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Smart Agriculture ›› 2019, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (3): 29-45.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.3.201906-SA011

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Research progress and prospect on non-destructive detection and quality grading technology of apple

Cao Yudong1, Qi Weiyan1, Li Xian1, Li Zhemin2,*()   

  1. 1. Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
    2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2019-06-17 Revised:2019-07-18 Online:2019-07-30
  • Foundation items:
    Central-level Public Welfare Scientific Research Institute Basic Research Business Fund Special Project (Y2019XK18); Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Science and Technology Innovation Engineering Project (CAAS-ASTIP-2016-AII-02)
  • About author:Cao Yudong,Email: aomeidiguo@163.com
  • corresponding author: Li Zhemin, Email: 


China has high total apple output, but the export volume is low. The high-end apple market is mostly occupied by imported apples. The main reason of this situation is the lack of technologies and equipments for fruit quality classification, and the degree of automation after picking stands low. The apples enter the consumer market without simple roughing processing, and the quality of the apple is unstable, which greatly reduces its market competitiveness. In this paper, the status quo of non-destructive detection and grading technology of apple quality was analyzed, then the development was forecasted. Apple non-destructive detection technology mainly includes spectrum, electrical characteristics, CT, chromatography, electronic nose and computer vision technology. According to the functional characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of various technologies, it is proposed to develop apple odor detection method based on new sensor technology; adopting multi-feature grading method based on machine vision, the combination of apple quality non-destructive testing technology and grading technology can promote the improvement of apple's industrial competitiveness. Overall, the needs of apple quality non-destructive detection and grading technology development in China are urgent. Detections with new technologies such as nanotechnology, biotechnology and artificial intelligence methods of sensor technology and products in apple non-destructive, quality grading detection and multi-technology have great potential. A real-time, efficient, high-precision grading systems in apple quality which integrates electricity, light, gas and computer vision may be an important development direction for improving apple's quality and enhancing the competitiveness of the apple industry.

Key words: apple quality, non-destructive detection, quality grading, sensor technology

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