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Smart Agriculture ›› 2019, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (3): 1-12.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.3.201905-SA006

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Information sensing and environment control of precision facility livestock and poultry farming

Teng Guanghui   

  1. College of Water Resources & Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2019-05-15 Revised:2019-06-30 Online:2019-07-30
  • Foundation items:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0700204)
  • About author:Teng Guanghui, Email: futong@cau.edu.cn


The fine breeding of livestock and poultry facilities is the frontier of the development of modern animal husbandry. The core of the fine breeding of livestock and poultry facilities lies in the deep integration of the "Internet of Things+" with traditional farming facilities. In recent years, with the withdrawal of more and more individual family-based breeding models, the management methods of livestock and poultry farms in China have gradually moved towards intensification, large scale,and automated facilitation. The traditional family-style livestock and poultry management experience is falling behind and gradually withdrawing from the historical stage. The refined farming of livestock and poultry facilities based on the individual animal management and quality assurance of farmed animals and animal welfare requirements have become the latest development trend of livestock and poultry farming industry. The rapid development of digital and network technology will provide new opportunities for the organic combination of animal husbandry production, animal welfare, information management and sustainable utilization of natural resources. Economic benefit, animal health and welfare, refinement of production process management and product quality are three key factors that affect the sustainable development of animal husbandry. In this paper, based on expounding the importance of the information sensing and the environmental regulation and control of the fine breeding livestock and poultry facilities, a cutting-edge technology of the information sensing and the environmental regulation and control of the livestock and poultry facilities was introduced; problems and challenges to be faced with were analyzed; and it was concluded that the smart sensor technology would become the base driving force for progress of livestock and fine poultry breeding facilities, taking account of the welfare of livestock and animal performance of animal anthropomorphizing intelligent control technology and strategy is facing significant challenges. In the field of pig farming, the core direction is mechanized production mode, which is light simplification, feed hygiene and animal health. In the field of cattle farming, the main direction is the automation of the whole chain of forage and the safety of its enclosure facilities. In the field of milking technology, the frontier of technological innovation is to further improve milking efficiency and quality, milking process, low disturbance milk metering, and cow individual milk production prediction. In the field of poultry production, similar to cattle farming, more attention is paid to the improvement of engineering processes such as bedding, environment and drinking water. Finally the paper put forward suggestions on how to implement the key technologies of fine farming of livestock and poultry facilities in China, with purpose of providing theoretical reference and technical support for the transformation, upgrading sustainable development of livestock and poultry breeding industry.

Key words: precision facility farming, information sensing, environmental control, precision livestock and poultry farming, intelligent sensors

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