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Smart Agriculture ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 47-56.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202202003

• Topic--Crop Growth and Its Environmental Monitoring • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Identification of Tomato Leaf Diseases Based on Improved Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks MobileNetV3

ZHOU Qiaoli(), MA Li(), CAO Liying, YU Helong()   

  1. College of Information Technology, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China
  • Received:2022-02-14 Online:2022-03-30
  • corresponding author:

    1. MA Li, E-mail:mali@jlau.edu.cn;

    2. YU Helong, E-mail:3177649103@qq.com

  • About author:ZHOU Qiaoli, E-mail:15947868426@163.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(U19A2061); Science and Technology Research Project of Education Department of Jilin Province, No. JJKH20210336KJ; Senior Industry Development Project of Jilin Provincial Development and Reform Commission, No. 2021C044-4; Science and Technology Department of Jilin Province - Young and middle-aged Science and technology innovation leading talents and excellent team (20200301047RQ); Research Project of Jilin Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment (2021-07)


Timely detection and treatment of tomato diseases can effectively improve the quality and yield of tomato. In order to realize the real-time and non-destructive detection of tomato diseases, a tomato leaf disease classification and recognition method based on improved MobileNetV3 was proposed in this study. Firstly, the lightweight convolutional neural network MobileNetV3 was used for transfer learning on the image net data set. The network was initialized according to the weight of the pre training model, so as to realize the transfer and fine adjustment of large-scale shared parameters of the model. The training method of transfer learning could effectively alleviate the problem of model over fitting caused by insufficient data, realized the accurate classification of tomato leaf diseases in a small number of samples, and saved the time cost of network training. Under the same experimental conditions, compared with the three standard deep convolution network models of VGG16, ResNet50 and Inception-V3, the results showed that the overall performance of MobileNetV3 was the best. Next, the impact of the change of loss function and the change of data amplification mode on the identification of tomato leaf diseases were observed by using MobileNetV3 convolution network. For the test of loss value, focal loss and cross entropy function were used for comparison, and for the test of data enhancement, conventional data amplification and mixup hybrid enhancement were used for comparison. After testing, using Mixup enhancement method under focal loss function could improve the recognition accuracy of the model, and the average test recognition accuracy of 10 types of tomato diseases under Mixup hybrid enhancement and focal loss function was 94.68%. On the basis of transfer learning, continue to improve the performance of MobileNetV3 model, the dilated convolution convolution with expansion rate of 2 and 4 was introduced into convolution layer, 1×1 full connection layer after deep convolution of 5×5 was connected to form a perceptron structure in convolution layer, and GLU gating mechanism activation function was used to train the best tomato disease recognition model. The average test recognition accuracy was as high as 98.25%, the data scale of the model was 43.57 MB, and the average detection time of a single tomato disease image was only 0.27s, after ten fold cross validation, the recognition accuracy of the model was 98.25%, and the test results were stable and reliable. The experiment showed that this study could significantly improve the detection efficiency of tomato diseases and reduce the time cost of disease image detection.

Key words: tomato disease identification, convolutional neural networks, transfer learning, MobileNetV3, activation function, identification and classification

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