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Smart Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 1-16.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202312015

• 专题--丘陵山区智慧农业技术与机械 •    下一篇


牟孝栋1,2, 杨福增1,2(), 段罗佳1,2, 刘志杰1,2, 宋卓颖1,2, 李宗霖1,2, 管寿青3   

  1. 1. 西北农林科技大学 机械与电子工程学院,陕西杨凌 712100,中国
    2. 农业农村部北方农业装备科学观测实验站,陕西杨凌 712100,中国
    3. 潍柴雷沃智慧农业科技股份有限公司,山东 潍坊 261000,中国
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-18 出版日期:2024-05-30
  • 基金项目:
    国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD2001300); 国家农业重大专项(NK2022160103)
  • 作者简介:
  • 通信作者:

Research Advances and Development Trend of Mountainous Tractor Leveling and Anti-Rollover System

MU Xiaodong1,2, YANG Fuzeng1,2(), DUAN Luojia1,2, LIU Zhijie1,2, SONG Zhuoying1,2, LI Zonglin1,2, GUAN Shouqing3   

  1. 1. College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
    2. Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Agricultural Equipment for the Northern China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangling 712100, China
    3. Weichai Lovol Intelligent Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd. , Weifang 261000, China
  • Received:2023-12-18 Online:2024-05-30
  • Foundation items:National Key R&D Program Project(2022YFD2001300); National Major Agricultural Special Project(NK2022160103)
  • About author:
    MU Xiaodong, E-mail:
  • Corresponding author:
    YANG Fuzeng, E-mail:


[目的/意义] 丘陵山区的机械化、智能化是未来农机行业研究和发展的热点。中国丘陵山区耕地面积占比超过50%,且面临坡陡路窄、地块碎小、地形地貌复杂等多种环境因素制约,各生产环节存在“无机可用,无好机用”的现实问题,并且缺乏适合丘陵山区大坡度农机装备研发的理论支撑。[进展] 综述了国内外丘陵山地拖拉机调平及防翻系统的研究现状。其中拖拉机车身调平技术平行四杆与液压差高式结构简单,折腰扭腰式更适合连续起伏的崎岖路面,重心可调与全向调平式坡地牵引性与适应性均较好;驾驶室及座椅调平技术基于角度传感器自适应控制,关键在于缓解驾驶疲劳提高舒适度;车身与农具姿态协同控制技术大都采用PID控制技术实现协同控制,但缺乏作业效果反馈机制;拖拉机防翻保护装置与预警技术在防翻保护架的基础上,通过环境模拟感知提前预判翻车危险信号并及时反馈。[结论/展望]未来丘陵山地拖拉机调平、防翻预警及无人化、自动化技术的发展方向:1)结构优化、灵敏度高、稳定性好的山地拖拉机调平系统研究;2)坡地适应性好的农机具仿形系统研究;3)环境感知、自动干涉的防翻预警技术研究;4)农机精准导航技术、智能化监测技术和农机作业远程调度与管理技术研究;5)坡地纵向稳定性理论研究。以期为研发符合中国丘陵山地复杂作业环境的高可靠性、高安全性山地拖拉机提供借鉴参考。

关键词: 丘陵山地, 拖拉机调平, 悬挂机具调平, 防翻系统, 侧翻


[Significance] The mechanization, automation and intelligentization of agricultural equipment are key factors to improve operation efficiency, free up labor force and promote the sustainable development of agriculture. It is also the hot spot of research and development of agricultural machinery industry in the future. In China, hills and mountains serves as vital production bases for agricultural products, accounting for about 70% of the country's land area. In addition, these regions face various environmental factors such as steep slopes, narrow road, small plots, complex terrain and landforms, as well as harsh working environment. Moreover, there is a lack of reliable agricultural machinery support across various production stages, along with a shortage of theoretical frameworks to guide the research and development of agricultural machinery tailored to hilly and mountainous locales. [Progress] This article focuses on the research advances of tractor leveling and anti-overturning systems in hilly and mountainous areas, including tractor body, cab and seat leveling technology, tractor rear suspension and implement leveling slope adaptive technology, and research progress on tractor anti-overturning protection devices and warning technology. The vehicle body leveling mechanism can be roughly divided into five types based on its different working modes: parallel four bar, center of gravity adjustable, hydraulic differential high, folding and twisting waist, and omnidirectional leveling. These mechanisms aim to address the issue of vehicle tilting and easy overturning when traversing or working on sloping or rugged roads. By keeping the vehicle body posture horizontal or adjusting the center of gravity within a stable range, the overall driving safety of the vehicle can be improved to ensure the accuracy of operation. Leveling the driver's cab and seats can mitigate the lateral bumps experienced by the driver during rough or sloping operations, reducing driver fatigue and minimizing strain on the lumbar and cervical spine, thereby enhancing driving comfort. The adaptive technology of tractor rear suspension and implement leveling on slopes can ensure that the tractor maintains consistent horizontal contact with the ground in hilly and mountainous areas, avoiding changes in the posture of the suspended implement with the swing of the body or the driving path, which may affect the operation effect. The tractor rollover protection device and warning technology have garnered significant attention in recent years. Prioritizing driver safety, rollover warning system can alert the driver in advance of the dangerous state of the tractor, automatically adjust the vehicle before rollover, or automatically open the rollover protection device when it is about to rollover, and timely send accident reports to emergency contacts, thereby ensuring the safety of the driver to the greatest extent possible. [Conclusions and Prospects] The future development directions of hill and mountain tractor leveling, anti-overturning early warning, unmanned, automatic technology were looked forward: Structure optimization, high sensitivity, good stability of mountain tractor leveling system research; Study on copying system of agricultural machinery with good slope adaptability; Research on anti-rollover early warning technology of environment perception and automatic interference; Research on precision navigation technology, intelligent monitoring technology and remote scheduling and management technology of agricultural machinery; Theoretical study on longitudinal stability of sloping land. This review could provide reference for the research and development of high reliability and high safety mountain tractor in line with the complex working environment in hill and mountain areas.

Key words: hilly and mountainous areas, tractor leveling, leveling of suspension equipment, anti overturning system, rollover
