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Smart Agriculture ›› 2019, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 32-42.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.2019.1.1.201901-SA003

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Technical demands for agricultural remote sensing satellites in China

Chen Zhongxin1*, Hao Pengyu1, Liu Jia1, An Meng2, Han Bo2   

  1. 1. Institute of Agricultural Resources & Regional Planning, CAAS / Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081
    2. Chinese Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094
  • Received:2018-11-25 Revised:2019-01-25 Online:2019-02-22
  • Foundation items:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)-RCUK_STFC Newton Fund Project (61661136006); National High-Tech Major Special Project (09-Y30B03-9001-13/15); Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Special Financial Fund
  • About author:Chen Zhongxin, Email:chenzhongxin@caas.cn


With the development of China's modern agriculture, information agriculture and smart agriculture, and the implementation of national rural revitalization strategy, there are very strong demands for timely and effective retrieving information for agricultural environment, production conditions, status, and procedure. Because of the inherent characteristics of agriculture, satellite remote sensing is one of the critical techniques in agricultural information acquisition. Based on the analysis of the applications of agricultural remote sensing satellites abroad and in China, the authors analyzed the technical demand and engineering demand of China's remote sensing satellites development according to the demand of modern agricultural development, in order to provide suggestions for the construction agricultural remote sensing satellite system in the national digital agriculture system. In developed economies, remote sensing satellites that can be used for agricultural applications have formed constellations or systems for integrative observation. Their designs of payloads and sensors onboard remote sensing satellites have taken full account of the demand for agricultural applications. Their technical innovation and information retrieval capability have been greatly enhanced in agricultural applications of satellite remote sensing. In contrast with that in the advanced foreign countries, the agricultural satellite remote sensing applications in China have quite a few problems and shortcomings. We rely mainly multi-spectral remote sensing systems, which leads to inadequate observation elements in agricultural remote sensing applications. Limited by the performance of remote sensing sensors and the inadequate ability of remote sensing satellite ground application system, there is a certain gap between quantitative remote sensing monitoring means in China and foreign developed countries. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the current and future demands of agricultural remote sensing applications in China, this paper suggests the agricultural requirements for the application capability and equipment of remote sensing satellites. It is suggested that a constellation system of agricultural satellites flying in a tandem sequence should be constructed. The constellation has multi-spectral, hyperspectral, infrared and microwave sensors, which can acquire the comprehensive features of the same objects in the same temporal phase, and thus obtain the data with high spatial-temporal consistency and consistency of solar illumination conditions. The precision of multi-source data fusion can comprehensively provide multi-scale remote sensing products with different bands, different polarization, active/passive, microwave/optical fusion. With help of this advanced agricultural remote sensing satellite system and national spatial infrastructure in China, it will enhance the capability to promote the rapid development of agricultural remote sensing technology and the integration of three-dimensional space-air-ground based digital agriculture in China.

Key words: agriculture, satellite, remote sensing, smart agriculture, demands

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