Smart Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2): 93-103.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202305001
• Topic--Machine Vision and Agricultural Intelligent Perception • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Yapeng1,2(), CAO Shanshan2,3, LI Quansheng1, SUN Wei2,3()
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About author:
WANG Yapeng,
corresponding author:
SUN Wei,
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WANG Yapeng, CAO Shanshan, LI Quansheng, SUN Wei. Desert Plant Recognition Method Under Natural Background Incorporating Transfer Learning and Ensemble Learning[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2023, 5(2): 93-103.
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Table 5
Desert plant recognition results using EfficientNet B0 network
模型 | Top-1准确率/% | 精确率/% | 召回率/% | F1 Score/% |
EfficientNet B0-DP1 | 92.99 | 93.66 | 92.89 | 93.28 |
EfficientNet B0-DP2 | 92.62 | 93.48 | 92.54 | 93.01 |
EfficientNet B0-DP3 | 92.26 | 92.95 | 92.21 | 92.58 |
EfficientNet B0-DP4 | 93.23 | 93.61 | 93.17 | 93.39 |
EfficientNet B0-DP5 | 93.35 | 93.85 | 93.27 | 93.56 |
Ensemble-Soft | 93.63 | 94.24 | 93.52 | 93.88 |
Ensemble-Hard | 93.55 | 94.12 | 93.44 | 93.78 |
Ensemble-Weight | 93.67 | 94.25 | 93.57 | 93.91 |
Table 6
Recognition results of desert plants based on differential networks
模型 | Top-1准确率/% | 精确率/% | 召回率/% | F1 Score/% |
EfficientNet B0-DP1 | 92.99 | 93.66 | 92.89 | 93.28 |
EfficientNet B1-DP2 | 93.43 | 93.84 | 93.27 | 93.55 |
EfficientNet B2-DP3 | 95.45 | 95.63 | 95.45 | 95.54 |
EfficientNet B3-DP4 | 96.57 | 96.71 | 96.53 | 96.62 |
EfficientNet B4-DP5 | 96.65 | 96.77 | 96.66 | 96.71 |
Ensemble-Soft | 99.07 | 99.06 | 99.07 | 99.07 |
Ensemble-Hard | 98.91 | 98.93 | 98.90 | 98.91 |
Ensemble-Weight | 99.23 | 99.24 | 99.23 | 99.23 |
Table 7
Recognition results of oxford flowers102 based on differential network
模型 | Top-1准确率/% | 精确率/% | 召回率/% | F1 Score/% |
EfficientNet B0-OF1 | 93.13 | 93.25 | 91.96 | 92.60 |
EfficientNet B1-OF2 | 93.51 | 94.32 | 92.67 | 93.48 |
EfficientNet B2-OF3 | 94.19 | 94.38 | 93.34 | 93.85 |
EfficientNet B3-OF4 | 94.76 | 94.57 | 94.60 | 94.58 |
EfficientNet B4-OF5 | 95.13 | 95.15 | 94.08 | 94.61 |
Ensemble-Soft | 97.63 | 97.72 | 97.28 | 97.50 |
Ensemble-Hard | 97.07 | 97.06 | 96.74 | 96.90 |
Ensemble-Weight | 97.69 | 97.81 | 97.49 | 97.65 |
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