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Smart Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 128-137.doi: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202401020

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朱轶萍1,2, 吴华瑞1,2,3,4(), 郭旺2,3,4, 吴小燕2   

  1. 1. 江苏大学 计算机科学与通信工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013,中国
    2. 国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心,北京 100097,中国
    3. 北京市农林科学院信息技术研究中心,北京 100097,中国
    4. 农业农村部数字乡村技术重点实验室,北京 100097,中国
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-17 出版日期:2024-05-30
  • 基金项目:
    “十四五”国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD1600602); 财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系资助(CARS-23-D07)
  • 作者简介:
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Identification Method of Kale Leaf Ball Based on Improved UperNet

ZHU Yiping1,2, WU Huarui1,2,3,4(), GUO Wang2,3,4, WU Xiaoyan2   

  1. 1. School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
    2. National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China
    3. Information Technology Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China
    4. Key Laboratory of Digital Village Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100097, China
  • Received:2023-01-17 Online:2024-05-30
  • Foundation items:National Key Research and Development Programme(2022YFD1600602); Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: Funding for the National Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System(CARS-23-D07)
  • About author:
    ZHU Yiping, E-mail:
  • Corresponding author:
    WU Huarui, E-mail:


[目的/意义] 叶球是结球甘蓝的重要部分,其生长发育对田间管理至关重要。针对叶球分割识别存在大田背景复杂、光照不均匀和叶片纹理相似等问题,提出一种语义分割算法UperNet-ESA,旨在能快速、准确地分割田间场景中结球甘蓝的外叶和叶球,以实现田间结球甘蓝的智能化管理。 [方法] 首先,采用统一感知解析网络(Unified Perceptual Parsing Network, UperNet)作为高效语义分割框架,将主干网络改为先进的ConvNeXt,使得模型在提升分割精度的同时也能具有较低的模型复杂度;其次,利用高效通道注意力机制(Efficient Channel Attention, ECA)融入特征提取网络的各阶段,进一步捕捉图像的细节信息;最后,通过将特征选择模块(Feature Selection Model, FSM)和特征对齐模块(Feature Alignment Model, FAM)集成到特征金字塔框架中,得到更为精确的目标边界预测结果。 [结果和讨论] 在自制结球甘蓝图像数据集上进行实验,与目前主流的UNet、PSPNet和DeeplabV3+语义分割模型相比,改进UperNet方法的平均交并比为92.45%,平均像素准确率为94.32%,推理速度为16.6 f/s,能够达到最佳精度-速度平衡效果。 [结论] 研究成果可为结球甘蓝生长智能化监测提供理论参考,对甘蓝产业发展具有重要的应用前景。

关键词: 结球甘蓝, 语义分割, 叶球识别, 注意力机制, 特征选择, 特征对齐


[Objective] Kale is an important bulk vegetable crop worldwide, its main growth characteristics are outer leaves and leaf bulbs. The traits of leaf bulb kale are crucial for adjusting water and fertilizer parameters in the field to achieve maximum yield. However, various factors such as soil quality, light exposure, leaf overlap, and shading can affect the growth of in practical field conditions. The similarity in color and texture between leaf bulbs and outer leaves complicates the segmentation process for existing recognition models. In this paper, the segmentation of kale outer leaves and leaf bulbs in complex field background was proposed, using pixel values to determine leaf bulb size for intelligent field management. A semantic segmentation algorithm, UperNet-ESA was proposed to efficiently and accurately segment nodular kale outer leaf and leaf bulb in field scenes using the morphological features of the leaf bulbs and outer leaves of nodular kale to realize the intelligent management of nodular kale in the field. [Methods] The UperNet-ESA semantic segmentation algorithm, which uses the unified perceptual parsing network (UperNet) as an efficient semantic segmentation framework, is more suitable for extracting crop features in complex environments by integrating semantic information across different scales. The backbone network was improved using ConvNeXt, which is responsible for feature extraction in the model. The similarity between kale leaf bulbs and outer leaves, along with issues of leaf overlap affecting accurate target contour localization, posed challenges for the baseline network, leading to low accuracy. ConvNeXt effectively combines the strengths of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Transformers, using design principles from Swin Transformer and building upon ResNet50 to create a highly effective network structure. The simplicity of the ConvNeXt design not only enhances segmentation accuracy with minimal model complexity, but also positions it as a top performer among CNN architectures. In this study, the ConvNeXt-B version was chosen based on considerations of computational complexity and the background characteristics of the knotweed kale image dataset. To enhance the model's perceptual acuity, block ratios for each stage were set at 3:3:27:3, with corresponding channel numbers of 128, 256, 512 and 1 024, respectively. Given the visual similarity between kale leaf bulbs and outer leaves, a high-efficiency channel attention mechanism was integrated into the backbone network to improve feature extraction in the leaf bulb region. By incorporating attention weights into feature mapping through residual inversion, attention parameters were cyclically trained within each block, resulting in feature maps with attentional weights. This iterative process facilitated the repeated training of attentional parameters and enhanced the capture of global feature information. To address challenges arising from direct pixel addition between up-sampling and local features, potentially leading to misaligned context in feature maps and erroneous classifications at kale leaf boundaries, a feature alignment module and feature selection module were introduced into the feature pyramid network to refine target boundary information extraction and enhance model segmentation accuracy. [Results and Discussions] The UperNet-ESA semantic segmentation model outperforms the current mainstream UNet model, PSPNet model, DeepLabV3+ model in terms of segmentation accuracy, where mIoU and mPA reached 92.45% and 94.32%, respectively, and the inference speed of up to 16.6 frames per second (fps). The mPA values were better than that of the UNet model, PSPNet model, ResNet-50 based, MobilenetV2, and DeepLabV3+ model with Xception as the backbone, showing improvements of 11.52%, 13.56%, 8.68%, 4.31%, and 6.21%, respectively. Similarly, the mIoU exhibited improvements of 12.21%, 13.04%, 10.65%, 3.26% and 7.11% compared to the mIoU of the UNet-based model, PSPNet model, and DeepLabV3+ model based on the ResNet-50, MobilenetV2, and Xception backbones, respectively. This performance enhancement can be attributed to the introduction of the ECA module and the improvement made to the feature pyramid network in this model, which strengthen the judgement of the target features at each stage to obtain effective global contextual information. In addition, although the PSPNet model had the fastest inference speed, the overall accuracy was too low to for developing kale semantic segmentation models. On the contrary, the proposed model exhibited superior inference speed compared to all other network models. [Conclusions] The experimental results showed that the UperNet-ESA semantic segmentation model proposed in this study outperforms the original network in terms of performance. The improved model achieves the best accuracy-speed balance compared to the current mainstream semantic segmentation networks. In the upcoming research, the current model will be further optimized and enhanced, while the kale dataset will be expanded to include a wider range of samples of nodulated kale leaf bulbs. This expansion is intended to provide a more robust and comprehensive theoretical foundation for intelligent kale field management.

Key words: kale, semantic segmentation, leafball identification, attention mechanism, feature selection, feature alignment