynamic limitations in complex environments. [Results and Discussion] The adaptive time-horizon MPC controller effectively limited the maximum absolute heading error and maximum absolute lateral error to within 0.13 rad and 11 cm, respectively, surpassing the performance of the MPC controller in the control group. Moreover, compared to both the first and fourth groups, the adaptive time-horizon MPC controller achieved a remarkable reduction of 75.39% and 57.83% in mean values for lateral error and heading error, respectively (38.38% and 31.84%, respectively). Additionally, it demonstrated superior tracking accuracy as evidenced by its significantly smaller absolute standard deviation of lateral error (0.025 6 m) and course error (0.025 5 rad), outperforming all four fixed time-horizon MPC controllers tested in the study. Furthermore, this adaptive approach ensured precise tracking and control capabilities for the mowing robot while maintaining a remarkably low average solution time of only 0.004 9 s, notably faster than that observed with other control data sets-reducing computational load by approximately 10.9 ms compared to maximum time-horizon MPC. [Conclusions] The experimental results demonstrated that the adaptive time-horizon MPC tracking approach effectively addressed the trade-off between control accuracy and computational complexity encountered in fixed time-horizon MPC. By dynamically adjusting the time horizon length the and performing MPC calculations based on individual events, this approach can more effectively handle scenarios with restricted computational resources, ensuring superior control precision and stability. Furthermore, it achieves a balance between control precision and real-time performance in curve route tracking for mowing robots, offering a more practical and reliable solution for their practical application.

Key words: mowing robot, model predictive control, path tracking, fuzzy control, event-triggered mechanism