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Smart Agriculture ›› 2021, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (3): 60-69.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.2021.3.3.202107-SA007

• 专题--智能植保机械与施药技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


范道全1(), 张美娜2, 潘健1, 吕晓兰1()   

  1. 1.江苏省农业科学院农业设施与装备研究所,江苏 南京 210014
    2.江苏省农业科学院农业信息研究所,江苏 南京 210014
  • 收稿日期:2021-07-20 修回日期:2021-09-03 出版日期:2021-09-30
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者简介:范道全(1993-),男,硕士,研究方向为精准施药技术研究。E-mail:1178416392@qq.com
  • 通信作者: 吕晓兰(1980-),女,博士,研究员,研究方向为施药技术与植保机械装备研究。电话:15062270867。E-mail:lxlanny@126.com

Development and Performance Test of Variable Spray Control System Based on Target Leaf Area Density Parameter

FAN Daoquan1(), ZHANG Meina2, PAN Jian1, LYU Xiaolan1()   

  1. 1.Institute of Agricultural Facilities and Equipment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
    2.Institute of Agricultural Information, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
  • Received:2021-07-20 Revised:2021-09-03 Online:2021-09-30
  • Foundation items:National Natural Science Foundation of China(61803187);Special Fund Project for the Construction of Modern Agriculture Industry Technology System(CARS-28-20)
  • About author:FAN Daoquan, E-mail:1178416392@qq.com
  • Corresponding author:LYU Xiaolan, E-mail:


变量喷雾技术是提高农药利用率、节省农药用量的重要手段之一。为达到果园施药减量增效的效果,本研究开发了一种变量喷雾控制系统,提出了叶面积密度参数与执行机构脉宽调制(Pulse Width Modulation,PWM)占空比的计算方法。该系统上位机基于激光LiDAR传感器探测的点云密度表征叶面积密度作为施药参数,并根据喷药处方计算各喷头对应电磁阀的PWM占空比,通过RS485通讯实时发送施药处方到下位机的可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC),下位机PLC根据接收的PWM占空比控制对应电磁阀的开关频率实现喷头喷雾流量的调节。通过试验测量了施药单元网格尺寸、系统延时时间以及PWM占空比与喷头流量之间的模型参数三部分关键系统参数。结果表明在0.2、0.3和0.4 MPa压力下PWM占空比与喷头流量之间均为线性关系,线性拟合优度均在0.98以上。最后,通过喷雾试验验证变量喷雾样机的有效性,试验结果表明,采样点水敏纸上单位面积(cm2)最少雾滴个数为35滴,达到了有效喷雾效果;当靶标冠幅与总冠幅比为39.9%时,变量喷雾模式相比于连续恒定式喷雾省药71.96%,相比于对靶开关式喷雾省药29.72%,达到了减量效果。

关键词: 变量喷雾, LiDAR, 叶面积密度, 控制策略, 脉宽调制


Variable spray technology is an important means to improve pesticide utilization rate and save pesticide. Fruit tree is a kind of three-dimensional space, and the densities of branches and leaves in the canopy of fruit trees at different locations are different at the same time. The ideal state of spray is to adjust the amount of spray according to local characteristics, so as to realize the application of the spray on the canopy of fruit trees as required and improve the utilization rate of pesticide. In order to achieve the effect of reducing the dosage and increasing the efficiency of pesticide application, a variable spray control system was developed and the methods for computing leaf area density parameter and pulse width modulation(PWM)'s duty ratio of actuators were proposed. As the dosage parameter, the leaf area density was derived based on the point cloud density detected by LiDAR sensor on the upper computer. Then PWM's duty ratio was calculated based on the leaf area density and sent to the slave computer-PLC in real time. The communication between upper and slave computer was carried out through RS485 standard. So the spray flow of each nozzle was controlled by the switching frequency of the solenoid valve with PWM's duty ratio signal. Key parameters were obtained by the test including the net size of spray unit, delay time of the system and the function relationship between the PWM's duty ratio and the spray flow of nozzle. The test results showed that there was a linear relationship between the PWM's duty ratio and the spray flow of nozzle under the pressure of 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 MPa, and the linear goodness of fit were all above 0.98. Finally, the effectiveness of the variable spray system was verified by the spray test. The test results showed that the minimum number of droplets per unit area (cm2) on the water-sensitive paper was 35 drops at the sampling point, which was higher than the 25 drops defined by the common method for the spray amplitude of aerosol in the air supply spray. Under 39.9% of the canopy ratio between the target canopy area and the whole area, the variable spraying mode saved 71.96% of the pesticide dosage compared with the continuous spraying mode, and 29.72% compared with the target spraying mode, achieving the dose reduction effect.

Key words: variable spray, LiDAR, leaf area density, control strategy, pulse width modulation
