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Smart Agriculture ›› 2019, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (4): 62-71.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.4.201910-SA001

• Information Processing and Decision Making • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Developmental model of wheat smart production based on the integration of information technology, agricultural machinery and agronomy

Ma Xinming1,2, Ma Zhaowu1, Xu Xin1,2, Xi Lei1, Xiong Shuping2, Li Haiyang1   

  1. 1. College of Information and Management Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450046, China
    2. Agricultural College of Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450046, China
  • Received:2019-10-20 Revised:2019-11-11 Online:2019-10-30
  • Foundation items:
    Henan Province Science and Technology Innovation Outstanding Talent Fund (184200510008); Henan Province Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System (S2010-01-G04); National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0300609)
  • corresponding author: Ma Xinming,Email: 


In order to study the development mode and realization way of smart agriculture, the technical route of agricultural information fusion of agricultural machinery in different production stages before, during and after wheat production was designed. Pre-production: use Beidou precision navigation technology and motion planning optimization method to realize the full area coverage path planning of the field operation of the automatic navigation tractor, combine the laser leveling equipment to realize the accurate and standardized land leveling and laser leveling, and realize the accurate and standardized operation of the land. On this basis, the spatial interpolation technology was used to make the variable fertilization prescription map and combining variable rate fertilizer machine and realized variable rate precise application of fertilizer and precise seeding. At the same time, combining with the optimal design of planting scheme, based on the prenatal database and knowledge base, it optimizes the decision-making of variety configuration and sowing time and seeding amount were optimized, and the software intelligent decision-making technology was used to recommend the varieties and sowing time and seeding amount suitable for planting at the decision-making point, and constructs the wheat and maize prenatal information service recommendation system based on WebGIS was constructed. In production: based on the image technology of automatic segmentation and color feature extraction of wheat image in the field environment, a remote monitoring model of wheat nutritional status with the function of wheat population image segmentation and nutritional estimation was established to realize the non-destructive monitoring of wheat nutritional status in the field environment. After production, the integrated measurement sensor, speed sensor, header height sensor and GPS were adopted, and controller area network bus was adopted with wireless communication technology, a real-time wheat yield measurement system was developed, which was installed on a large-scale combine harvester to carry out the real-time prediction service of wheat yield, so as to realize the synchronous process of wheat harvest and yield measurement, with the error less than 5%. The intelligent transformation of common agricultural machinery equipment and the research and development of sowing and harvesting equipment adapted to agricultural production were completed and realized, and the small scale with high-efficiency utilization of light and heat resources, increase of output and green development were studied. The model of wheat planting production was optimized .A real time measurement and prediction system for postpartum yield was developed, which included the selection of sowing date, fertilization recommendation, seedling growth and nutrition diagnosis. The experimental results show that the adoption of agricultural information fusion technology can increase wheat yield by 18.4%, input-output ratio by 16.6% and 7.9%, which shows that the intelligent agriculture of Henan province is effective and feasible.

Key words: information technology agricultural machinery and agronomy integration, wheat, smart production, development model, agricultural informatization

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